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Posts posted by 727Sky

  1. https://www.rt.com/news/479871-china-bird-flu-coronavirus/


    Now the bird flu has started again.. Between the birds and the pigs being decimated you have to wonder ?


    The outbreak took place at a farm near Shaoyang city, in China’s central Hunan province, the country’s Ministry of Agriculture announced on Saturday. 4,500 of the farm’s 7,850 chickens have died from the illness, and local authorities have culled nearly 20,000 birds to contain its spread.

    H5N1 is an avian flu virus that causes severe respiratory disease in birds, and is contagious to humans.

    H5N1 is a far deadlier virus to those who contract it. Nearly 60 percent of H5N1 patients die after contracting the sickness


  2. Quote

    “Patient screening presently is at the highest monitoring level” he said. “However if people are infected by the virus, it will take a few days before they show symptoms such as fever. An infected person can pass screening if they are in the undetected period of the disease.”

    From what I have read a person can be a walking disease packet for up to 15 days without symptoms. There are people who were bragging how they escaped their city's lock down and are now back home with their parents or a different country.  


    If half the stuff in this link is true .https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/coronavirus-in-china-20-million-quarantined-2-8-million-infected-112-000-dead..this is gonna be a biggie.. Let us hope not but the propensity of the CCP to be less than truthful you have to wonder just how bad this is going to get or how bad it already is ?

  3. Most people end up living where their mate/wife is from.. Call it a family kinda thing..


    All places have their benefits and not so good benefits. What are the things you like to do ? Golfing then find a city that has several golf courses within a reasonable distance and price. There is tournament pool for people who like to play pool/billiards in most of the small to larger cities that have westerners or Farangs ..


    I nearly moved to Pattaya just for the golf several years ago but the traffic and roads were a big turn off for me.. but the golfing there (surrounding area) is hard to beat.

    Unless you are talking about a small village most cities have restaurants and even a few bars if that is your thing..


    Like another poster said it just depends on what you like to do... I would avoid the deep deep south unless you like the bombs and bullets of the radical separatist which can be bothersome at times.



    • Haha 2
  4. Think about life after the military. Get an education, go to flight training (if your health and eyes permit it) do your time in the military as a trained military pilot and when you get out (or are fed up with the military B.S.) you can go to work for an airline and make a decent living... There is a major shortage of pilots the world over presently and I do not see it easing anytime soon.. Conversely there are not so many military occupations that so readily transfer to the civilian word.. Aircraft Mechanics, air traffic controllers, and a few other occupations you can probably think of.. While being a grunt and the best shot in your unit does not transfer to a well paying civilian job usually..

  5. This is from an email I have received. It goes into some of the stuff we may be seeing. I have been coming and living in Thailand since 1973 but by no means am any kind of expert. Has the mannerisms changed along with general demeanor of the population. In some ways definitely I suppose because of T.V, and sitcoms ...

    Not everyone walks the path of a monk like they used to for 3 months after school.

    There are many times when driving the word idiot escapes my lips due to witnessing something utterly stupid.. But I am not alone for my wife (Thai National) can not believe some of the stuff we see. Last week I saw a car who chose to change lanes because a car was stopped for a you turn. There was room but the guy behind him evidently thought the lane change guy had cut him off. He tail gated the first guy until he could pass and then cut infront of the lane change guy and slammed on his breaks. He did this twice almost rear ending another guy in front.. This was a Mercedes doing all the stupid stuff. That was just about the worse thing I have seen other than the ones who run red lights and hit motorcycles yet don't even stop to render aid.

    From the Email Quote:
    Well worth a read, these guys have lived in Thailand for many, many years.

    Has Thailand Become Too Dangerous, and Why?
    By Bangkok Barry

    There has recently been a massive amount of publicity concerning vicious attacks on foreigners in Thailand, in particular a family holidaying during Songkran. People are attacked all over the world, but the sheer ferocity of the attacks inflicted upon others in Thailand, often for very little reason, marks the country as a very, very dangerous place to visit. Although the authorities tried to ignore the fact that an elderly couple, pensioners and well into their 60s, and their son were attacked and hospitalised in Hua Hin, social media broadcast a video of the sickening attack. Out for the evening in a crowded street, the son accidentally brushed against a local who decided that warranted a thumping. When the parents remonstrated with the attacker, as any parent would, they were knocked to the ground as others moved in like rabid dogs and left all three on the ground unconscious. When the woman tried to sit up she was kicked in the face.

