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  1. Just a heads up to everyone. I have seen twice now where scammers are asking for money transfers to an account at UOBT (United Overseas Bank Thailand). If you are buying something that requires a money transfer I highly recommend avoiding any transactions to a UOBT account. You will never see the product; or, more importantly your money EVER again.
  2. "In a bid to protect local businesses, the Thai Ministry of Commerce is considering stringent measures against the influx of cheap and substandard products from China. Local enterprises have been clamouring for action, citing the overwhelming presence of these products both online and in physical stores, which is threatening their survival." Am I the only one who sees this as B.S.? Not one of the products ordered from the major online sources like Lazada which are shipped from China incur import duties; or, taxes. You want to stop that "influx", add 20% import duty + 7% tax on that stuff. The reality is that will NEVER happen. Thus, I call B.S.
  3. Probably not an option; but, someone needs to move. It's not a big jump from a slap to something a lot more serious for a deranged person.
  4. I have said this about other people I have known. You don't want to understand someone like this. Why? If you could understand them you'd be just as screwed up as they are. That stuff never crosses a normal person's mind.
  5. 272,936 photos; and, 4001 clips, just let that sink in.
  6. Gotta believe that is exactly what the police were/are thinking. Also, where were the actual parents in all of this. Are you telling me her dad/mom didn't handle this the way any normal parents would? Castration no, funeral yes.
  7. News flash to the author of this article, " after the couple and their son were electrocuted", electrocution involves death.
  8. Not a lot of evidence showing rebar support in those walls. Watched them build my house, every 2nd row of cement blocks had a 3/8" metal rebar strand (3 meters in length) strung between support columns. That's on the builder. 100% every building in that complex is the same way.
  9. Yeah, I'd like a count of hands of people who would like to see that daily inspection checklist.
  10. Being raised Catholic I equate donning an orange robe to going to confession. You're the same person inside who walked into that confessional; or, put on that robe.
  11. Google "GMMZ". Good box(s) at low cost (less than 1000 baht). Really no need to pay more than 2000 baht max. As for "fully loaded", once you buy the box download AppLinked from Google. Once you have that loaded on the android box open it, click on "Live Shows" to pick/choose the programs you want. RedBox Tv has all of the sports you want ie. 13 different Sky Sports options. Also, TVTap Pro is a good option. Both RedBox; and, TVTap have options to select country specific programs. You can browse through AppLinked to select other viewing options as well. There's no magic involved in "loading" the programs; so, you should be able to set it up to your liking without paying someone. Top tip, every so often left mouse click (long click) on the installed app icons until a "Start/Details" box appears. Click on "Details" to clear stored Data/Cache. That keeps the used memory under control.
  12. I understsand what you are saying; but, anyone who tells you that the Thai equivalent of that does not exist is lying. Not sure what it is; but, I have seen more than one dog go missing mysteriously. I don't think it's a stretch to say that it is a matter of fact way of life; especially, in Issan country.
  13. When someone is finally able to purchase this medicine please add an update to this post. Thanks.
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