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  1. I bought a new Mazda CX-30 2 months ago.Got the new license plates and car blue book last week.Realized I only have the govt insurance paper.Call the dealer she sends me a single sheet of paper with no coverages or deductables. just some basic information.Bought the car for 1,199,000.Out the door insured for 960,000.I don't know if this is customary or not.But if I have an accident what are my coverages,whatever they say they are.?Anybody have any experience with this.Standard 1 year free insurance from Mazda.Cannot get hold of insurance company.Dealer is no help.
  2. Just got the new Mazda CX-30 with the Mazda CAR DVR.Cannot find brand name, other than Mazda.Would like to download English owners manual. Anybody have any ideas?
  3. jlm53


    Does AIS get American Football and UFC like True Vision?
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