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Posts posted by dassyurus

  1. I have no judgement on this topic, but would like to supply the following for edification...

    "In NSW, 14 cyclists were killed last year, double the number in 2012. Cycling safety advocacy group the Amy Gillett Foundation says it knows of no driver going to jail or receiving a significant fine for killing or injuring a cyclist when the driver was at fault."

    This is an extract from the following...http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/drivers-escape-penalty-for-cyclist-fatalities/story-fn59niix-1226889467653

    Evidently the Australian legal DOES believe in fair trade... Aussies are justas cheap here as in Thailand.

  2. Having a vet practice in Oz, I carry products I trust only.

    My daughters dogs started on Eukenuba at 6 wks of age, and the eldest just passed away at age 17.5 yrs. as someone has said, your dog is not going to be eating huge quantities, so feed the best you can.

    It is available in Thailand so Google for supplier, but remember, you only need feed aprox 2/3 to 3/4 of amount of normal dog food, due to high digestability. Also craps are way way smaller!!

  3. " A lot of the Western media is owned by independent business people trying to make a buck.  And report the news as they see it...or how they think it will sell."


    And nothing in this statement implies the truth being reported. So instead of 1 government lying to cover their proverbial asses, we have the American way.. of a multitude of indepedent companites "telling it how they see it"????  or "telling it how it will sell"??

    Either way,,, truth runs a very poor second

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  4. It requires critical thinking, a skill not taught in Thai schools

    Thailand unfortunatly has the same attitude as its drivers "me first" untill that attitude changes nothing else will.

    Sorry but do not know yes how to do direct quote.. so

    Not taught in Thai schools??? Maybe Yale, harvard Oxford, Cambridge, Scotts College Sydney, but definately NOT at Bowen state High School. Most places, "critical thinking" means how to deflate someones ego

    and " driver attitudes", after first visit to Thailand, and as an avid motorcyclist, I watched the scooter taxis with amazement.. finally built up my courgae and went for a trip with one. There, cars make allowances for m'cycles, generally keep to centre labnes...

    In australia, the average driver would see the opportunity to open their door!!! Just to stop someone from getting past.

    Love the country. Love the food, love the people. If you think Thai officialdom is bad... try going to an Australian post Office with the aim to actually post something

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