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    Chiang Rai

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  1. No they did not. They have not announced anything specifically to foreigners. Read what I said about rock and hard place again.
  2. Actually, it is dramatically higher grip due to the extra downforce and increase pressure between tyre contact point and road. It is also the ratio of sprung to unsprung weight. Ask any EV owner how their cars handle.
  3. You missed out better road holding because of a much lower center of gravity.
  4. Funnily enough “Tabby” is her name. Original I know. My Chihuahua is called Thufir, a gold star if you know who he is named after?
  5. Nonsense. That is taken from my own experience. Heavier cars are generally more luxurious, quieter, smoother, faster, better driving.
  6. No, I am experienced. Generally heavier, cars drive better, that is a fact.
  7. You’re not my enemy. I find you quite amusing and enjoy your posts. Mostly you’re reasonable though you do sometimes do the dishonorable thing when you see something wrong and ignore it. You could work on that.
  8. Just remember this. If the Revenue Department want us to pay tax, they will announce it. They are between a rock & a hard place, their own citizens will be in uproar if they say we are special and we don’t need to pay it. Their silence speaks volumes. Until they say otherwise, don’t pay any “doom & gloom tax fee-seeking professionals” just sit still and do sweet F.A. As printed on the cover of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy “DON’T PANIC!”
  9. Authorised Thai exchanges now report annual summaries to the revenue department identifying all trades. Personal income tax is due on the profit of a trade if you bought your crypto on an authorized Thai exchange. If you didn’t buy it on an authorized Thai exchange, for example, you bought it overseas, then you pay personal income tax on the full sales or trade amount as you exchange it for another crypto or FIAT.
  10. Nonsense. Nothing has changed, do nothing and under no circumstances fill out a tax return if you haven’t been doing so in the past.
  11. I don’t know whether Thailand would consider you tax resident. Or whether your home country would consider you tax resident. You would need professional advice, if you haven’t already had it. Maintaining a permanent home and bank account in Thailand might make a difference. However, to repeat what I have said before, nothing has changed, nobody needs to do anything different than previous years, except regarding Crypto. Don’t start filling in tax returns.
  12. There are some countries where you may not be tax resident staying 183+ days per year, I don't know about yours as I don't know the country. But if you are not tax resident anywhere, then it depends on 2 other things, the country where you maintain a permanent home and that countries tax rules, and your nationality. Some nationalities are considered to be tax resident in their home country if they are not tax resident anywhere else and some countries consider you tax resident if you maintain a permanent home there and do not stay the 180/183 days per year and are not tax resident anywhere else.
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