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Posts posted by sghanchey

  1. I'd like to know if anyone has had experience with Premier Health insurance plans. I am in the high-risk age group (73), and have only had success getting major medical insurance (with a very high $7500 deductible and no coverage in the U.S.) from Cigna Global (at more than $6000/year). I have a quote from Premier Health for about the same price, but with a lower deductible, and it claims to cover me in the U.S. as well (with a $3000 deductible). As I am obviously covered by Medicare in the U.S., the U.S. coverage is not critical for me. Any comments very welcome. 

  2. I am seeking a referral to a local attorney in Bangkok to draft a Living Will that will permit my Thai partner to dispose of my remains should I die unexpectedly in Thailand, i.e. cremation, without having to require someone in my family in the U.S. to come to Thailand and deal with this. A simple, low-cost solution, I hope. Thanks for any suggestions for affordable local lawyers. 

  3. I've never had any problem using my Samsung Galaxy S-5 that I bought here with my T-Mobile SIM card in the U.S. I have a pre-paid plan with T-Mobile that allows me to pay a minimum monthly fee ($1.50, I think) to keep the number active, and then pay for actual use while I am in the U.S. I top up the account with $25 before I go, and rarely use that much in a 2-3 week trip. The S-5 works with Wifi there and here, and Wifi is increasingly available in public places in the U.S., so I don't use too much data. I've found T-Mobile coverage everywhere I've gone in the U.S. In Thailand, I have both AIS and True, and use a Samsung A-7 here for the dual SIM capability. 

  4. I wonder if she applied for the proper business visitor visa, since she's obviously going there to work and get paid for it. A group of Korean fashion models were turned away recently trying to enter on tourist visas (which they had) when in fact they were going for photo shoots using U.S. tourist landmarks. 

  5. If you do decide to check out Cambodia, do visit Battambang. It has a lively arts scene and prices (and security) are better than Sihanoukville. Kampot might be an up-and-coming place, but it's still a sleepy backwater most of the time and is prone to serious flooding. The only desirable accommodations there are expensive, unlike Battambang. I agree with those who have posted that Cambodia is *not* cheap anymore. The flood of NGOs and government aid agencies have driven rents through the roof in Phnom Penh, and utilities everywhere are more expensive than here. I still don't see why you can't switch to a different kind of visa in Thailand, since so many people manage to do it. In any case, good luck with your choices and decision.

  6. Starting over in Cambodia just to get away from a relationship is a bad idea. Several friends of mine who have moved there to escape other situations ended up being exploited, ripped off, stolen from, became seriously disillusioned, and wanted desperately to move back to Thailand or back to where they had come from. It seems to be OK if someone starts out there, and has trustworthy and reliable intermediaries who can help get things done, but it is one of the most corrupt places in the world (makes Thailand look like Scandinavia), and street crime is far worse than here. It doesn't seem to matter where one settles, since one of them started in Phnom Penh (hated it after a month), moved to Siem Reap (hated it more), and finally ended up in Kampot (the "up-and-coming" expat hang-out), but gave up on it too. I say put your belongings in storage (including the motorbike), rent a car, put the dog in a carrier and in the back seat and find somewhere else in Thailand to relocate to. It's a big country, and you can certainly get lost in Bangkok, for a start.

  7. Reason for extension - name/nationality/passport and the reason you are requesting extension and signature.

    Sponsorship - been is use for years - fill in bio data at top and sign - room for a sponsor and processing officer to fill out other areas and sign.

    A new laws/penalty for various things summary that you fill out name/nationality/passport and sign. Believe this replaced/expanded the loss of reason means loss of extension form used last year.

    Where does one get the "sponsorship" form?

  8. I am fairly sure Immigration tries to illicit bad behavior … but don’t let them win.

    Today, June 17, went to Immigration at Chiangwattana … nice and early … to renew my retirement visa.

    All my papers were in perfect order. Everything was perfect.

    The junior officer went through my papers and gave it to her supervisor.

    Then supervisor does a check of my papers. She said I needed to update bank book.

    I showed her the update was 16 June and today was 17 June. She said I still need to update bankbook.

    Then the junior officer processing my application showed her the date of bank letter and update were the same.

    The supervisor asked me if I had an ATM card to get update. I said this account does not have ATM card.

    She was not happy.

    She scrutinized my papers again and again. Then she said the passport photocopies were no good … they look like I scanned my passport and they want photocopies … and she said I had to make new photo copies (Mind you, she was the same supervisor who accepted the same scanned passport photocopies last year.)

    I was quiet, and polite and I got the same passport pages photocopied again … just for her.

    Extension granted.

    The MORAL of the story …. EXPECTATION … Expect the worst … Expect being hassled … and you won’t lose your temper. If it doesn’t happen and everything goes smoothly and efficiently … well then … when you get outside give a jump and click your heels and buy a round for your mates.

    Why does my brain always feel like I just finished a Kafka novel when I leave Immigration?

    I have one question. If one is asked to leave the desk and go do something (like make better photocopies for ex.), do you return to the same desk directly when the 'task' is completed? Surely you don't have to get another number and wait in the queue. Thank you.

  9. I just noticed that on my last entry at DMK, the immigration officer stamped "Admitted Until April 15, 2015" on my TM6 (it's now June 8), when in fact it should have been April 15, 2016, according to my still valid O-A (retirement) visa. I know that we are advised to check this each time, but I was in a hurry and didn't notice it until now. I am flying out of Bangkok again on June 11 (2 days from now). What should I do, and can I take care of this at the airport? Thanks in advance.

  10. India!

    Have to say best option by a mile. I go there frequently for medical care,just a short hop and damned cheap and excellent care, far better than UK

    could go back to UK go private BUPA doctor few hundred £ ,then fast tracked through NHS

    Just a point ,have had estimates for past surgery in Thailand chose India 1/20 of the cost at least,and so good.

    Going in a month or so PM me if you decide

  11. Bangkok Bank HQ office has a big sign in the customer service lobby that says "We Welcome Foreigner Customers". I opened an account there as a tourist last year and had only my passport and a U.S. driver's license (for back-up photo ID). Minimum deposit THB 500. No problem at all. I am very happy with their service and regularly transfer cash from the U.S. that arrives in my account in 72 hours. I have debit and credit cards from them too.

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