    After the incident was broadcast those who attempted murder - which is what kicking someone in the head is - they said sorry but they were drunk. That’s okay then. Another foreigner though who speaks Thai was reported to have overheard them earlier in the evening saying they were going to attack some foreigners, indicating they were simply looking for any excuse to attack anyone who wasn’t Thai that happened to cross their path. What was also sickening is that the main concern afterwards wasn’t for the victims, but for the possible damage to the tourism industry. It is always thus. Always.

    That wasn’t the only incident reported in the past few days. A Lao girl was attacked in the same manner - by a pack of rabid animals, knocked to the ground, kicked in the head - after a woman ordered them to do so as the victim was messing around with her husband. Worth possibly killing for? The attackers didn’t care what the consequences of their attack was. Thais, for whatever reason, are on a very short fuse and just about anything can set them off. And they have absolutely no concept of cause and effect, that kicking someone in the head can kill them and presumably see then locked up for many, many years. For what? Remember the Bangkok taxi driver who killed an American because of a dispute over $3? Lives ruined over nothing.

    But what is the reason, and are these incidents escalating? To answer the second point first, we don’t know. What we do know is that they are now reported more because of social media. Everyone now carries a video camera with them and everyone is happy to post what they witness for the world to see. And then there is CCTV coverage too, which was used to show the attack on the Lao girl.

    Why does it happen? Every Thai lives their entire life fearing every minute that they could lose face. Now, in the west kids suffer from the same problem, until they begin to grow up. Long before they reach their teens most have enough self-confidence to deal with any little social setbacks. It’s part of maturing. Thais do not do that. Losing face can and sometimes does lead to extreme action, even murder. It is arguably the most serious thing in any Thai’s life. Imagine the pressure they face every day, every hour, keeping up appearances.

    Then add the sociopolitical situation, where no-one, no-one, can express their views or feelings about certain subjects. There is a country in the region, North Korea, where the supreme leader is above any criticism, where huge portraits adorn every public building and his photo is in every home and where people are brainwashed from birth to worship him, where TV every night shows programmes of his wonderful deeds for the people, where newspapers are not free to publish what they wish. Any resemblance to any other country in the region is purely coincidental. Add any public criticism of the present government and the threat of ‘attitude adjustment’ if you don’t agree with its policies, and is it any wonder that people get frustrated. Add the hopelessness many feel in having to deal with corrupt and / or self-important public officials, and it is hardly surprising that anger builds and builds like a pressure cooker.

    There is also the problem of everything in Thailand being seen in black and white. There is no room or even interest in discussion or compromise. Look at what happened in the riots of a few years ago, when mobs burned down buildings. Or what led to the latest coup, as people were prevented from even registering to stand as candidates for the election if they belonged to the ‘wrong’ party. My way or the highway, and I’ll attack and kill you if you disagree. So no, the latest reports of extreme violence is nothing new. It’s just part of normal Thai society. Did you know that, per capita, Thailand has far, far more gun murders than the USA? I think double, but I’m open to correction (unlike a Thai, who will never admit to being wrong about anything).

    Another part of the reason for uncontrolled violence is that those who commit the crimes have never been controlled themselves. They are almost always males, who Thai culture dictates must be treated as little princes free to do as they wish. If they are never taught right from wrong they often have no knowledge and certainly no interest in the boundaries to be observed. All their life, what they want they get. Just a week or two ago one nice lad threatened to burn down his mother’s house (no father in sight, another hugely damaging aspect of Thai culture) if she didn’t return from her job as a motorcycle taxi driver and give him money immediately. She was busy, didn’t do as he demanded, and he did indeed burn down the house. That is the mentality that leads to a 65-year old woman being kicked in the head.

    But the biggest problem of all is that there is no possible way that things will improve. Thai males in particular have no-one to look up to either at home or in politics, and every day Thai TV dramas feed them the message that it is okay to be violent, especially against women and poorer people but also against rivals in love or business. Those who don’t watch TV often spend their nights in computer shops killing as many people as they can in video games. Lines are blurred. Personal debt is increasing as many try to gain face by buying things they don’t need and cannot afford in order to impress others who can see through them anyway, and adds to the pressure.

