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Posts posted by MaiPenLai

  1. My friend has been in contact with Me, he's

    accidently clicked on Disable All

    on the Windows System Configration Utility

    RUN - msconfig He was looking at the Services Tab and accidently

    clicked the Disable All

    Now he can't open most programs including

    Run - msconfig , to enable him to re - click

    Enable all , and put things back to where they

    were, he's tried the restore option but this also

    will not open, He's running Windows XP

    Any one know how to re start all the programs that

    have been Disabled...?


    Tried Safe mode yet? Just a thought as it is supposed to load minimum config files.......

  2. I think it is a free market system that is working as all other systems do all over the world. There are multiple tiers and based on your ability to pay for quality, you get what you pay for.

    A discriminating parent here does what parents elsewhere have to do to get the best education for their child including but not limited to relocation of the student and/or family to facilitate that end.

    Thai parents know that if their child is at a government school that has multiple programs, and their child is in the most inexpensive program that their child is getting less. It is a matter of priorities and ability to pay for a quality education. I have had Thai parents tell me face to face that their child is destined to be a noodle stand owner ( class system ) or as well inherit the family business ( again class system ) and therefore they have no need for XYZ education.

    The education system here suffers from the same problems as do many other countries. It is less about funding and more about accountability. Count how many Education ministers Thailand has had in the last 8 years, Each with his own completely different spin on educational philosophy and many times completely contradictory to the last one. Gentlemen I respectfully suggest it is about continuity and accountability at all levels.

    If you take the time to look closely at how Thai's view education and take into account the must pass system that most foreigners abhor, It is very pragmatic. Grades 1-12 are primarily about socialization / domestication and secondarily about education. The line in the sand as it were is the university level entrance exam. It makes perfect sense to most Thai's and is nothing if not practical taking into account Thai culture.

    This thread comes at a perfect time of the year to take into account another significant factor. In the next few weeks we will all be celebrating Songkran. Bangkok will become a ghost town as people return to their home province to enjoy the holiday. Bangkok is just where the money is and many Thai's believe Bangkok is where an education is to be found.

    I don't disagree at all that the education system is flawed, But I do think from a Thai cultural perspective that it is much less urgent than is believed. After all Thai's say " We have the rice" loosely translated into, why hurry we have time.

    I would always support any change that actually leads to real improvement in the system but I have to ask myself if there is such a school shortage then why aren't the Thai capitalists maximizing this opportunity? We all know that private schools here make copious amounts of money and the shortage at the grade 6-12 level has been ongoing for some time. That is the topic for another thread! The problems associated with educating at that specific level.

  3. I'm not getting the thai gov warning, the page just won't load. Is this a technical glitch or a block. Has the current gov ever blocked YouTube? I am in the south. Is this relevent?




  4. Belkin brand products seem to be the most prominently displayed and advertised brand in the large IT stores. Routers, ADSL modems, etc, etc. I haven't seen any comments or recommendations on this forum.

    Anyone using these or have useful info?

    Have used one for about 3 years ADSL modem and router combo unit. Works great, excellent range.

    CONS: Had to buy an after market power plug adapter.

    Also NOTE: I just added a Belkin usb dongle to add another desktop to the network. I would recommend that if you use this device to NOT USE the utility that comes bundled and ONLY load the driver. It caused an AMD board and CPU to run at 100%.......... Windows task manager pegged the utility as the culprit............ And it was very obvious as it slowed the computer to a crawl and had all 6 computer fans instantly running at 100 %.

    happy computing

  5. I enjoy watching You Tube like many other people. And I will still be able to, as many of you are. No discussion about " how"

    This is an interesting event because before the offending post/upload to You Tube there were hundreds of vids from people that were about their love and devotion to the King and that was just fine.

    Now that one person decided to post/upload something objectionable, none of those vids will be viewed from within Thailand ( easily ).

