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Everything posted by tonray

  1. If a foreigner intervened, even the victim and the kidnapped woman would join in beating them down
  2. Many dealerships have never dealt with a foreigner purchase before. I bought a car in December and had to explain to them why they needed the document I was providing. But surely you must have known or left a deposit on the red plates and after a few months wondered when you'd get your real ones and your money back ?
  3. Not all countries provide that service and sometimes can be many weeks to get an appointment. The US embassy has appointment system that you must use and $50 US for your affidavit.
  4. Should i apply for the cartel kidnap visa or just enter as a tourist?
  5. It seems doing a runner is nathional pastime in Thailand when it comes to road accidents. GF's new car has been run into twice in the past year by Motos and both times the guys got up back on the bike and you guessed it....did a runner. She even snapped a photo of one of them who took off her side mirror as he passed by....but local police did nothing....not worth their effort without a suggested donation which she refused.
  6. YEah...we have tank...and that is a good point....I just don't like running without supply coming in a refilling....I'm sure I won't shower long enough to drain it (????)
  7. So occasionally the local water utility needs to turn off the supply for work/improvements whatever...no real issue. But this is the second time in a month...and oh yeah...water off today from 10 Am to 4:30 PM....and the notice was just dropped off at 8 AM today.....a little more warning would be appreciated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. We have some rice fields across the road from our gated MooBaan....the biggest issue is not insects....they're everywhere anyway...the biggest issue is a few times a year between crops they burn the stubble after harvest.....the smoke makes the pool unusable for the day and the ash falls on everything so the next day our outdoor bench/table ect need to be cleaned....disgusting practice..but this is Thailand where pollution doesn't matter
  9. Well ....you'll get great Indian food (if you like that) and I've heard it's a haven for laundering drug money (if you're into that sort of thing)
  10. Why that's enough to keep your Thai girl up to her neck in SomTam and fried snacks
  11. I eat it occasionaly but chances are 90% of what's available if farmed, artificially colored and full of chemicals. Heallthier option is Thai Mackerel (pla tuu) or canned sardines/mackerel. Sad but true most of out seafood supplies are not much better than carriers for toxins.
  12. Today ? at least 4. Plus in bumper to bumper traffic...riding between you and the car in the next lane. Coming from behind you on the right shoulder and crossing zig zag in front of you as you brake for the car in front of you....oh yeah there's a bike there now too....they follow no rules and are the most dangerous thing on Thai roads bar none.
  13. What about a car park garage on top of Khao Takiab...the monkeys can act as valets...as long as you're not worried about joyriding
  14. Bangkok straddles the river on both sides
  15. They've already done this with me....they call it a MooBaan. And I'm responsbile for the common fee every year too !
  16. #1) in addition, the 800k balance must be maintained for 3 months following the extension approval
  17. I'm surprised positive tests don't result immediately being thrown in leg irons...love to see that in the Tourism promo
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