    And as more and more restrictions are placed upon them, and the rest of society, by an unelected government so the anger and frustration will continue to grow. And even if political parties were allowed free reign again, you can be sure that once again they would be at each others throats. Which is largely why the coup occurred in the first place. There is really no way forward whichever way you look at it, and it seems that Thailand is doomed to increasing become a land of lawlessness ruled by fear with frustrated and angry thugs picking on anyone they want to in order to vent their anger.

    End Quote:

    Some interesting points in the email but everyone's situation and experience is different, no doubt. I do not believe Thailand is doomed no more so than any other country unless the government goes full blown North Korea (China is not a wonderful human rights kinda place either) on us....which I do not believe will happen.

  6. thats exactly what should have thailand done for all nationalities decades ago.


    While I agree.... it would be hard for them to give up the 500+baht penalty per day for overstay and possible other moneyed entanglements. There are big bucks on visa and other tourist entry requirements. Employment and make work for government employees..

    It would be better to arrive at a destination and get a passport stamped, maybe a photo, and be on your way.

    Competition and demand for moneyed tourist may have several countries in S.E. Asia making changes to their visa requirements.

    • Like 2
  7. In 1976 I was sat by some temples with a nice young lady when three guys walked up with anything but a friendly gesture. That type back then were called jingaloes. The dude with the big gold chain and shirt unbuttoned to his waste said, "Hey, you give us cigarette" which was not asked but commanded .. I was full of piss and vinegar and my reply without even thinking was, "Why don't you go buy you own cigarettes"?

    "Oh you can speak Thai, etc etc". I was removed from just being a thing (sub human) to actually being a person just like them. All 5 of us sat around talked and joked for a bit and yes they all got a cigarette.. Hindsight.... I was stupid for bowing up and getting ready to probably die over a cigarette. I supposed I had watched to many Shaw Brothers Kung <deleted> movies or something ?

    I have wondered more than once what the outcome of that situation would have been if I could not speak Thai.. The girl I was with was scared into silence as they approached.... So getting a girlfriend to do all your speaking might not be the best idea. Besides if you can speak for yourself simple things as shopping and making real friends is much easier.. All Thais appreciate someone who has made an effort to speak their language or that is the way I am treated anyway.

    No different when you are home in your birth country and someone cannot speak the local language.. They must be stupid or a new arrival either way not someone the locals go out of their way to spend time with....

  8. A little history:


    During the Pakistan Movement in the 1940s, Rohingya Muslims in western Burma organized a separatist movement to merge the region into East Pakistan.[43] Before the independence of Burma in January 1948, Muslim leaders from Arakan addressed themselves to Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, and asked his assistance in incorporating the Mayu region to Pakistan considering their religious affinity and geographical proximity with East Pakistan.[43]

    Two months later, the north Arakan Muslim League was founded in Akyab (modern Sittwe). It demanded annexation to Pakistan.[43] The proposal was never materialized since it was reportedly turned down by Jinnah saying that he was not in a position to interfere into Burmese matters.[43 Rohingya elders founded the Mujahid party as a jihad movement in northern Arakan in 1947.[55] The aim of the Mujahid party was to create an autonomous Muslim state in Arakan. By the 1950s, they began to use the term "Rohingya" to give a distinct identity and establish indigenous claims over the region. They were much more active before the 1962 Burmese coup d'état by General Ne Win. Ne Win carried out military operations against them over a period of two decades. The prominent one was Operation King Dragon, which took place in 1978; as a result, many Muslims in the region fled to neighboring Bangladesh as refugees. In addition to Bangladesh, a large number of Rohingyas also migrated to Karachi, Pakistan.[9]

    Rohingya mujahideen are still active within the remote areas of Arakan. Quote:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Rakhine_State_riots

    So they followed the game plan of a "we want our own state with our own laws and taxes.. until some young bucks gang raped a Buddhist Rakhines woman who died ( remember when this all came to a head...there were many stories of wrong doing on both sides both before and after the rape.... but... Islam means submit and the whole submit part is pretty serious stuff for the so called Radicals.... due to the Muslim breeding program, everything was progressing normally up to this point. By some estimates after the rape and murder and the Buddhist having had enough of the religion of peace in that area 160,000 Rohingya (if not more) were set running and packing for their lives..

