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Posts posted by mich

  1. my apologies for upsetting all the do gooders

    Blackjack. This is not an attempt to flame you. If you appologise to all the do gooders you obviously don't consider yourself to be amongst them? So that makes you either a 'do badder' or a 'nothing doer'? If you are the former then how are you different from the people you feel deserve no pity, and if you are the latter then why are you posting anything?

    Surely you must do good in your life? If so, is it right to frown upon others who are trying to do good when you feel they are wrong?

    Just curious thats all....

    wow - what ever you are smoking I want some so that i can feel all warm and fuzzy too or what ever touchy feely group you belong to let me know the name of them so i can avoid at all costs

    So please get back to the subject of trial by media

    shes guilty and when all the nonsense plea bargaining comes before the court I will be vindicated for my honest although abrasive comments

    guilty is as guilty does - wind them up - next :o

    Do you have a huge chip on your shoulder or are you just plan heartless?

  2. Does anyone out there know whether the following claims in this report are correct:

    that Margaret Crane does not yet have a lawyer?

    that she has not been told how long she could expect to stay in jail before the trial?

    i hope the above information re the Crane children may be of some help to specialk and hawaiianeyes in their searches and concern for the Dubie children.

    She had a local thai lawyer, but there is someone who maybe trying to get an international lawyer who knows the thai system. As for when the trial will be no knows at this point, (it could be years).

    Angel has been given a document from Jeanna giving her custody of the children but apparently social services are saying that she is to young to take care of all the children, so I believe the courts are now involved. I wish her all the luck in the world.

  3. well there does seem to be another fact in that she stalked him

    (they fought she got the gun - oh come on - get real - did you see the size of the guy) leave this one open as witness credibility needs to be sustained -

    she is sick and needs to be off the streets - she killed someone - and in turn ruined many lives - see the pic of the grieving widow

    shocked or not by my comments

    I am just sick to death of do gooders that get these sicko's off on a sympathy defence -

    Blackjack did you know Daniel or Jeanna for that matter, it seems that you believe everything you read in the news papers (fact or not).

    You need to read posts further back and then you may realise that this guy was no saint and that he has hurt a lot of poeple in his passed and even maybe in his time in chiang mai.

    You also don't know anything about what he may have done to Jeanna and her children, read the posts by specialk and also some of the links that members have found relating to this guy.

    What she did was wrong but don't judge her until you actually know some facts.

  4. [

    specialk, how did you know Jeana/Margaret/ Maggie? did you know her in Chiang Mai or Hawaii? Have you had any contact with her since she has been arrested?

    I knew her in Hawaii. She has a girl the same age as mine. they were born on two months apart in 1980. We go way back. No, I haven't been able to speak with her, although I would love to.

    why hava'nt you gone to see Jeanna? I'm sure if you go way back then she would love to see you. :o

    I live in the USA, rolleyes, you should go back and read my other intry's, and see that Jeanna shot the father of my three beautiful. now grown up, children.

    Sorry specialk didn't realise you lived in the USA but as you said in your earlier posts, he was talented but never used those talents for anyting good, your story must be hard to tell, and no one can even start to imagine what you and many others have gone through at the hands of Daniel. And as you stated earlier who knows what happens when a mind finally snaps.

    There are a lot of children out there who are affected by this and my heart goes out to them all

  5. [

    specialk, how did you know Jeana/Margaret/ Maggie? did you know her in Chiang Mai or Hawaii? Have you had any contact with her since she has been arrested?

    I knew her in Hawaii. She has a girl the same age as mine. they were born on two months apart in 1980. We go way back. No, I haven't been able to speak with her, although I would love to.

    why hava'nt you gone to see Jeanna? I'm sure if you go way back then she would love to see you. :o

  6. Sorry George,

    I ****** that one up totally. Here we go again:

    :o It seems that regardless of Margaret Crane/Jeanna Hart's guilt or innocence, she and her family could do with some practical and moral support right now. Is there anyone in Chiang Mai who knows where she is being held or how her kids are getting on. I'd be happy to pitch in and seek to co-operate with any others who may already be doing so.

    Fruitbatt, I know Jeanna would appriciate your kind words, thanks. And as soon as any prctical help is needed then I'm sure it will be posted.

    Thanks again :D

  7. Sorry George,

    I ****** that one up totally. Here we go again:

    :o It seems that regardless of Margaret Crane/Jeanna Hart's guilt or innocence, she and her family could do with some practical and moral support right now. Is there anyone in Chiang Mai who knows where she is being held or how her kids are getting on. I'd be happy to pitch in and seek to co-operate with any others who may already be doing so.

    This is a very sad case, and in all due respect if people do not know the cercumstances or the true facts then they should stop jumping to conclusions.

    Jeanna needs all the support the western community can give her.


  8. Sorry George,

    I ****** that one up totally. Here we go again:

    :o It seems that regardless of Margaret Crane/Jeanna Hart's guilt or innocence, she and her family could do with some practical and moral support right now. Is there anyone in Chiang Mai who knows where she is being held or how her kids are getting on. I'd be happy to pitch in and seek to co-operate with any others who may already be doing so.

  9. I would never want to go back to being 20. I feel now that I know myself and am happy with that, I'm comfortable with my sexuality which I think most 20 year olds are not. I have had a wonderful 41 years of life with all it's ups and downs all of which have taught me an awful lot, so I think that in your 30 or 40 or 50's and so on we should look at what we have learnt and achived and not wish that we could do it again. Live is to short to keep looking back when what's important is still to come


  10. hey guys a bit of bad news I have two kids, one of which has just left for uni in Scotland the other is here with my husband and I and still has about another 10 years to go before she leaves, but the bad news is in-laws are always there even if they live in another country and they will interfer in sometimes the most secretive ways. You will have to keep your eyes and ears open at all times and if they do interfer then you MUSTstand up to them.

    Good luck when the newone comes along scous :D:o

  11. I think that if you take a life then yours should also be taken because you obviously have no respect for human life anyway, and to do it in a country that has that law then you deserve everything you get.

    The only thing that bothers me with the law here is how much actual ferensic evedence did they actually have to prove that this guy did it?

  12. I have been wondering for the last few months about this.

    Virginity - a matter of dignity or lack of opportunity.

    I have been having sex for last six and half years now and had few women in my life. I had only virgin girl. My current GF is a girl who was not virgin when I met her. She had had sex with 1/2 guyz before she met me.

    I really wonder and sometimes I become furious because I love her so much and I want to marry her. But it seems that her loss of virginity is a matter that will bother me for all my life.

    Although, she is too much honest and loyal to me and she has had sex 3/4 times only (she refuses to tell any details. according to her its something, she is too much ashamed of). According to her she has had sex because of the guy lied to her that he is single and as soon as she knew that he is married, she left her immediately. BTW she lost her virginity to that guy.

    Its too difficult to figure it out whether she was really willing to have sex and whatever she has done with that guy.


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