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tim armstrong

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Posts posted by tim armstrong

  1. Its a bummer getting old and now my prostate is enlarged and I'm having trouble peeing

    Been taking Proscar for the past couple of years but I think I need to consider surgery. The thought of getting cut doesn't apeal to me.

    Thinking that laser surgery might be less invasive but don't know anything about it. Can anyone give me some advice as to where to get it done, how much should I expect to pay. In fact any advice pertainingto this problem.

    Thanhyou Joe

    I hate to state the obvious, but before you consider surgery you should have a PSA check, and/or a biopsy if the PSA is high (10+). Dr Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej hospital Bangkok, has seen several people accessing this forum. He has excellent English, understands how farangs need to be informed, and knows his stuff.

  2. Heard good thing about saw palmetto / serenoa repens for reducing the size of prostate, can anyone tell me where i can get some in Pattaya. I am 51 and scored 12 on psa but have on symtems. Many thanks ![/size]

    While a PSA of 12 is indeed high, it may not be indicative of cancer. It could still be prostatitis, which is treatable with antibiotics. But to be sure go and see Dr. Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej Hospital in Bangkok and have a biopsy. He's the man. Nice guy, very experienced and excellent English.

    Cheers, Tim

  3. Infant Meningitis

    Need advise please my GF niece 7 months old may have meningitis would appreciate urls that she can

    Access in Thai so that she can get a proper explanation and understanding as there is a lot of blame at the moment concerning causes. Grandmother takes care of child at the moment GF normally does.

    I have tried to explain symptoms and causes i.e. viral and bacterial prevention ect. As she is here in my country this is difficult .

    I agree with Leisurely, don't muck around, get the child to the best hospital you can afford. This condition is life threatening. Worry about the cultural issues and other stuff later. Try Samitivej Childrens hospital near Bangkok.

  4. thanks for the replies... as for pot smoking, i don't believe that smoking pot in the past causes my problems now. in fact my problems are due to a brain chemistry imbalance. and like i said, pot actually helped me feel much better. yoga- some days i really do not have time- i have been working 15 hour days lately on projects. valerian capsules and st. john's wort are crap for anxiety, in my experience. but like i said passion flower seems to work. thanks for those who sent me PMs saying where i can get xanax, but i don't believe that the pharmacies sell the real stuff. i bought something called "manax" once, which didn't work at all but to make me nauseous. if it comes down to it i will go to a hospital and renew my RX. but if anyone knows where i might find more passion flower capsules in bangkok please let me know! i tried GNC already to no avail...

    Hi Girl X,

    As John K said, there are alternative ways to dealing with the anxiety problem other than drugs. Most of my colleagues over 30 years in the mental health business would rarely suggest meds as a first choice. Yes pot smoking might help a bit, but in the long term it's linked to depression. Pepsi, coffee, chocolate, sex, and exercise also help, but in excess have there problems too, because you are just buzzing all the time. I notice you work 15 hr days. You can't keep that up forever without something breaking. I guess you already know where this is going. To beat anxiety you have to identify the causes, the consequences and find ways to change your behaviour - if you really want to do that. Take some time out, think a lot, decide if you really want to change your lifestyle, talk to someone who will listen and not give too much advice, and just do it.

    Good luck, Tim

  5. Is the question "Are there EVER enough military to protect a civilian population from a determined insurgency?" ..... if so the answer is "NO!"

    I didn't say the "civilian population [of South Thailand]"; I said the "schools". How many schools are there down there? Three soldiers with M-16s guarding each school x 3 =9 soldiers over a 24-hour shift at 3 soldiers per-shift rotation, per school???? The Thai army doesn't have the manpower and weapons for that? I don't believe it. THE CHILDREN ARE DYING DOWN THERE. How can the army be so incredibly incompetent in the protection of its (non-Bangkok) populus?

    The answer remains the same ... "NO"

    Overly protect the schools and then the bombings etc happen en-route. Increasing the military presence enough to make it impossible to make attacks is not possible .. not anywhere. There probably is no military solution to the issues in the south. I wish there were, but there are not any that I can see.

    There may be a way through negotiations to put an end to this. Some semi autonomy ... some of the long awaited decentralisation of power. Official recognition in gov't offices of local language etc etc

    Interesting about the local language issue. I wonder if the soldiers are from local communities and can speak the language ? They would then also be related to the'liberationists'. But maybe thats wishful thinking.

  6. Also, if you haven't been given any, try some antihisthamine. That should at least stop you itching even if you aren't treating the underlying cause :o

    Maybe not relevant but have you changed your washing powder, soap, or added something new to your diet. Are either of you taking other medications that you might be reacting to ? Tim

  7. Just been to see the Urologist at Queen Serikit Hospital Sattahip.

    He did a biopsy on me a few months ago. No sign of Prostate Cancer, BUT my PSA

    which was 12 has now gone up tp 17!

