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Eric Davis

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Posts posted by Eric Davis

  1. NHL just started up.. and i am heading back to the kingdom in a week..  Is it available somehow in the kingdoM?  I mean like football is on maybe 30 to 60 times a day on tv , but hockey isnt?  like all u euroZ and englands iMAGINE if u were in the kingdom and YOU COULDNT SEE FOOT BALL??  Thats what its like for me with out hockey, kinda like not having the sun.. and no one likes a  day without sunshine.. so does anyone know how to obtain it on tv? please dont just say try satellite or something.. iam looking for CONCRETE information~~ hockey is vital.

    on a side note:  anyidea if / how much the Turin Winter Olympics will be broadcast in the tropics?  especially the Mens ice hockey?  really want to see the 2peat of gold medals.


    Not available so you'll have to stay home :o

  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Date: Tue Sep 13 23:03:31 SGT 2005

    Subject: Brand New WATER PURIFIER !

    Contributor: Edward ( [email protected])


    A New Water purifier suitable for home and office!

    Uninstalled and unused! Willing to give away at 30%



  3. BRITISH man was today fighting for his life after being shot on a Thai resort island.

    His Thai girlfriend was seriously wounded in the gun attack.

    Police said the shooting was linked to a land deal dispute.

    The gunman entered the victims' house last night and pretended to ask the woman for directions.

    When the British man came downstairs, the attacker fired on them.

    The Briton, who has been living on the island of Koh Samui for a decade, was shot twice in the chest and once in the arm and was in a critical condition in hospital. His girlfriend was shot in the leg and arm.

    Their names have not been released.


  4. This has surely been one of the most memorable seasons of cricket in this part of the world. As the season here and in England comes to a close, not for a generation have newspapers across the Irish Sea devoted more column inches to cricket than to soccer so far into September, particularly in Ashes years.

    The cost, of course, for being served up perhaps the best Test series in living memory is the triumphalism that we will be forced to suffer for many years to come. No doubt, they will be throwing MBEs and BBC Sports Personality awards around like confetti amid comparisons to Alf Ramsey’s charges in 1966 and Clive Woodward’s in 2003. But, to be honest, this inevitable Swing-Low-Sweet-Chariot factor can do little to numb the pleasure of watching a genuinely competitive and exciting Ashes summer. Both sides must be congratulated for this and for having the perspective and respect for the game to conduct themselves in a sporting way, even when the heat rose to boiling point.

    For Irish cricket as well as English, this will go down as a memorable season. Qualifying for the 2007 World Cup in the West Indies was, unlike England regaining the Ashes, wholly expected. But it was none the less enjoyable or significant for that. The only worry is that despite reaching the final of the ICC Trophy and qualifying for the world finals of the Inter-Continental Cup, to be played in Namibia next month, Ireland never consistently performed at the high level that we know they can. This was illustrated by the fact that the captain of the team, Jason Molins, was dropped from the squad to head to Windhoek in October after a hideous year with the bat.

    But cricket in Ireland has never had such as opportunity to cash in on all that is going on around us in the game. As we prepare for the World Cup, pressure must be brought to bear on the England and Wales Cricket Board to put their prejudices and arrogance to one side and agree to field a full England team for a one-day match or series of one-day matches against Adrian Birrell’s Ireland.

    There is not a ground in Ireland big enough to cater for the interest that would generate. People without any cricket connections in Ireland who have been enthralled by watching the likes of Andrew Flintoff, Michael Vaughan and Kevin Pietersen on Channel 4 this summer would surely flock to Castle Avenue or Stormont to have a look at those guys in the flesh.

    What that could do for the image of the game here, not to mention the Irish Cricket Union coffers, should have the men in blazers salivating at the prospect. Every effort must be made to ensure that it happens.


  5. most of your comments make me sick! i am on samui and elsewhere in thailand for more than 6 years and its safe to say i am as concerned about that and other issues as you are. the point is you display that crime as an extrodinaray thai or even samui thing.

    didnt you know that gunshooting happens as well in the uk or usa and germany and so on? and do u really believe that overthere it just happens as a response to something equally bad? stupid people shoot or let shoot everywhere in the world, not just limited to russians and "so bad thais"!

    even i had some really bad experiences with thai laws, government, police ... i must admit, i am still alive, its my will to stay here, if i couldnt stand it i just would leave the country. i must even say i appreciate the kindness of the cops in thailand, allthough their working moral is..."a bit weak" sometimes.

    i do not know the victims of that crime personally, but i am into the land and house business for quite long time and i know its has many aspects and it is definitly not a welfare thing: it can ruin lives, there are many cheats, it is followed up jealousy, not just on samui but maybe more there than elsewhere, cause its all about big money. and  not speaking about mr. Gary Pearmain in particular it must be said that in real estate business overpromoting, big promisses are an everyday issue same as big disappointments and losses afterwards, mixed up with personal tragedies.

