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Everything posted by tonray

  1. In Japan, they have vending machines which are quite popular selling these mystery boxes. Anywhere from $10 to $50 US dollar price. The big reason is most people believe they will get the Iphone that's pictured as a 'possible' prize for the $50 variant. It really is a racket
  2. It varies but if you dress smartly and act respectfully you should be OK in Thailand. When I was looking for a teaching job I actually was interviewed by a black man who happened to be the head English teacher at that government school in Bangkok. They loved him there.
  3. They're negotiating with Netflix for a sequel to "Midnight Express"
  4. True....but if she doesn't do it, he is the one to suffer the consequences. No extensions processed until he pays the fine at Immigration. It's absurd but that's the way it is. I loaded the app on my phone, sent in documents from GF (ID and Housebook) and she is blissfully unaware of the requirements outside of "I need these documents to file Immigration form". Works for me
  5. I woukd check Interpol for outstanding warrants. Seems kike he was hiding from something if he was willing to run without his passport. Either that or he has the hots for a ladyboy and just couldn't wait.
  6. right click in Chrome and select 'translate'
  7. Perhaps the issues don't start the clinics but with your expectations for 'cheap' dentistry
  8. Yeah...new phone on the way anyway...I just bought a car and my old phone struggles interfacing with the Android Auto system for Google maps...so that is quite important
  9. I'm thinking maybe Pla Ra would be a better choice with less competition
  10. Here's to hoping the taxi mafia doesn't fleece them too badly
  11. I bought some in Family Mart about a year ago...but it was unfortunately stale and flat like it had been sitting in a truck in the sun for a few days. This was just after first wave of pandemic so that was likely the case. I'll try again as I really like it more than most of the swill here. Not a big beer drinker so when I do indulge I want to enjoy it. Singha Reserve is pretty decent too.
  12. Perhaps because to put yourself out on Thai roads you should pour yourself a stiff one before heading into traffic ?
  13. What's the Christmas dinner menu in the IDC ? I hope they don't leave out the figgy pudding
  14. The implant procedure is straightforward. You get an assessment and treatment plan, then you get implants inserted. Then there is typically a 3 to 4 month period before you can get crowns placed, so waiting just extends this even further.
  15. I live in Nonthaburi...about 3.5 kilometers from Central Westgate Mall....the rice farmer across from our MooBaan just harvested his fields and promptly burned off the stubble so he can plant another crop....why no visit from authorities to force him to stop these practices ? (hint...he is an itinerant farmer and the land owner is a big cheese in Bang Yai district)
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