    Are these boat people all bad or Jihadist... of course not...is it a bad situation...yes and in a horrible way they or their forefathers, due to their inability to assimilate (or police their own) into any society that is not Muslim, brought much of this crap upon themselves. Easy to be a bleeding heart when you are not the one dogging bullets and bombs or having your daughter or wife raped by men who think she is a whore because she did not cover her head..

    With the population of over 7 billion (soon to be 8) there will be more hungry desperate people who are looking for a place to live. None of us can blame them and only hope it does not happen to us too.. If you open your door for a long term guest it is common sense to open your door to someone who will respect your property and not claim the house you worked hard for as theirs after a short time..

    Let them in, establish some roots, build some Mosque and it will be the same stuff all over again with wanting their own state within a state..

  9. it seems there is definitely a change to many of the expats living here. Few years ago there was a more positive attitude. Now it seems something or things have changed. In the last year eleven of my friends or people I know have left mainly for Portugal and Latin America. There are three others planning on leaving in the next little while. I don't consider this whining. it is simply stating unfolding reality. I hope it does not continue as I lose some really good friends here.

    Everyone hates to see real friends leave. In Udon and our Golf association we have members go back home every year during the hot and rainy season.. This year a couple have said they would not be returning.. I think they will but time will tell..

    On a brighter note a Swiss friend has left and will be returning in October. He and his Thai wife plan on staying and retiring here for good.

    Mexico ! Anyone who is thinking about Mexico should get caught up on the different activities of the mafia and cartels that are running that show...Borderland beat is a good source as are many others.. Quick border runs for medical and shopping have all but stopped even by the Mexican Americans who live in the states.. Just to darn dangerous...

    So back to the original question... Thai immigration has the real numbers... It would be interesting to see what they are holding.. Without any type P.R.

  10. Thailand (and many other countries) has always been a bi-polar hypocrite when it comes to sex. Conservative face to the world and population while a short time hotel and nudey bar are just around the block. Pass laws and regulate morality instead of educate and all you get are crime bosses or insulated individuals running the show at inflated prices.

    Why not go after commercials on T.V. or dancing on variety shows where scantily clad dancers are doing their best to titillate the viewers of all ages... " Whoa there big fella can't do that sex sells"!

    The morality police are trying to take Thailand back to a time that only existed in the minds instead of educating simple things like how to drive and stay alive....

    Watching a movie that shows some "BOOBS" may day may day can't show that... If they want boobs make them go to a go go bar or buy a girl out of some place that provides the service and kick backs to the local PTB..!

    Actually I am not necessarily picking on Thailand for most countries have two sets of laws.. Those for the pedestrians and those for the elite.. Drug war where has it worked...arrest prostitutes has not stopped it yet..... even in the mid-east if you service the royals..

    I wonder how much the girls were being paid to dance or was it just a party freebie?.. Since they were basically in the same type uniform(sarcasm) I assume it was more than an impromptu event.

    The girl who does nails and feet at my local salon works 10 days on with one day off for almost nothing but tips.. The girls at the golf course snack bar never have a scheduled day off unless it is a recognized holiday and the course is closed; if not closed then only one at a time gets an unpaid day off.

    Sorry I really have very little patience for hypocrites who want to arrest and fine instead of educate in any country..

    I can certainly understand dancing for a few hours, (even if a few things are hanging out) and making more money than a whole day working at some farm or for some legit company that works them 6.5 days a week for peanuts....

    • Like 2
  11. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a highly anticipated address to Congress, delivered a message to the Obama administration on Tuesday about the threat posed by Iran: "The enemy of your enemy -- is your enemy."

    The Israeli leader spoke as part of a high-profile push to make his case against a pending nuclear deal with Iran. He urged the U.S. not to "be fooled" by Iran's efforts to oppose the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, a group the U.S. also is fighting. Netanyahu said those groups are "competing for the crown of militant Islam."

    "When it comes to Iran and ISIS, the enemy of your enemy -- is your enemy," he said.

    He also blasted the terms of the potential nuclear deal. He said Iran is notorious for playing a game of "hide and cheat" with inspectors.

    In his opening remarks, Netanyahu said he regrets some have perceived his visit as political. "That was never my intention," he said.

    He said he had a "profound obligation" to discuss an issue -- Iran's quest for nuclear weapons -- that "could well threaten the survival of my country."