    so please try to be fair with the island and the community here: it was a bad crime, but it wasnt typical for the place where it happened and not for the people around.

    by the way, you seem to be fair when u worry about the thai girl less than about the british guy due to his chest shot, but when both survive, nicely recovered, one with just a little scar on his chest, but the girl with a massive "reminder" on her leg, to whom is it worse? again, try to be careful with your rating!!

    and finally about that always upcoming complaints about thais:

    spend a nice evening in soi green mango, go to solobar, soi reggea pub, go late, best around 1am and look at your british or german or israel or italian fellows, look how they treat the girls (yes also the bar girls!!! but not only) listen what they say when they speak to eachother. its a shame and we, the farangs should feel embarrassed about them and we should think about the image that this gives to thais.

    if our fellows would treat the bargirls with the respect they deserve(they deserve a lot) if our fellows when doing business would not appear like thailand and its people is just a shop where we can buy, use and drop everything and everybody, if we expats would understand that not the thais are stupid, when they dont speak decent english, but we are too stupid to learn the countries language, if that all would be better, for sure we would have a much better time with the basically open minded and very warm hearted thais.

    i hope mr. Pearmain and his girl get well soon and can leave it all behind.

    1 Capital letter used in the whole rant.Ahh well.

  6. In the list of archetypal Australian ideals, superfluous sentiment lies somewhere between warm beer, cold weather and Chris Tavare, and Shane Warne fitted the hard-hearted profile yesterday by declaring on John Crawley when he was five runs short of the highest individual score in Hampshire's history. Crawley had indulged himself at the Rose Bowl with 311 not out against the champions Nottinghamshire.


  7. met him a few times ,  very busy busy busy with land on samui.

    hope he recovers too.

    on another post it said he was killed.

    all in all its very bad news .

    was the dispute with another farang , or with locals?

    happens to thais there too who wont sell their land.

    "The victim has a conflict with fellow foreigners over the land brokerage deals on Koh Samui," Somphong said.

  8. Has anyone who's been to Ko Samui recommend a beach and hotel/bungalow to stay? My parents are coming for christmas and I don't know where to take them. We want a nice beach, somewhere not too developed but with some nightlife; they're  also into good restaurants and drinking!

    Parents - depends on what they're like...they might find both Chaweng and Lamai a bit racey at night but there is an enormous range of hotels and resorts there. I used to stay at Samui Royal Beach in the middle of Chaweng. This place has changed hands and been upgraded in the last year or so. It's right on the beach and used to be very quiet but there is a mbeach market next to it now.

    I have to say I don't think your parents would go for the Ark Bar, it's very busy and full of younger backpackers etc. Between SRB and Ark bar is Samui Coral or "Di Papa". This is new, clean and well maintained, has a pool and is right on the beach. It is also quite quiet. About 2000 baht per night. Rooms havee air, fan and hot shower. Web site: - www.samuicoralresort.com

    Hire a car whereever you stay...that way you can sightsee and get to those lovely retaurants around the island, especially the ones up near Uncle Nimm's Magic Garden!

    Breakfast at Da Papa...


    Dont mind wilko.Packers will not pay Ark Bar rates.

  9. Andrew Flintoff, whose talismanic performances inspired England to an Ashes triumph, has revealed that he was shot at while fielding during a one-day international against India nearly four years ago. The team management persuaded Flintoff to play down the incident at Delhi in January 2002, but he now feels that more should have been made of the incident, subsequently swept under the carpet as the action of an overexcited crowd.

    In an extract from his book, Being Freddie, which was published in The Times in London, Flintoff says: "I felt something hit me and, looking down, saw pellets on the ground. You expect to have plastic bottles thrown at you when you are playing on the sub-continent, but you don't expect to be shot."

    But Flintoff claims that he was rattled by what followed as much as the incident itself. "Nasser Hussain got very heated about it in the middle and Phil Neale, the tour manager, came to find out what was going on, but the whole thing seemed to get swept under the carpet," he says. "There was a big story back home to do with crowd disturbances, but Andrew Walpole, the ECB's media relations manager, told me to play the incident down when I was interviewed the following day.

    "Looking back now, I think I should have made more of a stand because I wasn't there to be shot at. We explained it away as the crowd just being overexcited at the time, but I wasn't sure about that at all."

    In the latest extract, Flintoff has also targetted the former management which leaked details about his weight and general fitness to the media. "When I look back at that era, it's obvious I was out of shape. Possibly the most disappointing part was that my weight - 19 stone - was actually disclosed to the press by the England management.

    "The newspapers called me all sorts of things - I was porker, fat slogger, you name it. It was a very low period in my life and there were times when I questioned whether it was all worth it."


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