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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. Yes, that's about 60% less than what I paid in Canada. However, the medication makes me feel worse. I tried again last night and actually started coughing for the first time and also experienced chest tightness. It is very good at making me spit out mucus, I must say. It has some weird effect on me.

  2. Hi,

    I am the guy from another forum. I like it a lot there, but when it comes to any sort of useful advice, forget about it.

    Anyway, I need some help.

    I have been diagnosed with adult onset Asthma 2 years ago (in Canada) after what I assume was a bad case of bronchitis. Since then I get wheezing, and chest tightness almost on daily basis. 2 years ago I have been prescribed Symbicort Turbuhaler, 1 puff every 12 hours. I didn't do it much in Canada, but in Thailand my breathing started getting worse and then when to see a doc at Vejthani which he re-confirmed Asthma and suggested I should just continue with these routine puffs.

    Now I am NOT against modern medicine, but I just have a lot of issues with this "medication" which is supposedly the best on the market. I get very, very depressed after using it, my hart beats very loudly at night and the worst thing is I get muscle/joint pains (the kinds you get when you have a flu). I could perhaps tolerate every side effect except that I try to run 4km almost every day (I have a high blood pressure) and this "medication" completely disables my whole body.

    As a matter of fact I got so pissed off that I started googling all kind of info and bought a bunch of Omega 3, Vitamin D3 and other supplements. I did notice some positive difference, but not good enough. I am doing more research, but meanwhile I noticed when I am outside on a nice sunny day in Thailand (away from pollution, like beach) my symptoms completely disappear. They also seem to disappear after I run and after using sauna. This indicates to me that Asthma could perhaps be controlled without meds. However after a week of 2 when I thought I was doing well the bitch returned with a vengeance. So, I get one puff of Symbicort and I feel fine. I take another puff after 12 hours and same side effects show up.

    My questions are:

    Has anyone on this forum with a persistent Asthma managed to keep it under control naturally?

    Regarding Symbicort, should I try another puffer? I am suspecting it is the "reliever" that is giving me these side effects, so maybe I should just use a steroid inhaler and not a combo junk like this? Any suggestions for OTC meds?

    Anyone tried the Buteyko breathing method?There are some guys in Thailand that managed to relieve quite a few people from Asthma.

    Anyone tried high doses of vitamin D3?

    I have a few more questions later on..... if anyone replies.


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