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Everything posted by tonray

  1. Utter nonsense because these festivals and Thai Buddhism in general have been used to control the population for decades...there is no way they ever want to change that
  2. I believe it will begin being available in 2022 if I recall the news release.
  3. yeah...if you always use your pickup location (home for example)...you can set it as a saved location and then you don't need the Confirm Pickup dialog
  4. yeah similar deal on Mazda2 at the Motor Expo last year....40 K off and similar accessories. Honda is the stingiest however.
  5. I guess my time is up....can I hire that driver who ferried Ms. Shinawatra across the border ?
  6. Traditionally you'll employ underwriters who assess risk and limit it to potential payout requirements. here Underwriting is an under the table envelope endeavor
  7. I use Grab 3 or 4 times per week....it shows exactly the cost of journey before I ever hit book now. Maybe you are not signed in or need to assign a payment method first ?
  8. I think we are seeing two differing views here and perhaps the difference comes from two things: 1) some areas hit much harder economically than others but also some areas the spectacle we as foreigners have come to expect was simply a ruse put on for tourists and their cash. I know that in the Thonburi area where traditionally few tourists go anyway, the larger temples were full to the brim with revelers and Loy Kratong was full on as usual. I suspect that at Central World the mood was quite subdued.
  9. Simply because what you have witnessed in the past was a spectacle put on by the locals for tourists. No tourists no need for the spectacle. Not sure about CM because I am not there...but every local temple here in the BKK area was buzzing last night, loaded with locals just like every year.
  10. Yes...same in the USA...and I'm told by a friend who is a frequent business traveler that it's become nearly impossible to rent a car without a month advance booking when he travels. The car rental agencies let their inventory go down during the pandemic and now they cannot buy replacements to rent.
  11. The problem globally is a shortage of chips made in China and Taiwan for autos. I'm not sure why this affects the US and not Thailand....next month at the Motor expo we'll see if they are sticking with list pricing..last year big discounts....if there indeed is a global shortage then there should not be any reason for discounting. Stay tuned....
  12. Unfortunately, while some here seem to keep stating that these embassy requirements are typos or 'mistakes' we have now seen them show up at 2 or 3 embassy/consulate sites around the world....so my guess is we will see more on the way. But with the insurance requirements increasing every year and now posisbly the financials going up...clearly they have some bias against OA visa holders.......and IOs around Thailand always seem to interpret whatever increases prevail for origination of the visa also apply to in country extensions which is the most absurd aspect of it all.
  13. This is true...even at the Motor Expo last year their discounts were less of a % than the other dealers. The Honda is seen in some ways as the entry level HISO car by Thais who aspire to be HISO (at least that was the analysis by the GF...her best friend owns a Honda ....so she perhaps was speaking about her....ha ha ha)
  14. By extensions you mean queue up at immigration and pay 1900 baht ? If so, this seems no better than a retirement extension.
  15. Last Night: Wat Bukkhallo Thonburi Bangkok....same throngs as usual
  16. Motor Expo at Impact Center in Bangkok December 2-12. Last year dealers were typically giving 30-40,000 baht discounts. We were quoted similar discounts for Toyota Yaris, Honda Jazz and Mazda 2. Purchased Mazda 2 at 30K discount plus options and freebies and 1 year insurance. Going this year also to see about Suzuki Swift or like model.
  17. Especially because with new tourists coming into Thailand anyone can now extend by 60 days indefinitely unless they control it. Game over..time for plan B
  18. This had better darned be fixed by 12/12....Lazada is planning some big sales...
  19. Well learn how to post pics and then perhaps we can help.
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