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Posts posted by tfranz

  1. 10 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    2m baht isn't much.

    That is something that is not easy to comprehend for me since in Europe we don't think in maximum benefit or caps.

    All I can do is trying to put that number in relation to friends telling me the costs of their surgeries in Thailand in a good private hospital.
    Appendix and hernia surgeries, both around 120.000 THB.
    Hmmm? In relation to that 2MB sounds like a lot.

  2. I would like to ask for an opinion on a health insurance I am thinking about buying in Thailand.

    45 years old.

    Working in Thailand, so I also have the SSO card.
    Maximum Benefit per year 2.000.000 THB
    Inpatient only

    Premium per year: 34.000 THB

    I know these are not many information and I know I cannot expect a detailed advice on different insurances or insurers.

    I am just interested from your experiences if this is roughly the ballpark an insurance like this belongs.
    Or if there are any better ideas coming to mind by reading this.

    Thanks a lot

  3. I am planning to join a new fitness class that consists mostly of high-interval intensity training.


    Now I was thinking that it might be a good idea to take a cardiac stress test first.
    Of course I am not sure if that is necessary.

    So I was looking for recommendations for hospitals doing this kind of check-up for a reasonable price.

    I have done one a couple of years ago. That was at the Bangkok Christian Hospital in Patpong if I remember correctly.
    I think it cost about 4.000 baht.


    Any other recommendations or input?

  4. 2 hours ago, Michael Hare said:

    I live in Ubon. I stand to be corrected, but to the best of my knowledge there is no water park currently operating in Ubon. There was a big water park behind Central Plaza but that has been closed for many months. There is the swimming pool complex at Sunee Tower which has water slides. Running water parks must not be a viable business. 

    Yes, we were at the one at Sunee Tower.
    Maybe the expression "water park" does not fit 100% since that one is pretty small but it works very well for a 4-year old ????

  5. 23 hours ago, DUNROAMIN said:

    Mate, this is Thailand, drive pass each one and maybe their open, or maybe not!!!

    Ususally I agree.
    But we will drive from Loeng Nok Tha and the kid loves playing in the waterpark.
    So if I knew that both water parks in Mukdahan stopped operating I would probably drive the other direction to Yasothon.
    I guess I will try to call the water parks then.

  6. 1 hour ago, DUNROAMIN said:

    Correct, however to the best of my knowledge that one is closed as well for now.

    Oh no. That would be bad news!

    The next water park I know and took the kid to is in Ubon. That's quite a drive though.

    Are there any other water parks (or similar) around Mukdahan (in any direction)?

  7. Thanks a lot for your replies.

    Ok, I didn't know there was a second waterpark in Mukdahan.
    I always passed the one on 212 and it seemed to be closed.

    So the water park that is opened is a little bit to the northwest of the city center (see my screenshot)?


  8. Does anybody know by chance if the Waterpark in Mukdahan on the 212 road is open in July?

    I am thinking about going there with the little one this month and I remember the last time I drove by (many months back) it was deserted.


    I just don't want to disappoint the kid ????


  9. Hi all,

    has anybody ever been to an HP Service Center in Bangkok?
    I am trying to find the address but the website always tries to send me to Chonburi.
    I cannot believe that there is no HP Service Center in Bangkok.

    The fan in my HP Laptop is driving me crazy. It makes a constant, unhealthy sound. Seems to me it needs to be replaced.

    Thank you very much

  10. Hi all,


    I know there are a couple of similar threads already.

    But they are pretty outdated.


    So I would like to ask for some up-to-date information.

    I am looking for a good dentist in Ubon or Mukdahan for a 4-year-old. She has problems with her upper milk teeth.

    Supposedly 5-6 of them have to be removed before the new ones are coming.


    I read about Aroma Clinic in Ubon. Is that information still current? In which hospital is this doctor (female) also working? Ratchavej?

    What's her name?

    Then people mentioned Dr. Bee?!

    Or better go to one of the hospitals directly? Which one has a dental department?


    Haven't found anything about Mukdahan though.


