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Posts posted by mich

  1. I have just read the whole thread on this, and it seems nobody has mentioned the the PM offered early elections and a five point road map. His deputy also handed himself in to DSI as requested by the red shirts.

    The redshirts could have gone home with a victory and saving face if that is truely what they wanted.

    They did not, they then put up further demands which were unreasonable.

    The government bent over backwards to help the red shirts but the leaders just did not want to know.

    It seems they had a lot more in mind and that was shown when the military HAD to move in to dispan them.

    The red shirts need to be educated in what democracy really means.

  2. The redshirts are nothing more than a bunch of liars, troublemakers with no respect for country or the population.

    It is about time the police and military stepped in and ended this. The red shirts were worned a long time ago and the fact that they are still disrupting BKK, even with the road map put to them means they have no intention of leaving and the only way to stop this no is to force them out, using force. :)

  3. Hardly surprising seeing UK foreign office say 'emergency travel only'

    Travel agents no longer allowed to sell holidays to Thailand, have to offer refunds on existing bookings.Travel insurance for Thailand cancelled by the insurance companies if you do insist on coming.

    Who in their right mind would come now?

    Where did u hear of this? I dont belive it, Not allowed to sell Tours? Who has made it illegal?

    Because of insurance. And TO don't sell packages anymore because if it turns out badly, they don't want to face lawsuits.

    Travellers can get travel insurance from Thai insurance companies.

  4. Abhisit just has to swallow his pride and make way for elections.

    Simple as that.

    Are you nuts?

    If he does that then any group who decides that they do not like who ever the next government is know that all they have to do is cause as much trouble and damage and acts of terrorism and they will get what the want.

    The red shirts are holding the country to ransom. They are nothing less than terrorists and should be dealt with accordingly. :)

  5. These 3 Italian Men should have known better especialy at there age, they are not exactly teenagers.

    It is people like this that make us all look bad.

    Messing with Drugs in a foriegn Country, how stupid.

    This is Thailand and EVERYBODY know that any type of drug is iligal here, so anyone who gets court deserves every thing they get.

    Drugs kill people and wreck lives.

    Don't do it. :)

  6. Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

    Asia would be a much cleaner place if the asians stopped picking their noses and sneezing and coughing all over everyone. This is not down to the Farangs you moron, we are not the ones with the gross hygiene habbits. :)

  7. The owner of the Aussie Bar insisted [at the time of the arrest] that the police press charges and bring the case to court, he said.

    The owner was not even in the country at the time. listen to his interview on 3aw.com.au. <deleted> who is lying the bar owner or thai police

    Now that would have to be the Thai Police as always. Most of them are so corupt they wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit them in the arse, they will say anything if it gets them money!!!

  8. [q/uote]

    Ever heard of condoms breaking?

    -Ever heard of cars?

    -Ever heard of cars crashing?

    Ever heard of accidents? Even your wife can transmit that virus to you when the condom breaks. Accident.

    This topic's moving quite fast ! And where the heck is the video for goodness' sake?!?

    Uh,i don't know who you married,but my wife?NO CHANCE.Not all expats are here for the sleaze... :DYou would be amazed how many decent farangs live here. :D

    I second that !!!

    Me too

    Count me in too!

    I am glad so many people feel it necessary to chime in on the virtue of their wives!

    shock horror!!!! We didn't ALL marry bar girls.........hel_l,some of us even married ladies with an education and a good job......... :D

    Oh for gods sake, will you guys get a grip!!!!!!!!!, are you all so insecure that you have to harp on and on and on, and if your not doing that then your bitching worse than any woman I've ever heard.

    I'm sure you all have very lovely wives and are very proud of them but this topic is about a police bust in Bangkok on a sex party, which i might add is ridiculas. :o

    Please can we stick to the topic in question :D

  9. Animals like tigers should be left alone and not harrassed by tourists such as Ruth. Operators of facilities such as this should be prosecuted and the practice banned. Unfortunately, there is too much money involved and a lot of influential people, and even monks use wild animals to raise money.

    This practice is no different from taking tourists to Long-Neck Karen villages. Sad! Really Sad!

    I fully agree, these are wild animals and not toys for tourists to play with. They are badly treated in these places, beaten and kept under sedation so arrogant people can make money out of of their misery.

