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Nigeone last won the day on February 9 2016

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  1. Does anybody on here really believe these constant figures churned out seemingly weekly from one spokesperson or another. And I’ve always really doubted the added Baht value added to said statements. Too many unknowns to make those sort of claims. Ohh well , if it makes them happy I guess
  2. Was on a Etihad flight 12 months ago to Thailand and a smart ass British tourist was clearly having a quick vape during flight. He then must have thought I need a bigger fix and went to the toilet to do so. Detector kicked in and male flight attendants descended on said toilet and a very sheepish guy exited . Taken to his seat and made to pay £200 on the spot after words with him. Up to then he had been acting Billy big b***s and from then on was very sheepish and not a happy bunny. Bet he won’t vape on a plane again.
  3. If it’s run any better than previous years I’ll be surprised. Be the usual high death count and tbh until they sort the policing and driving tests out it’s always going to be unsuccessful. What a waste of life this is always.
  4. They’ll still be talking about it then too. Think submarines and other crazy schemes .Not sure they have the ability and skill set to do it successfully .
  5. I’m British , and probably should keep out of this discussion but from where and all my mates are sitting this whole election and rhetoric from Trump is mind blowing. Firstly I don’t get the absurd amount of money that’s spent on the whole thing , money that lots could help in so many areas , it’s obscene tbh. Second is regardless of any qualities , and in my eyes it’s doubtful he has any Trump might have as a person, he’s a complete low life. As proven so many times. Thirdly he has zero idea about what truth is and isn’t and continually lies and seemingly doesn’t care in any shape or form. I’m not going into his sexual episodes and misogynistic attitudes to women . To think you could contemplate he being your leader just defies common decency. Is Harris much better . Yes I think so but still a poor choice to basically run the biggest and military and economy in the world. If Trump gets in. God help USA and the rest of the world relations.
  6. I don’t doubt when you consider the amount of competitors and the multiple grading that from time to time some slip through. In fact 2 athletes have been pulled out after there races one of which won a bronze but had it taken off him. So what about the GB swimmer Alice Tai with club feet who had her leg amputated below the knee due to extreme pain in 2022 and she got back to completing this Paralympics . She’s won 2 golds , 1 silver and a bronze and possible more to come later. Inspirational as I’d say around 95% or more are . Having struggled with CFS/ME and resulting depression I can tell you that most athletes taking part have multiple issues beyond there most obvious ones. I’ve also luckily coached lots of disadvantaged athletes are you really can’t make light of there achievements . And there’s been full stadiums and venues for most events . Noise has been incredible and loads of brilliant races . Take the blinkers away !
  7. You clearly have no idea how it all works . I’ll leave you to your narrow minded bigoted view .
  8. Really , !!! You are so wrong. All my friends covering all ages are glued to it . Maybe U.K. people have more empathy for these athletes and rightly so. Inspiring and brilliant watching. The competitors stories are humbling . Thailand are actually 18th in the medal table now with 5 golds and 21 total medals. Well done Thailands Paralympic athletes .
  9. This won’t start or end well…. Unbelievable mind sets some of these people in power have . Maybe they see transporting aliens back to Thailand might help the tourist numbers.
  10. It’s not that easy sadly. Asylum seekers are primed to ‘lose’ there passports and paperwork so it’s not then easy to deport as it’s hard to prove where there from. And of course some have genuine issues as to why they’re seeking asylum. For sure the French aren’t going to take them as are not other European countries . First thing they need to do is streamline the appeal process and initial request for asylum . Most are migrants looking for a better life. UK is well known for compassion !
  11. But will add , as should have said , this rise in Thailand won’t make living any easier for Thai families…..very sad.
  12. 28.5 a unit currently where I live . That’s nearly a third of a GBP . And standing charge is 24.6 a day. All GBP. And people say Falang are rolling in money. Yes we get paid if we are more productive and the likes but often it’s forgotten our costs are so much higher. Just saying……
  13. Where I live a few wallabies escaped years ago and no one bothered. Just left then to it as the surrounding land was perfect for them. They bred and multiplied and now there’s at least 800 of them. Still not disturbed and left wild. Seem to survive just fine and there’s sightings all over the place including villages and in gardens of big dwellings. Quite something . And unlike Thailand nobody’s tried to shoot them.
  14. I didn’t say we were part of U.K. , we never have been and also never said we were part of Great Britain. We are British though , as my passport would confirm . I’m well aware of my countries standing .
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