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Everything posted by tonray

  1. The all out assault on OA visa holders/extenders marches on. I extdened mine today fuming as the IO hit me with a new for this year "we need your insurance card also". Even after providing the original cert from LMG and having verified its in the database. Finally he says "OK but make sure you bring it next time" Next time there'll be no OA visa. Boggles the mind.
  2. Yeah...I watch Danny's vids a lot. He's a good guy...I think we need to bring him here to try Pla Ra and those nasty paddy crabs smashed up in the SomTam.
  3. As is usual with these threads....something doesn't seem right. Why switch to Non-O ? Why pay bribe ? in addition, knowing the office you dealt with is corrupt, why not take the 12 months you had and worked out a different office solution ?
  4. ???????????? There are so many unlicensed moto drivers on the road it's ridiculous. MY GF has a 1 year old Mazda 2. Within 6 months of purchase she had 1 moto run into the back of her car at a light, he got up and took off when she stepped out of the car. She took a pic of his bike license plate...local police uninterested in pursuing him unless she paid them a 'fee' 3000 baht to get out of their chars. A few months later, another moto took out her driver side mirror and yup you guessed it...took off like a bat out of hell rather than face the music.
  5. "In other news a jilted Thai man used a machete to cut up his ex and her lover" Now back to regular moraility police edicts.
  6. For those on one year extensions...going home for a short visit means potentially an expensive policy unless you want to lose your extension and start over again
  7. Get rid of the COE and the absurd 3.3 million baht COVID insurance requirements. You're killing Thailand as a destination
  8. I'm going to Bang Sue for my second shot on the 17th (next Sunday). From what I've been told you need to tell them you want that certificate before you leave and they can provide it to foreigners, otherwise you need to get it later in a more complicated process.
  9. Perhaps she was juts waitinig for the currency exchange booth to open in the morning to avoid the queue
  10. If you are allowed to stay 30 dys and then an additionall 11 months...how is that only 11 months
  11. My porn surfing history must be the subject of some discussion at meetings of the Parliment
  12. Seedless lime value packs at Big-C keep me here....at least triple the price in America
  13. What about seeing a doctor for a first line solution which would be a mild BP med ?
  14. Jurassic World (Farang Island Edition) Let's hunt the ones that make it outside the fence
  15. After ThaiVisa can anything measure up ? I'm hoping the next "Bond" is selected from among the ThaiVisa Moderators...now that would be exciting !
  16. But let's make it more difficult for long term expats who might for example buy 2 new cars in the past year and buy furniture and home improvments (not to mention keep the relative's buffalo in good health)...what does that work out to per day ?
  17. Note : Survey results may have included a disproportionate number of taxi drivers vs regular tourists
  18. Re-creating General MacArthur's landing and disparaging Thailand in one fell swoop ????????????
  19. I wonder how much I can get for my lawn weeds ?
  20. I have both Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn apps on my phone. There is nothing to setup, it's a feature built into the apps. Basically you log into your app, select withdraw function and specify amt. Then you select card less withdrawal on ATM machine and scan the QR code the machine shows.
  21. 1) How old is laptop ? 2) What was battery life before this issue ? I would open the case and see if it's a simple as a loose connector. Youtube likely has a vid of teardown of your model so you can see where the battery is and how difficult it may be to access.
  22. I'm going to start using the cardless withdrawal with phone option. Just safer IMHO in a society where criminals run rampant
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