I am looking to buy a new car and the dealer told me i can get delivery in december,and that car is going to be a 2022 year model,but starting on january the factory build 2023 model but the dealer told me even if i order in januay i still get a 2022 model, because they have to many car in stock,i was car dealer in America and when we get the news cars model the old one in stock are sold whit a good discount,but in thailand they want sale the old car for the price of a new car ,also when you buy the right car model you get all the news update,so any one can told me how to get a 2023 model if i order today or in january,thank you.
two years ago i buy a bmw ad told the dealer i don't want a old model i want the year model and when the car arrived i check the vin and it was a old new car so i refused to take delivry finaly i take delivry whit a 70.000 tb discount because we all ready sale are car and we have nothing to drive!.