    I respect my host countries right to block the web site. Nothing to complain about. I am choosing to live here.

    It is an object lesson in not being able to have it both ways and throwing the good majority out with the bad minority.

    It is also a reflection of where Thailand is currently and comparatively to other countries.

    Randomly choosing the U.S.A....... There are hundreds of single and compilation vids of " Dubya " the U. S. President making a fool of himself and I have not checked but I am sure the vids in support of him would be in the minority.

    Let me make it clear I am not comparing the U.S. President and the Thai King. That would be absurd. The Thai king is a dignified man deserving of the love and support of his people.

    I am more pointing out that an infant country in relative terms (U.S.) seems to have a different take on the censorship issue than a country that enjoys a very long history. China fits here to but for different reasons.

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

    slight critique. The US is about the 4th oldest govt in existence today with its constitution being adopted ~230 years ago. When Thailand gets a new constitution after yet another military coup then its a NEW government and the clock starts from scratch.

    I am in complete agreement.

    But I would add that in certain situations Thailand has jumped several steps, mainly due to being a bit far behind (opinion, not fact, re:far behind). I wish for the Thai peoples sake this arena would be one where they could advance quickly. I know that is dreaming as this will be a slow and painful process.

  6. I enjoy watching You Tube like many other people. And I will still be able to, as many of you are. No discussion about " how"

    This is an interesting event because before the offending post/upload to You Tube there were hundreds of vids from people that were about their love and devotion to the King and that was just fine.

    Now that one person decided to post/upload something objectionable, none of those vids will be viewed from within Thailand ( easily ).

    I respect my host countries right to block the web site. Nothing to complain about. I am choosing to live here.

    It is an object lesson in not being able to have it both ways and throwing the good majority out with the bad minority.

    It is also a reflection of where Thailand is currently and comparatively to other countries.

    Randomly choosing the U.S.A....... There are hundreds of single and compilation vids of " Dubya " the U. S. President making a fool of himself and I have not checked but I am sure the vids in support of him would be in the minority.

    Let me make it clear I am not comparing the U.S. President and the Thai King. That would be absurd. The Thai king is a dignified man deserving of the love and support of his people.

    I am more pointing out that an infant country in relative terms (U.S.) seems to have a different take on the censorship issue than a country that enjoys a very long history. China fits here to but for different reasons.

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  7. I don't usually follow CPU price movement but I am considering a new build and so watching AMD and Intel slug it out. Can anyone tell me what the lag time between CPU price drop and the retail price drop here in Bangkok?

    I went to IT Grand and it seems they are either unaware of the AMD X2 price drop or they are weeks or months behind market movement?


  8. I just watched a 5-6 part series on the "Big Tiger" on You Tube last week. It was the first time cameras were allowed into the infamous Bangkok Hilton. It was produced by the BBC, made in 2003-2004 if I remember correctly.

    There is some inequity in the way sentences are actually served by foreigners in Thailand. The prisoners that are interviewed make a valid point that most Europeans and North Americans really only serve 8 years and then go home to serve a couple of months and are released. This appears to be due to some kind of agreement between certain countries and Thailand.

    The British prisoners interviewed were really upset as they had 50 year or more sentences and their government does not honor this agreement. I don't think they interviewed any Australian prisoners?

    So the Thai system is actually quite soft if you are a foreigner.

    They also interview Thai prisoners with death sentences. They get two hours notice that their sentence is being carried out.

    I just would not want to spend one night at the Hilton.

  9. It's not a problem mixing drive technologies on the same mainboard. My office computer I have a 250GB SATA drive and an 80GB IDE drive in the same box. The 80GB was a spare and added it to do backups to. I would recommend getting SATA since that is the mainstream interface now and in the near to distant future. So, just put the SATA drive in and connect the cable to the mainboard. You will need a SATA power cable connection or an adapter to supply power to the SATA drive. This will depend on your power supply or if the drive comes with the adapter.

