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Everything posted by tonray

  1. There really is only one foreigner I used to 'lunch' with on occasion when he was in Thailand. A fellow American with mainly shared views on the state of the world. He, on the other hand, had a wide variety of farang characters for friends, one being the alcholic golf pro and another a big lawyer for some foreign firm who lives in some 200K baht per month condo near the US embassy. Once he convinced me to grab lunch with this crowd and I was never so disgusted in my life. Topic of conversation were "Look at that 'slit' over there, maybe I should go over and 'pork' her for dessert (the golf pro who was drunk before lunch arrived), "I need to send my GF somewhere for an abortion, maybe Hong Kong, my wife ? ah...she doesn't give a $$$$ as long as her ATM card keeps working" (The rich lawyer guy). This is why I tend to avoid foreigners in Thailand, it seems to attract the bottom of the barrel insofar as ethical behavior, and that just makes me uncomfortable. My friend thinks these guys are hilarious and maybe hangs out with them for their antics I guess.
  2. Prepaid plan. My phone was lost. Went to AIS shop.. New SIM same number. Also many yearly SIM plan packages. I buy yearly and never need to worry monthly refilling.
  3. No, but if he makes a TikTok video about it, high probability they will see it
  4. Soon that pic may be recreated for tourists in downtown Bangkok: Make your Holiday 'Flooded" with Memories
  5. It could..depends on where the water is dripping inside. Yeah...I'm like you...I did it at first more out of curiosity, now I get them in 3 times a year to clean everything out. Too much hassle and quite a mess if you don't have the proper tools.
  6. The blockage likely is not in the drain pipe outside but in the hose/pan inside the unit in the house. You need to either take the thing apart (messy) and use some compressed air/water or shop vac to clear the drain line -or- have a service person do it. There is a tray that will fill up when the unit is not draining properly, this is what is overflowing. If your drain is located on the right side when you take the cover off you'll see a plug on the exact opposite side, removing this plug will drain the tray. Perhaps the tray became full with an outside line blockage and still has some water in it (can happen if the unit is not leveled correctly slightly down to the drain side.
  7. Except have to test them with 3 X the rainfall because that is the factor between Bangkok and LA
  8. If by protective you mean laying a nice cushiony layer inside your arteries to allow blood to flow in a more relaxed fashion (read slower or not at all) then I guess so !
  9. Is there a convenient place in Bangkok or Nonthaburi to dispose of spent LI batteries ? Thanks in advance...trying not to contribute to the environmental hazard that already exists.
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