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Posts posted by Spilornis

  1. Sounds positive.

    Singapore has said it will consider removing all testing for the vaccinated in the next few weeks and has already removed insurance requirements and outside masks.

    Malaysia is removing quarantine for close contacts who are asymptomatic and is considering removing check in apps

    After a long time the region is slowly re-opening.

    May could be a big month in this regard

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  2. In the latest Singapore round of relaxation they say that the near term goal is to remove all testing and rely upon vaccination status.

    In many countries masks are gone and now the question revolves around the definition and isolation (if any) of close contacts.

    The West is simply moving on. The next big thing will be the removal of pre flight testing for entry into USA.

    Bali has re-opened but their conditions are such that tourist numbers will be very low.

    At the very least it's time to remove the outdoor mask mandate throughout Asia

  3. Singapore moving to pre flight PCR and a self administered rapid test on arrival for most arrivals. (VTL countries) Takes affect on Tuesday next.

    Could lead to other South East Asian countries doing the same.

    While not perfect it's a far less cumbersome system but even better with no VTL restrictions (just a few restricted countries if absolutely necessary)



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  4. In the rush to mass vaccination most governments failed to put enough effort into a structured plan to vaccinate the most vulnerable. Everything was driven by the individual registering etc when for the vulnerable it should have been the govt reaching out.

    If we learn anything from this pandemic it is hopefully how governments can become better at pro-actively delivering health services

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  5. 59 minutes ago, victor15 said:

    If you return to live in the UK permanently, (this includes the Philippines) your State Pension will be increased to current levels. If you subsequently move to a country where annual increases are not paid your pension will not increase in the future.


    So if you leave Thailand for the Philippines you will receive the updated pension straight away, stay there for a 6 month 3 day holiday and then return to Thailand you will keep the updated pension, but not future increases.


    Do this every few years and your laughing

    Seems easy but how do you demonstrate an intention to live in the pension friendly country without severing ties with Thailand.

    With the UK price increases over the last year the coming index amount (bearing in mind it compounds over the years) could be substantial

  6. Putting politics to one side China's great wall has been very successful at allowing the growth of home grown tech businesses... Wechat, Huawei etc

    Compare that to India where the market is dominated by Western tech.

    I think it's Saudi Arabia where Whatsapp is banned in order to protect local telcos.

    Thailand by itself doesn't have the population to deliver the necessary scale but perhaps if they teamed with Indonesia and Vietnam etc these countries between them could develop a high quality indigenous tech sector.

    Probably too late in the tech cycle but you have to wonder... what if ??

  7. 5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    The new measure means that most arrivals not under the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) scheme will face a seven-day isolation requirement, regardless of which country they are from.

    Most flights into Singapore are VTL.

    No demand for non VTL flights other than on transit routes where the concept is irrelevant.

    Singapore loves rules but in this instance they're more relaxed than Thailand

    • Thanks 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, superal said:

    I have since returned to Thailand beginning of January this year and took a chance with a budget airline named Scoot Air who are owned by Singapore Air .


    didn't know they were flying to London.

    I see the route is Singapore-Bkk- Gatwick

    Excellent time to fly (all day time route).

    Have flown Scoot long distance on multiple occasions and at the price they're great value

  9. Visas limit you in European countries. Portugal and Greece probably offer the easiest visas (minimum property investment required).

    Central America seems to be very popular for retiring Americans with relatively easy visas in many countries eg Panama. Also offers you the ability to rent for a few years before buying.


  10. Recorded covid deaths worldwide are 5.66M against cases of 373M

    That figure is around 1.5%

    This is from day 1

    In recent times it appears to be dropping to well under 1% and approaching 0.5%

    Source: Google search

    Some of the original mortality rate estimates were nearly 4%


    It's not to be ignored but at less than 0.5% it's certainly not worth closing down the world over.

    Add to that the Pfizer and Merck drugs etc which are now just starting to be used for the vulnerable and the picture gets better.

  11. The problem with most exotic meats, kangaroo, crocodile, venison etc which are both in ample supply and healthy eating is the lack of abattoirs. The modern abattoir is like a car production line and setting it up for a different animal is expensive.

    Also animals are usually delivered live to the abattoir which is practically impossible for exotic animals.

    In western countries the rules for pet food are less demanding so that's where a lot of it ends up.

    Pity because they make great eating.

    With easier "abattoir"rules in Asia no reason why farmed crocodile shouldn't form part of the local food chain.

  12. 11 hours ago, james2m said:


    This worked for me and was about the cheapest I could find.

    That policy is roughly four to five times the cost of a normal travel insurance policy. By comparison it offers very little coverage.

    Was it really the cheapest as I have read on other forums that normal policies while not covering covid delays etc are now covering medical expenses incurred due to covid

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