    The gradual rise in PSA is a sign of Cancer he told me although he didn't find it in the Biopsy samples. Anyway I have to go back in three months time......ugh.

    Presently, I only rise for a pee once or twice a night and the flow is good thankfully.

    I am concerned about the size of my Prostate and want to reduce it in size.

    If anyone has achieved this I would like very much to know how?

    My Libido remains very low. I will try Hypnotherapy asap. Tell ya if it works Guys.

    Sorry to hear about your PSA result. Are you confident about the Urologist ? 3 months seems a bit long between visits if the PSA is rising. Dr. Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej is another urologist to consider. The thing I like about him is that he encourages you to go and get a second opinion. He is excellent but not cheap.

    About the enlarged prostate, - hormone therapy, using the female hormone to stop the production of testosterone will certainly reduce the size of the prostate, lower your PSA level, and slow the development of any cancer, especially if its in the early stage. The downside is that it sure does kill the libido. So no lust or arousal anymore! weird! However, once you stop using it, the libido returns so my Drs. tell me. I can still manage a sort of erection if I've had a few drinks the night before. I've just about finished the second of 2 X three monthly injections which have reduce my PSA from 25 to 0.34 since January. Fortunately I have a very sympathetic wife. If it helps stop the progress of my cancer I'll take it and live with the libido issues.

    As one of my sons said to me recently.' Well Dad, after all your treatment is finished, you may end up with a wobbly dick, but you'll have a cancer free arse!'

    Good luck

  8. A very strange day (from a western point of view)

    After much discussion involving the head man, some monks, a few old people and more family than i knew we had (who are still outside drinking and consuming some of our profit) I have been given two options that appear to be aggreeable to most people.

    1. Name the pigs - either Thai or Farang

    2. Use numbers for the pigs that one of the elders in the village determines are good (i am sure this will be for a fee)

    I cant help feeling that I have just been through a Thai village "hazing".

    I think that it may be easier to buy in new genes rather than try and improve the current stock. I just wonder what I will have to go through when I suggest AI!

    Have a BBQ, sacrifice a bit of profit, invite the elders, give them some whisky, and all will be well for about a year. (Maybe name the sacrificed porker after the chief elder - but in English of course)

  9. Scorpion sting on my leg whilst asleep in my house on Samui.Bloody hurt and I was hungover from the previous nights escapades.The only thing that relieved the pain was a cold beer at noon.

    Stung by a scorpion on the foot while moving bricks outside our back door, 2 months ago. It was the small greyish variety. I've heard they are more painful than the large black ones which we also have. My family didn't take it too seriously. I did. It was like an electric shock. swelling and immobilised me for 2 days.

    My brother in law was stung on the hand by a sting ray while fishing in our river 3 weeks ago. The local treatment - to boil a can of mackerel and make a poultice around the site. It apparently works almost instantly ?! He was fine after a few days. I've also heard that pissing on stings from sea creatures and the like is better than vinegar.

  10. Hi all, know quite a few of you out there speak, read and write Thai. Mate of mine Mal (can't seem to post here for some reason, keeps getting the 'inelegable to post' icon for some reason), having a little bother with the mother-in-law. He and wife have a 6-month old daughter, MIL's staying with them to take care of her, poor kid's got the sniffles, not even a proper cold, and recovering as I write this. Bit of a power struggle's developed, MIL berating his wife daily as to how she needs to go to the hospital for medicine. As we all know too many antibiotics aren't any good for you, especially in these younger years when building resistance to disease, do any of you have anything saying this, or even a link to something in Thai that both his wife and MIL could read?

    Thanks in advance, anything you can offer would be much appreciated


    Find your local community health centre or one nearby where there are nurses who speak English. As in many western countries the nurses have are quite familiar with health education, prevention, and the overuse of antibiotics. They are also out ranked by the Drs. who also get incentives from drug companies to prescribe.

    If you do find a sympathetic nurse, she will be your best advocate. The other issue is diet. My stepson (12yrs) also gets a lot of sniffles. After a lot of hassling on my part, my wife, and parents I-L now sort of agree that green vegies, less snacks and fried food will help him become stronger. This is supported by 2 local Drs. But they still dole out the meds. Its a slow process. I think when the public health system runs out of money soon, we may see some changes. Tim

  11. Tim,

    If it is infectious in nature, could be giardia. Do you also have gas/bloating? (Typical with giardia) Or could be ameoba. Tinidazole (many brand names, including Fasigyn) 2 GM daily for 3 days will treat both, available any pharmacy (Can also take flagyl, but tinidazole is a shorter tx with fewer side effects).