    Thank you very much



  11. Thank you for all your answers.
    Unfortunately I am reading a couple of them only now since I was in Ubon this weekend already.


    Nevertheless I will leave this post here. Maybe it helps whoever else is going to Ubon with kids.


    Stayed in the Sunee Grand Hotel and it was great. Great room on the 11th floor. Nothing to complain about.

    Didn't even have time to check out the hotel pool since the little one always wanted to go to the water park.

    Pool looked great though.

    But the water park is more or less in the same building on the 4th floor. Kid loved it.


    Shopping mall in the same building is nothing special but convenient if you need something and don't have to leave the building.


    Went to Ubon Zoo with the little one and she was pretty happy. It's a nice thing to do for max half a day.


    Always took taxis to get around. You must be lucky to flag one down but the hotel calls them for you. Didn't try Grab Car though.



    Sorry to hear about your bad experience with Sunee Hotel. I booked via Agoda too. I have to say I was really impressed by this hotel. I hope this wasn't a one-time luck.

    Anyway .. I will be in Ubon again with the little one. So I am still interested in alternatives, hotel-wise or activity-wise (NiwPix mentioned SheepVil)

  12. We will spend a weekend in Ubon with a 3-year-old soon.

    Won't rent a car this time so plan on staying more or less in the city.


    Do you have any recommendations for a kids-friendly hotel, guesthouse etc?


    Is there a playground for kids in Thung Si Muang Park or somewhere else?

    Any other ideas about what to do for the kids in Ubon?


    Thank you very much

  13. I see here the typical "western" approach to bureaucracy, worrying about substance, and reversal of roles, "if I was the IO"


    Well, you are not him/her, you're the applicant. You only have to prepare an application that is spotless, and with that I mean that "it looks good" literally.


    Clearly written. dates matching. Forms filled in full, clear copies, "back-up documents" kept separated to not add confusion, and given only if asked. If using a bank account get the letter the same day, make sure you have not  used it at all for the previous three months. Just use a separate account for any other need. Dress nicely, what about skipping the nasty bermuda and sandals for a day. 


    And finally why worrying before he fact. First, you get the information. Then you prepare and present the application. If it is refused, take exact note of what has to be corrected, fix it and you will be all set.


    I agree with you to a certain degree and I started this thread ;-)

    But ...

    Let's say you are staying with your Thai wife in Europe and plan the next year or more in Thailand.

    You apply for a single entry Non O in Europe.

    You fly to Thailand and your plan is to apply for a 1 year extension after two months (?) and then you find out that your source of income is not suitable to get a letter - or even worse gets rejected by Thai immigration.

    That is a big risk to take.

    So ... I don't like it but I have to "worry" before taking the next steps.


    "If it is refused, take exact note of what has to be corrected, fix it and you will be all set."

    Well, what might this plan B be then? A multiple entry Non O based on marriage? With border runs? Border runs is not exactly a save way to stay in Thailand at the moment (how can we know when they crackdown on border runs on an Non O?).


    Oh, and on a sidenote: I am always dressed appropriate ... at immigration or in a pub or elsewhere ;-)


    Sources of income are irrelevant to immigration, all that matters is the paper.


    And working back home is no indication at all of work in Thailand, it might even be better.

    Immigration officers aren't complete morons. They can see if you've been outside of the country or not and if you're having income from employment from outside Thailand during that time, it's pretty obvious you've been working under radar in Thailand. If they care or not .. well it's a nice little one for some tea money at least.



    That's what I fear. Although this might be more true for a second 1 year extension.

    If you have been in Europe in year 1 and apply for the 1 year extension for year 2 then it should not be a problem (I guess).


    I have problems in understanding the sources of income suitable. 

    What about others who are going this route? What sources of income are they using when applying for this letter from the embassy?


    And what about the nature of this 40.000 baht rule anyway?

    As far as I understand Thai immigration would like to see a proof that you can finance your and your wife's stay in Thailand for the duration of the extension.

    But then where is the point in showing proof of income from previous months (or maybe even a summary of the last year / last 12 months)?

    Either you had income from renting out property for example ... or (and here is my original problem or worry) from an employment in Europe ... what do these "past" statements tell about your finances in the next 12 months to come?