    The address was the centerpiece of a controversial visit that has fueled diplomatic tensions between the Obama and Netanyahu administration -- and political tensions on Capitol Hill.

    House Speaker John Boehner had invited the Israeli leader without involving President Obama, which is considered a breach in protocol. Republican leaders defended the move, saying it's important for Netanyahu to explain the threats posed by Iran and his concerns with the current nuclear talks.

    But dozens of Democrats sat out the Israeli leader's speech. And Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice went so far in recent days as to call Netanyahu's speech "destructive" to U.S.-Israeli ties -- though administration officials have since toned down their characterization of his visit.


  12. Over 40 years ago I honestly thought Thailand would be the next Singapore or Hong Kong... It did not happen..

    The big well connented families have pretty much blocked new business start ups that might cut into their profit picture with import and ownership restrictions, not to mention the local kick back schemes to some authority..It used to be called racketeering which pays well if you can get away with it.

    With some of the attempts to regulate society which have not worked the world over you would think with all the road maps available Thailand could plan a course of first class anything.

    I have had many Thai friends over the years both social and some who worked for me and ended up as friends. People are people IMO; some have honor and respect others, where some are just air breathers and better left to their own devices.

    Expat weirdos: Over the years I have played Golf with large groups of expats. Usually the ones who have a screw loose are voted out of the group the second or third time they act like an ass. Again people are just people and you get the good with the bad no matter where you are..

    A Thai friend once told me in the early days, "when driving expect everyone to try and kill you or cause an accident". I have never forgotten his words and in all honesty that has saved me more than once. Driving where the speed limits are to slow to begin with and then mixing tuk tuks, motorcycles, bycicles and the occasional wrong way traffic can make for an interesting experience no matter where you live. Wrong way traffic can be attributed in some cases simply because the next "U" turn is a couple of miles down the road, or, in a congested city the traffic is so bad that unless you are on a motor bike expect long delays. Many of the problems in thailand could be fixed with public information broadcast and breaking some heads when corruption is rooted out not to mention one way streets where that rule is inforced diligently..

    • Like 1
  13. The problem with any property tax is once the thief gets its' foot in the door said door can never be closed again. All governments want to tax and spend because they need money to fulfill their stated obligations as a government... and pad the pockets of those who can get away with it in the form of saleries and B.S. construction/military contractor kick backs..

    Property taxes and school taxes were a big percentage of the reason I sold everything in my home country and moved to Thailand.

    My wife and I found some property we were going to buy until she heard about the new tax that was coming.. As she said we are happy and comfortable with what we have so why buy something we may not be able to sell because of the taxes ?

    Death and taxes etc etc

  14. Many do drive like they walk. Instead of squaring a corner and making a 90 degree turn it becomes a 45 degree blocking incoming traffic to the road they are on (shortest distance between two points etc etc). I personally believe the government should make one way roads in many of their cities where the roads were made before cars became almost a norm. Also instead of leeching with fines off the population due to inadequate driver education..... I would run 2 or 3 minute government videos on what to do and how to do it when driving during national news broadcast.. But all that may be to hard or to simple ?

    • Like 1
  15. From your second link .. The articles are very wordy but actually a good read.


    Because of the stature and the respect accorded to religious leaders in traditional Patani Malay society, the ulama wing essentially provides religious justification for the struggle and is involved in the recruitment through Islamic schools (a phenomenon

    which the paper will discuss in greater detail at a later stage). END QUOTE:

    I stand by my opening statement. You can not have Mosque that preach hate and schools who teach young minds it is OK to kill in the name of some misguided cancerous religious doctrine that is used as a glue to bind the minds of hot headed youth. This is a very old play book that is used the world over. It starts as a state within a state, until it is their state, or no state.

    Just the way I see it which has no more weight than anyone elses.


    What is striking about the juwae is

    the fact that though many were indoctrinated and recruited via local

    Islamic schools that were mostly affiliated with members of BRN-

    Coordinate —END QUOTE:

  16. Over 40 years ago I used to fly dignataries down south to look at the bunkers the so called communist insurgents were building. 'Communist' was the buzz word but it was the same old results with bombs and bullets for killing the locals. 40 + years later nothing has really changed except they even have positions in government now so their point of view can be understood.

    The Wahabbist of Islam, if viewed from any vantage point seem to be incapable of co-existing with any society that does not adopt their religious views and Shariah law.

