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Posts posted by Cthulhu

  1. Some interesting wording in this article:-

    'The police claim.....'

    "discovered" in quotes

    'prompting many Redshirt sympathisers to live under fear of political persecution'

    No doubt we are in line for a procession of these grotesque charades, where things get miraculously "discovered" so people can get subsequently "disappeared".

    But hey, at least 22 of the Junta's toughest warriors got a nice picture, looking menacing, for the family album. "What did you do under the military dictatorship daddy?"

    It's what military juntas do; it's how they justify silencing the voice of the under-privileged.

    It's a shame that so many here, who were brought up to enjoy all the benefits of a fair and democratic society, seem to revel in it.

    • Like 2
  2. This is baffling why they would lift curfew for soccer. Watching soccer is like watching paint dry.

    At leat the US Open golf is on

    It's called football.

    And calling football boring while praising golf is hilarious. Watching golf is like watching paint after it has dried.

    No it isn't. Football includes a number of rather more challenging activities; eg Rugby or Aussie Rules.

    The kick-about game played in the World Cup is Association Football or 'soccer' for short.

    I have played three forms of football in my life. Football, rugby union and Gaelic football. They are all football and always will be. The s word is not the name of the game I follow. It is football, always has been football and always will be football. I can cope with other forms of the game being called football by those who follow it and see no reason why the game I follow is not given the same courtesy.

    Touche. No disrespect intended to you or the game.

    But sometime people just mean different things. An English friend who migrated to Australia was always bending my ear about 'football', but he meant a game I'd never seen.

    Another time we had a quiz question, 'What game is covered by Harvard Rules?'. Since no-one else knew the answer I wrote 'Football' taking 'American' for granted since the question said 'Harvard'; we didn't get the point and lost the round. Also, apologies for forgetting the great Gaelic game.

    Anyhow, I sincerely hope you enjoy the matches; sadly I'll not be putting any money on England.

    • Like 1
  3. This is baffling why they would lift curfew for soccer. Watching soccer is like watching paint dry.

    At leat the US Open golf is on

    It's called football.

    And calling football boring while praising golf is hilarious. Watching golf is like watching paint after it has dried.

    No it isn't. Football includes a number of rather more challenging activities; eg Rugby or Aussie Rules.

    The kick-about game played in the World Cup is Association Football or 'soccer' for short.

    • Like 1
  4. And what are the consequences?

    If you have ever had syphilis, even when effectively treated, that fact will always show up in subsequent blood work.

    Does that mean that if you have ever had syphilis, however long ago, you will never get a work permit? Or do you have to show a level of infection that is significant?

    In blood work? Please explain your thinking

    Sorry if that sounds a bit obscure. It's a term used in the UK. At the GP's surgery I go to the Dr will likely say, "We've had your blood work back etc".

    It's just a fancy way of saying "a group of tests" I guess. But hey, what's a profession without a round about way of expressing everyday concepts??

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