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Grateful farang

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Posts posted by Grateful farang

  1. @marko kok prong

    Good reply!

    These girls provide a great service

    I'm sure some of them hope to find a good man

    That doesnt drink too much, doesnt smoke and will not remove their head from their shoulders with a muay thai kick.

    Someone asked me: grateful farang, how do you stand on prostitution? I replied: I dont stand on prostitution, I lay on it and at least 2 times per week!

  2. @seajae

    Quality ingrediants?

    I guess you know better than me being from australia

    Which is the same part of the world

    But all the foods i've eaten In thailand tasted healthy to me.

    I live most of the time in london uk

    You have to watch everything you eat and drink here!

    No-one drinks tape water because of the sodium flouride thats added to it.

    If you come to the uk from a country that doesnt have flouridated water and start drinking uk tape water, you'll need a kidney transplant.

    I heard of a few people this happened to

    But knew 2 perzonally.

    One was a keen runner, drinking lots of water

    Next thing you know, kidney failure.

    Most soft drinks and chewing gums, sweets, contain aspartame.

    Some chocolate bars contain apartame and fructose corn syrup

    No damned good

  3. @ayjaydee

    America most etnically diverse

    Well I say this because historically everyone wanted to go there

    "the land of opportunity"

    Swedish, polish, irish, english, russians, italians, jewish, spanish, mexicans, puerto ricans, dominicans, haitians, jamaicans, all caribbeans, south americans, central americans, indians, pakistanis, sri lankans, koreans, japanese, chinese, philipinoes, africans,

    I could include 50 more countries.

    Everyone wants to be there.

    A lady recently asked me if I wanted to go to america

    When I said no, she looked at me as though I were mad!

    We started talking about food and jumped into something else.

    Its ok as we havent broken any laws, lol!

  4. @grindting

    I will try and get me some sri lankan food

    Coconut has medicinal properties, maybe thats why they put it in everything

    I baked a coconut cake this week; it didnt last 3 days.

    I will also make chicken tomorrow with coconut gravy

    I'm actually trying to immitate indian cuisine

  5. @thailiketoo


    Fantastic question

    Its a matter of social engineering and behaviour and propaganda placement in movies.and tv shows

    The kids are being taught porno in school now from age 9

    Not sex ecucation but porno

    I listen to a talk in radio show from the uk called lbc radio

    2 days ago they were talking about pole dancing classes at school.

    Everyone rang up, some agreed some didnt.

    But when under "austerity" which is engulfing europe right now.

    Pride will soon be forgotten and survival instincts

    Will set in.

    Propaganda and behaviour placement

    "they" will start portraiting in movies and tv showz

    Prostitutes/lap dancers/escort girls in a positive light

    So the next generation in 20/30 years will not have any idea of morality

    Our generation will be old or dead.

    Angelina jolie

    Did you know she has an incestuous relationship with her brother?

    Its not even hidden!

    At some movie awards they were photographed together kissing and smouching up sexily together!

    Apparently when she was 12/13 years old her dad was having intercourse with her and passing her around to hollywood chums.

    Google it read for yourself

    Angelina was made/knighted a dame by the queen last week.

    For her work in stopping sexual violence against women in war torn countries???

    Its all a facade they profit from wars.

  6. @ppmacready

    I dont have too much luck

    So like you say its better to prepare and plan

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun

    Thats what really matters in the end

    Like all this talk of hi-so educated women

    To me the most useless women are the educated one's she's of no real use to you

    Other than looking good on your arm and the image she portraits.

    Will she get down on her hands and knees and scrub the kitchen floor? Probably not!

    She'll expect you to employ a maid.

    Will she raise her own children and take care of them like a loving mother the way nature intended? Probably not!

    You'll have to employ a nanny.

  7. @harrry

    Thanks for your reply

    Dairy produce

    Some races dont like it like european people

    I remember back when the ethiopeans had that famine back in 1980's

    Europe sent them butter and cheese surplus

    But they couldnt digest it or something

    Indian cuisine is exquisite

  8. @mjnaus


    Not really steal; more like trick and con

    The man doesnt really know she's a scheming horrible witch, that only wants money.

    Everytime he turns around she's smiling acting nice.

    But you will never know what is really in her heart.

    Til its time for her to cash in her casino chips

    Like the beatle sir paul mcCartney

    He married an ex prostitute called heather mills

    She was an ex call girl who made £10.000 some nights sleeping with rich arabs

    Paul didnt know

    She had an accident and became an amputee

    She had one leg.

    Paul still married her; she divorced him getting

    25 million pounds plus other benefits

    Now what tricks did this woman play to trick sir paul?

    She must be a very good actress to dupe him so well?

  9. @ thailiketoo


    In the uk and western europe and america

    They will soon legalize "prostitution" massage

    Under the n.w.o its all about making money at all costs. Money comes first now!!

    Soon in the next 10 years prostitution will just be a regular job that women, transexuals and men do

    The governents of every country will get taxes from prostitution and the stigma and bad image will disappear over night

  10. @deepcell

    Fish and chips in newspaper

    I remember getting chips with words printed on them because of the newspaper

    Very dirty and unhygenic

    But all of that newspaper fiasco stopped in the early 1980's

    Now health and safety is ridiculous

    Any excuse to shut your business down and stop someone making any progress in their lives

    • Like 1
  11. @ppmacready


    One way or the other you end up paying.

    Women dont go out with broke homeless men.

    i've slept with massage girls

    Most of them are very nice and lovely

    I feel like she's my wife of girlfriend because the vibe is so nice.

    Only one or two of these massage girls are so money grabbing you know she only wants your money.

    She'll do the massage and before the hour is over she is demanding money and wants to leave early.

    Most of the massage girls are lovely and charming

    So I can see how a man could fall in love with her and marry her?!

    • Like 1
  12. @catoni

    I like to buy from street vendours too

    One dark night I saw a vendour and bought some kinda soup

    It tasted unusual; like it had some vegatable i've never tasted before in it.

    Now you say they put chunks of blood in soup?

    The soup did have big square cubes in it.

    You say blood? No wonder it tasted funny?

    2 years

    You cant go back to thailand for 1 to 2 years?

    Wow! Long time

    I wonna be back for christmas

    And thats still to long for me: 6 months

    pure torture waiting and atiscipating

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