    The Thais have been much more hospitable to Islam than maybe they should have. Many Muslims leave a country that is some kind of messed up and then proceed to make the host country as a mirror image of the place they left ! Several countries in Europe are learning that lesson currently.with the gift of bombs an bullets from the religion of peace.

    Radical Islam is like a cancer that if not stopped when there are but a few cells it will matastasize and infect an entire region/body.. Ultimate peer presure for all in the region. Thai visa had an article about a Malaysian receiving death threats for organizing a dog petting day.. Fatwas or some form of haram (forbidden) certainly seems to be a method to their madness if judged by any standards other than 14th century dictates.

    I could link the percentages of a population where certain things hold true in any country they are present.. Yes ANY COUNTRY.. It would appear at around 5% Muslim in a host country the bombs a bullets follow just to let people know they want autonomy if the host country is not some part and brand of Islam already... No guarantee even in that case.....

    Not a hater just a realist who studies history

    From your post you do not appear to know the history of the conflict in the deep South, nor the original primary motivations. From media reports Islamism is slowly gaining ground, but is not the root cause of the violence; have a read of the analysis of the report in the URL below.


    Some other reading you may find interesting.



    Thank you for taking the time to post the links; I will read them. Always room to learn something new or listen to a new point of view. Cheers.

  17. The only ones that didn't know that the situation hasn't changed in the South for the past 2 Decades is the Thai administration, there has been countless gum gnashing, thousands of statements ,change of commanders , useless bi lateral agreements with Malaysia and so it goes on , not one measure has been successful and it wouldn't matter if the Pope intervened , you are dealing with people that don't wish to use dialog and peaceful means to achieve their goals and truth be known peace in the South will always be a myth, face facts it ain't gonna happen.coffee1.gif

    The first fact is from the Qur-an :- Muslims can lie to Infidels and that's ok. So any agreement is worthless, unlesss it is entirely in their favor.

    The insurgents don't care who they kill as the Muslims will go to Allah and the rest of us will go to God. Oh hang, on Allah and God are the same it says so

    in their Qur-an.

    So I've now got a picture of an insurgent standing in front of Allah saying, Hi I'm a martyr let me in and where are my virgins. Of course everyone knows there are

    no virgins around coz IS and Boka Haram have killed them all. When the "marty" is told this he's says what must I do for eternity crazy.gifcrazy.gif

    Back to the serious bit. The Insurgents are truly animals and will not change, so what is a solution.

    The following idea is not ideal but is a way the construct a control of these states.

    Thailand gives up 4 of the provinces, that gives the Muslims an area far bigger that Singapore. The insurgents agree to stop the violence and anyone not wishing to stay in this new State can move back into Thailand.

    If the violence continues then it can legally be considered an act of war. As the only people living there will be supporters of their Government ???????

    Thailand will lose a tiny piece of land but currently the lose of life and financial burden make the lost worthwhile.

    Unfortunately that would only give them a base to make bigger better bombs and be resupplied...... In another ??? years we would be back at square one where there were bombs and bullets and the always persistent request for new land for their ever growing population. I think I understand you legal position of an act of war but the killing of so called innocents never makes for good press; innocent or not..

    This is Thailand not some Muslim wanna be 3rd world country so as far as I am concerned obey the laws and customs to become productive members of this society or get the heck out..

  18. I would start with television broadcast... Short video segments showing how to make proper turns at intersections instead of blocking the whole road... Many Thais do not park they just stop driving with little or no consideration for other traffic.... My favorite is on a two lane road two cars park abeam each other and make the narrow two lane into a tight single lane almost impassible for anything but a very small car or motorcycle... Many of the problems stem from some of the older cities having roads that were made when 3 wheel pedal cabs ruled the roads. The only fix for that IMO are one way traffic/roads.. Parking and business districts are very problematic in older towns so unless the government wants to buy a place and turn it into a parking lot on particular streets there is very little to be done other than previously mentioned. . Even on major roads the turn around /U-turns are so far apart that you see everything from motorcycles to trucks going the wrong way on a shoulder.

    The television broadcast should be done during the morning and nightly news service... Start there and educate the population on what is expected.. It is easier to go after peoples money through get tough policies but in actuality, education, and the 'why' things need to be done a certain way, usually works for people. Educate first and then lower the boom on the one's who believe they don't need no stinking rules ....

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