    However, before going that route, I seem to recall from other posts that you have Ca Prostate. Are you receiving/have you received radiation therapy? Or are you on any meds? Either could be the culprit, in which case best go to the doc treating you for same. (Radiation effects can be delayed). Good luck.

    Thanks for the advice Sheryl, and others. I'm not having radiation treatment yet - it starts in Oz in mid July. I'm not on any meds other than Plendil and Renitec for high BP, and hormone therapy as preparation for the radiotherapy. I don't think any of that is the cause.

    I'd forgotten about Giardia. I've mentioned it to Drs. here in the past - they tell me its not common, but I don't believe them. I will go and find some Fasigyn or similar. Thanks again. Tim

  12. I'm plagued by mosqitoes who seem to love my blood, and they even seem to smell me through the DEET and other barriers.

    Does anyone have any suggestions about what foods, spices, vitamins I can take in an effort to reduce the atttaction these blighters have for me?

    Have been here 8 months and things not getting any better.

    There is no magic cure unfortunately. I've researched this one for some time hoping to find one and make millions. From my experience here and 3 years in Timor - the dengue fever capitol of the world, the following seems to help.

    DO NOT - wear scented perfumes or deodorants.

    - eat red meat, including pork

    - plant a lot of trees near your house

    - leave open water containers, old tyres etc, where they can breed, near your house

    - avoid walking outside for about an hour after rain

    - stand under low hanging trees

    DO - try and eat a fish, chicken and green vegie diet with lots of garlic, and onions

    - use DEET repellants. The best ones are BOOTS OWN in a grey plastic spray can, its 50% deet. expensive, but worth it

    Second choice is RID from Australia. (Cannot buy it here) For both these get the tropical strength varieties. They'll shave a few years off your life expectancy, but so will a lot of other things. When you use them spray around all the joints. knees, wrists etc, the buggers love these places.

    - Cover up, -difficult in the climate but it works.

    - Citronella candles and coils help.

    - Aircon is great, mozzies dont like the environment.

    Hope this helps, Tim

  13. The US should base its foreign policy as well as diplomacy on the examples given by Russia and China.No one complains much about these two,they must be doing something right.

    Not sure about russia and china but i for one would not mind if the USA Gov pulled back all of the troops from all of the other countries. We are spending way too much money to have troops in Japan and germany when the people there do not want our troops there. Actually i am tired of the USA being the world cop. I am also tired of the USA giving all the money to other countries and then having every one bitch about the USA. I say stop all of the give away programs and lower the taxes.

    There is a great book that came out a few years ago now by Samuel P Huntingdon. called "The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order". It was a best seller in the U.S. and probably scared George W. just a tad, if indeed he read it. It also probably surprised some other Americans and made them reconsider their values.

    Whats happening in Thailand is a rethink as well, as the country ponders whether or not to join the 21st century. What seems to surprise many Americans is that democracy isn't the same everywhere, or the only way to run a country. I think Thaksin understood that very well. Tim

  14. The clock is ticking

    By Anucha Charoenpo


    The big issues include seeking ways to stop the violence in the deep South, pushing for new initiatives to spur the country's economy, reforming education and the health systems, promoting reconciliation and unity, and supporting full probes into graft-related cases involving members of the previous government in order to bring the offenders to justice.


    nothing to it , be done by lunch ....................

    Are we talking about Thailand here, or the U.S. or Iraq, or the Russian Federation, or Afghanistan, or East Timor. Funny how so many countries just have the same old problems ??

  15. I've owned a lot of dogs in my life. Never had one of these, though. I've had friends and neighbors with them. The important thing is that dogs must be trained--you either do it consciously or unconsciously, but as they grow up they have to be a part of your "pack" and you need to make sure you and your family are the "alpha" males of the pack.

    I never let a puppy chew on me, or bite at me--even when it's small or cute, because when they get big it's not cute anymore. I also don't let them eat when I eat or jump on me.

    This is really hard in Thailand because everyone things all these little things are so cute in a puppy, but when it's a big dog it's not cute or funny. I once fired a maid for feeding my dog while eating at the table. Enough is enough. The thing was actually jumping all over her. She had been told repeatedly not to do it. (She also liked to steal, by the way, but the dog was the deal breaker).

    Agree with all that. But enough of the dog psychology, which I think is lost on many Thais. Sadly, status and/or security, and being one up on the neighbours seem to be motivators for owning exotic dogs here. I've never owned a Rottweiler, but I have been around many aggressive dogs, who like aggressive people are often afraid of something. Its hard to imagine that this was a spontaneous outburst from the pack. What provoked them indeed?? Tim

  16. Only happens when I'm pissed. Thinking about it, I do sleep on my side and barely move during the night so I probably cut off the circulation for several hours.

