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Old Croc

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  1. The OP hasn't posted since 2016, This use of an old thread is obviously to get some free advertising. Up to you Thaiger.
  2. If the oldest ever presidential nominee wins and then dies in office, how do his racist, cultist followers feel about Usha Chilukuri Vance as first lady?
  3. I've never bothered with the TM30 when friends visit and stay with us, With more than 3o million short term tourists yearly I would think their systems would explode if all reported in.
  4. So, your knickers are in a twist because of him being described as an expert. His name is in green in the member list, so I presume he has been granted that status by Thaiger. It seems to be a new category. As stated, I do consider him to fit that description, more than many others who ply the trade.
  5. He's been a member here for more than 18 years and is someone I always considered to be one of the better posters. I believe he has been the "expert" mod on another forum specifically for visa queries. His advice there has always been spot on and delivered without finding it necessary to belittle the recipients.
  6. In a hotel room, in the possession of guests, I would expect it to contain clothing.
  7. Perhaps they were waiting to see how it turned out, like Trump on Jan 6th.
  8. "appeared to have made a $15 donation to a liberal political action committee" Clutching at straws to turn him into the dreaded enemy! The father's gun. One of 20 owned by him thanks to conservative's gun policies. Why would anyone need that many firearms and why weren't they kept secure? Is the father also a Democrat based on similar flimsy evidence?
  9. My "little" country is approx. the same size as your original 48 states. It was a long way from being a "pile of smoking rubble" during WW11, but instead was supporting Europe while your lot were sitting back hoping to stay out of the conflict. After Pearl Harbour we also had to stem the new enemy from overrunning our country as well as providing support to the US in the Pacific. Since then, we have always been the first to support your country in all the wars you start from Vietnam, through Afghanistan, Iraq, etc, etc. We helped prop up your "umbrella", which has now become tattered and leaky under attack from within by religious fanatics who no longer have the democratic majority and are waging civil war.
  10. I've been having a bit of fun with Jingthings silly threads on here for about 18 years, this is about nostalgia. You, and your small intellect decided to start personal insults with a tired agism comment. You're now so stuck in a groove you don't even realize people have different versions of fun. For instance, bets are often placed on people like you who, use age as an insult, as to which club you will eventually join, the Old Farts or the Darwin. Either way you will be the "silly" one.
  11. Still nothing to say with even a hint of imagination,
  12. A stout Democrat! 55555 I'm not, nor am I American, I actually think for myself, know and reject religious fanaticism and greedy corporatism equally. I just wish the sane parts of the world weren't affected by the nutcase ideologies of countries like Iran and the US.
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