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Everything posted by sghanchey

  1. What is the new minimum medical insurance coverage for a Non-OA visa extension? They raised it to 3 million THB several years ago but I have heard it was dropped to less last year. Thanks in advance.
  2. I think the poster meant "medical malpractice" not Medicare.
  3. Filing a complaint for malpractice in Thailand could lead to serious legal repercussions (as in slander), and you wouldn't have a prayer of a chance taking on "one of the world's best hospitals" (we are led to guess which one it is, but most will recognize it). They are connnected to powerful people and have a team of legal consultants on call. Forget it and move on. I hope your wife recovers soon.
  4. Thais, being the superstitious souls that they are think that the side units are shaped like coffins and would never buy one.
  5. Thanks for posting. I appreciate any and all updates on expat visa policy changes in the ASEAN region. I had no trouble reading it at all.
  6. Somewhere here the issue of generating a year's worth of bank statements on the Bangkok Bank website was discussed, with someone- perhaps Ubon Joe- showing how a 12-month statement could be requested there. When I tried the "Request Statement" option, the only accounts available were my credit cards- not my savings account- the one I have to show with the 65,000 baht/month record. Anything I am missing?
  7. Anyone who thinks the foreigners living in Thailand have "rights" isn't living in the same country as I am. And check around, Immigration officers around the world can deny entry to anyone they choose for reasons that they are not required to provide. In the U.S., a valid visa holder can be denied entry on arrival, and many are if Homeland Security determines that the traveler might stay illegally in the U.S.
  8. I am on a Non-OA visa and have left the country twice since I renewed it last September at Chonburi Immigration in Jomtien, Pattaya. Each time I have been stamped in only until the current expiration date. I did not get an additional 12 months as reported here. Curious.
  9. Interesting that the name of the restaurant chain is mentioned nowhere. Libel risk?
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