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Posts posted by dassyurus

  1. 5 hours ago, Aussie999 said:

    Detected by the Aussies, when entering Australia, but not detected by Thailand, when leaving, maybe shock absorbers are sent every day, from Thailand, what ever it is, once again we see with no help from foreign countries, Thailand would not get these people, whether drugs child porn or slavery.

    It is a JOINT task force... no one told them to look for heroin... just joints!!

    • Haha 2
  2. On 1/3/2018 at 8:49 PM, geriatrickid said:

    PHUKET is the worst. In fairness to Pattaya, I found the  taxis to  have common sense. I was able to get a  pickup truck to bring us from  South Pattaya to the ferry for 100 baht.  Impossible on Phuket. Last time I went from HKT airport to Patong was 1000 baht.  Slimy corrupt scum.

    Would you get from LA international to Long Beach for $31 US?? Or San Pablo.. or Anaheim???? is just 1000THB trip..

    Same distance as HKT to Patong..


  3. On 26/03/2017 at 1:42 PM, williamgeorgeallen said:

    yes, you can see their lips moving. yes i know it is a cultural thing, nam jai or greng jai or what ever. to put it bluntly the are cheap to support and they are easy to get into bed. the winning factor for me is as long as you dont marry them or put property in their name they can take you for anything when you go separate ways. this alone was a good enough reason to have kids with a thai woman and not a western one.

    Is the definition of the PPP... NOT the KKK????

    I assume PP stands for pretentious platinum prat...


  4. My partner i Issan woman... nurse in up country hospital,, but she has learnt English. So.. every English speaking patient... Call HER!!!

    Some farang has scooter acident... unconscious,, so nurses checking documents for contacts... can not read... call my partner...

    She finds address book wiit

    Girl #1.. contact details

    Girl # 2.....

    All the way to Girl #27.. contact details!!!!!

    Answer from ISSan Woman???? Ring around... when he woke up ... 23 FAVORITE girls standing over his hospital bed!!!!!!

    ANY woman who can do that... want her for ever!!!

    OH.. and he left town FAST!!!!


    • Haha 2
  5. AUSTRALIANS are now the world's undisputed beer-swilling kings - with even the Irish failing to keep the pace of our outback booze hounds.

    A report has shown Northern Territorians drink 15 litres of pure alcohol each year - three times the global average.

    And Alice Springs residents drank an average 20 litres of booze new figures released for 2005-06 published in the Menzies School of Health Research report show.

    The only nations that come close to matching Territorians at the bar are the Irish and Czechs, who drink 13 litres of alcohol (World Health Organisation figures).

    ONCE AGAIN.. WHERE"S the problem in Thailand???

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