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Posts posted by JockPieandBeans

  1. Maybe, just maybe.

    There are some that.

    1. Have seen their parents work to death and taxed to the max and said F?ck that.

    2. Some are independently wealthy.

    3. Who says that their opportunities are better in their home Country.

    4. If I had to flip burgers for a living, I wouldn't be doing it in the UK.

    5. University gap year, fell in love and stayed.

    The list is endless.

    i really do understand what your saying,

    but you wouldnt be able to flip burgers here, you wouldnt get a work permit as i thai could do that job,

    all of us would sooner be here else we would go home,

    life here is good im the first to admit it, but it wouldnt be that good having to watch the pennies all day every day


    The burger flipping was tongue in cheek. I was trying not to be detrimental.

  2. thailiketoo

    As I said in my original post on the subject.

    Whatever method is used, the figures will be manipulated to suit a particular Governments agenda.

    To use the survey method, there is 8 Falang / Thai couples in my Soi. Out of that 8, 1 Thai is employed.

    Kinda screws the 0,7% theory.

    That is the unemployment rate for your soi not for Thailand.

    Of course it is.

    That is how survey samples work.

    Go to an area, carry out a survey, apply those figures Nationwide.

    These figures will be skewed by the following.

    1. Time and place of survey.

    2. Who conducts the survey.

    3. What is asked in the survey.

    If you want a survey carried out on unemployment, you send your survey team to the area that suits your needs. If you want high unemployment figures, you send them to an unemployment blackspot. If you want low figures you send them to an area of high employment.

    All of the factors that you think might skew surveys are addressed in the methodology of how labor force surveys are conducted. You can google how unemployment surveys are conducted and learn something.

    I'll just say it one more time. The unemployment rate is accurate in Thailand because it is measured by a labor force survey in keeping with UN standards instead of trying to count everyone which would not be accurate.


    You can believe stats or you can believe your own eyes.

    The choice is yours.

    I know what I believe and it is certainly not official stats

  3. thailiketoo

    As I said in my original post on the subject.

    Whatever method is used, the figures will be manipulated to suit a particular Governments agenda.

    To use the survey method, there is 8 Falang / Thai couples in my Soi. Out of that 8, 1 Thai is employed.

    Kinda screws the 0,7% theory.

    That is the unemployment rate for your soi not for Thailand.

    Of course it is.

    That is how survey samples work.

    Go to an area, carry out a survey, apply those figures Nationwide.

    These figures will be skewed by the following.

    1. Time and place of survey.

    2. Who conducts the survey.

    3. What is asked in the survey.

    If you want a survey carried out on unemployment, you send your survey team to the area that suits your needs. If you want high unemployment figures, you send them to an unemployment blackspot. If you want low figures you send them to an area of high employment.

  4. Urban myth. Deary deary me. How stupid of me, of course Governments do not lie. Especially the UK and US Governments. giggle.gifgiggle.gif

    If I could be @rsed I would provide you with a list as long as the Great Wall of China, of lies. Sorry, episodes of being economical with the truth.

    But as the OP was comparing Thailand and the UK. The easiest way to show you the deception employed in the UK Government. Unemployment figures are based on those claiming JSA ( Just over 2m ) This can only be claimed for a certain period of time. At the end of that period, claimants are then moved onto other benefits, which are not included in the unemployment figures.

    The unemployment figures also do not show a whole raft of others, who are not employed, but do not come under the unemployment figures.

    Smoke and mirrors, a tactic employed by all Governments, in one form or another.



    The Labour Force Survey method

    The Labour Force survey asks 60,000 people whether they are unemployed and whether they are looking for a job.

    • It includes some people not eligible for JSA.
    • Good for international comparisons


    Of course when you use Government sponsored websites and surveys, they are going to be the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Especially when it states.


    • The governmentt has often changed the criteria (30 times since 1979) for those who are eligible for benefits, usually this has been to reduce the claimant count. This makes it difficult to compare over time.
    • The claimant count excludes:
      • People over pension age, who will typically claim pensions rather than JSA
      • People under 18, (with a few exceptions)
      • People in full time education, who may still be classed as unemployed.
      • People not eligible for contribution based JSA. To claim the contributions based JSA they need to have paid at least two years of NI contributions.
      • Also, their level of savings or their partner’s income may be too high to be eligible.
      • Any one on a government training schemes,
      • Some people may not claim JSA even when they are eligible to.
      • Married women looking to return to work
      • Those looking for part time work and not full time work "

    Spin it anyway, dress it up however you like. It is all smoke and mirrors.

    Lies, damned lies and statistics.

  5. Urban myth. Deary deary me. How stupid of me, of course Governments do not lie. Especially the UK and US Governments. giggle.gifgiggle.gif

    If I could be @rsed I would provide you with a list as long as the Great Wall of China, of lies. Sorry, episodes of being economical with the truth.

    But as the OP was comparing Thailand and the UK. The easiest way to show you the deception employed in the UK Government. Unemployment figures are based on those claiming JSA ( Just over 2m ) This can only be claimed for a certain period of time. At the end of that period, claimants are then moved onto other benefits, which are not included in the unemployment figures.

    The unemployment figures also do not show a whole raft of others, who are not employed, but do not come under the unemployment figures.

    Smoke and mirrors, a tactic employed by all Governments, in one form or another.

  6. Apologies in advance if this is in the wrong place.

    Greetings to all Thai Expats.

    Joined the forum today. Although I have been in Thailand for many years. Up to now I have been happily doing my own thing.

    Working away, returning for a month, gym, golf and playing happy families. All good up till now.

    Frustration has prompted me to join the Forum in the hope that someone may be able to offer some direction or advice.

    Are there any Forum members who either work at the UN or has recently worked at the UN ? I am getting increasingly frustrated with their recruitment process. To cut a long story short, I currently have 12 live job applications that stretch back over the last year. Any attempts at an email result in an automated reply, that tells you nothing.

    If there is anyone out there in the netherworld that can offer any advice or a steer it would be greatly appreciated.

    Cheers in advance


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