    Makes me sick :o

  10. Nasty stuff to laugh at someone else's misfortune!

    Yeah my heart bleeds for those <snip>

    Just because their "rich" its ok to screw them out of 1.5 million baht? I am not rich, but really looked into the card when I was first looking to move to Thailand, after allot of looking around and calculating I figured it was not for me, but came very close to getting the card... And I am not rich, and had I bought the card as my means to stay in the country, to only have it revoked a few years later would have effected me in a very negitave way... I would bet that most members that have the card are not rich, and have purchased it as a means to gain access to the country (under retirement age, but not "working")...

    I can't believe they did not grandfather in the card, a responsible government would do one of two things:

    1. grandfather in the card (if they can't afford to keep all the perks, it costs them nothing to grandfather in the 5 year visa stamps)


    2. say the international life expetancy of an adult is X you are X years old, You used the card for X year... simple math we see that you would have used the card for X more years.... here is your X% returned fees for the years we cheated you out of.

    Anything other than those two options just show Thailand in a negitave light....

    It just goes to show that Thailand only thinks of westeners as walking bank notes, all they do is take take take, and think it is perfectely ok to do so, and whats even worse we let them keep doing it. The westeners keep on going for these thai schemes that we all know will go tits up sooner or later with millions of baht lost but no one ever learns.


  11. Does anyone have a link to live bbc world news? I've only got CNN and it seems they can't remove themselves from Mumbai. The tragedy that that is, there are a lot of other stories in the world.

    I'd be surprised if the BBC was any better. During the Tsunami, my hotel in Patong only got the BBC, and it was non-stop reporting on India. Barely any mention of Thailand, Indonesia, Sumatra, etc.

    The bbc are reporting on the situation. :o

  12. as us farangs ... we do not own houses or land because this LOL-evely (sarcasm on lovely) country does not allow us to do so ... so what do we care if economy drops or not ?

    this is not true, based on their rules about how i can engage in business, banking and real estate in this country, i absolutely care about how the thai economy performs. as a consumer, i want the economy to tank! the baht will crash and my money will be in much higher demand by businesses.

    Hear, hear. The Baht most certainly needs to crash, as at the moment my sterling is worth a lot less now :o

  13. Please do not neglect the fact that people who arrive here as tourists are getting totally fed up with the scams,rip offs and double pricing scenarios.People talk when they get back to their own country and the result is that sadly Thailand is regarded as rip off destination, dishonesty price gouging mediocre service and poor standards.These are the main factors affecting tourism,people in the main plan holidays months in advance not a day or two ahead.

    Thailand's tourist authority needs to step in and level the playing field then perhaps there may be an increase in tourism.

    Thailand sadly is now the laughing stock of the world due to the corruption and duplicity of its politicians who are interested in only themselves and how much money they can steal,a bunch of kindergarten kids could,and would do a better job running this country than the political social misfits currently abusing their positions.

    I agree 100%. :o

  14. Sounds like a weak case, however the last coup was about rewriting the constitution and a big part of that was getting rid of corruption within the government. So by not charging Samak, the courts will start to lose credibility if they don't stictly enforce the laws of the land. This is crucial in acheiving a strong democracy.

    It was well rewritten wouldn't you say, as he can be reinstated with immediate effect :o

  15. It has been said on the BBC news the Samuk will be reappointed by his cabinet, it's a joke that a PM can be forced to resign only to be reinstated as PM by his cabinet, what's the point of having him resign if only to make this country an even bigger laughing stock to the rest of the world than it already is.

  16. I actually can understand the PPP much better now for wanting to change the constitution. The constitution and this article in particular seems to be wrong or flawed at best.

    I mean surely presenting a cooking show cannot in any way be considered as a conflict of interest.

    Presenting a cooking show is not a conflict of interest. Getting paid as an employee or partner to present a cooking show IS a conflict of interest.

    Samak can talk, cook, or present food all he likes on TV, 24 hours a day if he can get the air time. He just can't get paid for doing so, nor can he have any stake in a company which presents the show.

    As always it's about money, did he not get paid enough as PM? :o

  17. Oneone knows what triggers someone to do what he did, and no one knows why he did it.

    But looking at the picture of them together they looked like a lovely couple, she looked amazing for her age (I'm sure there are a lot of us women out there that would love to look that good at 61)

    My deepest sympathy to all concerned

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