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Everything posted by tonray

  1. Let's hope the guys controlling the Lopburi dams don't get trigger happy...we had another massive rain last night from about 4 PM Sunday to midnight....laid awake just imagining the sewers filling up. In Bang Yai..hopeful but cautiious, the rice fields across the road still significantly below road level so not an issue so far. My extension is due on the 20th but I may go this week just in case cannot go due to some 'unforeseen' events.
  2. Yeah...the BF who refused to talk to police and then disappeared after using the dead GF's credit cards....yeah how could we jump to such a crazy conclusion as guilty ?
  3. His problems are only beginning, wait for the Disney lawsuit over the unlicensed T-Shirt
  4. Just be aware that in humid tropical climates, cardboard boxes become the favorite home of roaches and mold mites. Store in a dry location and check every few months
  5. They don't reuse them generally...they shred them and then pulp them with water to make new paper goods.
  6. Crushed flat. I use a boxcutter to make it easier
  7. I think it's time for a campaign of passive resistance. I'm going to start paying double for everything I buy. It will confuse and frustrate the normal Thai routines in the shops they will eventually give in.
  8. Plea agreement, he pleads to stabbing buddy in the head and he gets a pass on the booze ban
  9. Yeah as long as you don't mind the shotgun toting guards at the entrance to every nice store, or the armed security required at most housing developments. They are friendly if you have something to offer financially, otherwise same as here
  10. Who treats you like an idiot ? It sounds like you set yourself up for such treatment if it is indeed happening and not just a bit of paranoia. There are some personality types that simply do not belong here and you sound like one of them
  11. Yeah...I have found the better the wine, the worse it tastes to the GF's 'sophisticated' palate. My funniest Thailand moment was when she assked to go to nice Italian place, I ordered a classic anti-pasto plate, she nearly spit out the cheese and the cured meats were not the same as stewed pork leg that's for sure. The Thai palate is quite different than one from the west.
  12. No reason to disparage the ThaiVisa membership en masse...????????????????
  13. That fact is how the government and other "institutions' continue to control them. In any other country would have been several revolts by now.
  14. He'll have plenty of opportunity to kiss the ground soon enough....he'll be wishing the "banshee" will come and take him
  15. That beer belly will be lost on prison rations...I hope he likes Gaeng Jute clear soup and rice
  16. If you've already suffered this level of damage...call in the professionals, as stated in post above, you need to find and eradicate the underground nests, without doing that you're efforts are just stalling the inevitable.
  17. So you would be willing to bet the risk of Covid is less than the risk of a new vaccine (which by the way has been administered to hundreds of millions so far successfully) that you 'think' might have long term effects when the probability of Covid long term effects are potentially devastating. And don't let anyone fool you with the "children are not a risk" BS....check stories of kids debilitated for life by long term symptoms.
  18. Did it worry you this much when she got all her other childhood vaccinations ?
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