    Thank you for your lightning fast response gentlemen ( assumption ) kayo and tywais.


  10. Hi, I wonder if someone in the forum can tell me if it is ok to run 2 different hard drive types on the same computer.

    I currently have an : AMD Athalon 3000+

    1 GIG of Kingston Ram DDR 400

    Seagate Barracuda, ST380011A, 7200 RPM, 80GB drive, It is an Ultra ATA/100

    NVIDIA GeForce 6800XT Video card

    Motherboard is a DFI board model number DNF4DAGE

    Running Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 ( Build 2600 )

    I have the PDF file for the board and it shows 4 connections for SATA drives as well as the native IDE/EIDE drive currently in computer specs above. The board also supports SCSI and RAID but I am just a normal user with a small home network so I prefer cheaper options. What it does not specifiy is IF I can run different types of drives at the same time or will this cause some sort of problem. I guess it is commonly understood by most people but I have no idea at all ?

    What I need to do is add a 250 GB drive and I don't understand SATA technology so I am not sure if it is a good idea to buy a SATA drive OR add a slave to the existing master, another ATA drive.

    Windows hardware shows the following controllers:

    IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers

    NVIDIA nForce4 AMDA Controller

    NVIDIA nForce4 AMDA Controller

    NVIDIA NForce4 Parallel ATA Controller

    SCSI and RAID controllers

    SCSI/RAID Host Controller

    As I said I guess that many people know if it is ok to mix and match drives, But I have never used the newer SATA drives. Also I have never owned a motherboard that was so elaborate in it's controls and features.

    I am thanking the group in advance for any help with best solutions.


  11. I have been going there for over 6 years and I would say most places are " gay friendly ". I always went with a bf and rarely noticed any unattached gay guys there but many falang/Thai couples.

    Try Jep's / Jeb's . It has become much more expensive over the years ( still in your price range ) but the service is good and nice beaches and better than average food with a fresh bakery within walking distance, Also has a very popular outside bar at the end of the beach. This place is also very popular with the Thai's as many Thai super stars stay there, or at least we have seen many there over the years.

    Thinking about it a bit more we have seen many groups of Thai gay guys there but they seemed to stay together in their group and were intent on just relaxing with their friends, not looking for action.

    Enjoy your stay,


  12. Can someone please tell me how to work around True ISP blocking Rapidshare. It has worked great until today and now I get the following page when I try to access Rapidshare:

    Access Denied (policy_denied)

    Your system was configured to deny access to this URL.Because this url was and improper/obscene website or your package is localnet

    For assistance, contact your network support team.

    I know True is a terrible choice for a provider, however I am stuck using them for now>

    Also I am not using Rapidshare for anything obscene. Just trying to get some content uploaded by my family back home.

    Thanks in advance for any work-around.

    Maipenlai :o

  13. Thank you to all the people that were kind enough to answer my post. I am sure one of the suggexted pools will work out fine.

    To: earl >> I live in the Nimenhamen area of CM...... good point!

    To: agsnow >> Thank you for the link....... I will spend the time to understand the search functions.

    Once again, Thanks to all.

  14. As a newer resident of CM I have aske literally 200 people where I can get some sun and swim a bit.

    I am really not looking for a gym, Just a place with a pool to get some sun and maybe swim.

    Anybody know where there is a public swimming pool in CM ?

    Thank you in advance for your reply.

  15. I went to Maisai, Thailand today for my 60 day passport stamp. For those of you who don't know where Maisai is, its the fathest north you can go in Thailand.

    I was out of Thailand, into Myanmar, and back into Thailand in under 10 min. Total cost for Myanmar visa was 250 baht.

    No problems what so ever.

    Hi Richard, Thank you for your post and information. I will be staying in CM when my visa expires next month. Can you please give me a few more details about your trip from CM to Maisai and anything else I might need to know. THanks again as I did not even know this visa run was possible.

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