    If you're really concerned, have a diabetes check. If you've also got other numb sensations on the same side of the body, read about stroke. Otherwise think about life without getting pissed so often. Tim

  17. The kid next door has come down with Dengue fever. We are up north, Phayao area mainly farming. Should i be soaking the kids with deet? Running to Bangkok or just chilling out?

    Get a supply of the Boots own brand tropical strength repellent - in the grey spray can, its about 50% DEET - and stronger than anything else. Its expensive but worth a try. Spray your joints, wrists, etc twice a day and hope it works, because Dengue is no joke. Tim

  18. For about 3 weeks now I've had watery loose bowel motions. Its not like diarrohea, as it happens when I usually go -which is first thing in the morning. But I am having the watery explosion more often, - about 2-3 times a day, and usually after eating. It feels like my digestive system isn't working properly. I'm otherwise OK apart from an ongoing prostate problem. I've tried changing my diet and now eat more farlang food than Thai. I dont drink much, and don't smoke. I've stopped drinking milk which I read can be a cause. My appetite has decreased also.

    I'm about to try worm tablets. Does anyone have any recommendations or other ideas. Thanks, Tim

  19. Luckydog.

    Let me make sure what you are saying here. Libido as in desire and not the ability to get an erection. They are two entirely different things and viagra will do nothing for desire. When you can verify that I can make some recommendations.

    Thanks John.

    I seem to have lost the desire that I used to have in abundance......thats given rise to Impotence.

    Cant understand it?

    Ok to start off with you need to understand a few things that can be hidden unless you look for them. Like women, men also have a regular cycle. The older a man is the more he becomes aware of it. That cycle is tied to desire. For myself my cycle seems to be about 50 days. For about one week my sexual desire is near zero. Then about 10 days later I can’t seem to get enough. To best describe it for me it would look like a heart beat on a EKG with a significant period between each pulse. The length of the cycle is not the same for everyone. To find your cycle all you need is a calendar and a pencil. You should mark days with desire without sexual activity. The same for days with sexual activity along with anything else like your ambient stress level. That should be enough information to find the length of your cycle.

    For the short term you can indulge in aphrodisiacs. One of the most potent I have found in Thailand is Ginseng tea. The strongest Ginseng root is from Korea and you can find that at Tokyu at MBK. That works fast in about 10 minutes but does not last long perhaps an hour, but by that time most people are done with sexual activities.

    Also a sudden change in your diet can lead to this. Certain vitamins and minerals are directly related to sexual activity and desire. Zinc and vitamins E and B come to mind without getting out my books.

    Prolonged exposure to heat can also reduce your sex drive. A teacher who is teaching in un-air-conditioned class rooms as an example. Wearing boxers would be better than briefs in that case.

    That would be the first things I would do. If the problem persists then I would look deeper at other possible problems. If you have not had a physical in a while then get one with full blood work and get your testosterone level checked.

    Other possibilities include a virus, stress, or even an insect bite.

    I am a bit concerned in that I have had an unusual high number of men in the past 3 months contact me on this. I am beginning to wonder if there is some unknown in the environment, a virus, or just a generally higher stress level.


    I agree with all the above, but since you mentioned an enlarged, inflamed prostate, go and get it checked. John, maybe the high number of men you have seen has more to do with their age and declining sexual function than a virus ? Tim

  20. It is grown in Chang Mai - in climate controlled glass houses (primarily because the winter is cool and you are away from the worst of Thailands humidty) - thats the key to making a success of it in Thailand's weather & bug enviorment isolation from bugs and variable weather.


    www.crop.cri.nz/home/products-services/publications/broadsheets/020Saffron.pdf - looks interesting.


    Thanks for that, I suspected there may be a few 'small' problems. Tim

  21. Perhaps you are gay??? :D We do have a gay forum, perhaps they may help????? :o

    go to panthip ,buy some smut watch it with your girl freind ,if that doesnt work try viagra,if that doesnt work then theres no hope ,more girls for us :D

    If diet, weight, blood pressure, alcohol, caffeine intake, stress, gone off your girfriend, no exercise, are not the issues go and have a check up with full blood count, liver function and PSA. If that doesn't work, consider male menopause - which does exist, or becoming a monk. Alternatively, if its not really worrying you consider the freedom you've now found in not having a sexual fantasy every 6 minutes. Also the disappearance of your wife/ girlfriends jealousy everytime you pay any attention to another woman.

    My libido has been deliberately killed off as part of my prostate treatment. At first it was a concern, but now its amazing how much else there is to think about besides sex, - I think

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