    Your property could have burned down ;-) or your contract finished. Maybe there is no more money coming from these income sources.


    So, can anyone provide experiences from actually applying for these letters from an Embassy.

    What do the want to see?

    What do they write in the letter?

    I know ... different embassies different processes, but still ...


    I am also still interested in my original question about showing proof of income through a salary in Europe and the potential implication of working illegaly in Thailand then.


    Thanks a lot to all of you so far

  15. I know that the embassy is not the thai immigration but in my head I see the following situation coming up when asking for this letter:
    Oh, you have a salary statement from your employer in Europe? So you are employed in Europe? Why do you want to apply for a one year extension based on marriage that does not allow you to work in Thailand but at the same time your are employed in Europe? Why should your employer in Europe pay you a monthly salary while you are sitting in Thailand doing nothing because you are not allowed to work in Thailand?
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  16. I have learned from this forum that you need a proof of income or funds in a Thai Bank if you want to apply for a 1-year extension based on marriage with a Thai citizen.

    If you want to go the "monthly income" route you need a letter from your embassy that confirms that your monthly income is 40.000 baht or more.

    So far so good ...


    But then what types of monthly income can that be?

    Early pension, income from renting out property? Anything that has nothing to do with work?

    It cannot be a salary statement from an employment in Europe since that would imply that you are working for your money and that would raise suspicion one might continue working while in Thailand?

    Or can it?

    Do the embassies care about the type of income or are they just confirming the income without stating the type of income on the letter.


    I am a little confused here since I wonder what types of income are suitable.


  17. Oh, and maybe as an addition to the previous post.

    I see Thai language as very important too. My Thai is not too bad and improving but not now on a business meeting level.

    But then again my wife could do most of the office management things.

    But ... most of the customers would be in Europe or USA anyway.

    And I guess the computer savvy folks in Bangkok can talk about what they do in English since they have to program in English anyway.

  18. You are right ParadiseLost.

    The EU/German laws are more draconian to e.g. most Thai people than the other way round.

    But here we were talking about married couples of Thai - Farang nationality and how their countries support them in their natural pursuit to take care of their families.

    While I think foreigner married to Thai citizens should get automatic work rights, I think them not getting those rights is a red herring. For the most part, most foreigners wouldn't want to work for Thai wages and most certainly don't have the key skill you generally need to do well - a grip of the Thai language.

    Frankly, running my own business here (granted Thai citizen) if you can't meet the low hurdle set in terms of employing two Thai employees at minimum wage (of which your wife could be one) then I think the business idea probably isn't a great one to start with.

    Good point, samran.

    Although I have read so many different reports and/or experiences (or at least that is what is stuck in my mind at the moment after reading on thaivisa.com a lot).

    Especially about

    - the number of employees needed (2-4 depending on the office that you deal with ... married or not ... and this according to immigration law or regarding to a work permit)

    - the amount of hours (fulltime, parttime) and/or the minumum wage per month (not per hour) the employees have to get

    - if the wife can own 51% and on top be one of the employees

    - what kind of work the employees have to do (directly connected to the business purpose or can they (all) be gardener, cleaning staff, etc.)

    - if a business address other than the "own" house or apartment is needed (if not where are the employees supposed to work and what happens if the Thai officials come for a visit as I have read somewhere)


  19. Two weeks ago I was already on my way buying a RS Sun Box for the football championship.

    But with all the news going around about the lawsuit I decided to wait.

    Then suddenly my wife said that all games are free to the Thai people.

    In our apartment we get a couple of movie channels and BBC World News and so on.

    I think they have a satellite dish on the roof. We don't use a box whatsoever.

    Usually I don't care since I don't need the TV that often.

    I can see channel 8 and the players running around but the the quality is so bad .. it is not usable.

    So please ... can somebody shed some light on this.

    From Europe and the US I am used to Pay TV or Free TV.

    If you try to watch a Pay TV channel without paying then you see NOTHING.

    But here I see something.

    What do I have to do to watch the games like all other Thai people are supposed to do? ;-)

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