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Posts posted by leeneeds


    7 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    So the ministry has launched a policy to develop “non-graduates” who can later upskill or reskill.

    As an example , churning out mining engineers who have no where to go for employment, 

    these men and women need to have options of credit due for their studies done, no doubt there are others, I just know of this group, a disillusioned mind set they have after graduation sadly,

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, Almer said:

    I have issues with screening, off with your belt,shoes,watch,loose money,wallet, etc, i have a few nuts bolts and screws upon me and always set the scanner off meaning i have to go to one side for the rub down, whilst i am enjoying the rub down my wallet inc credit cards etc are in a bin for the whole world to see and out of  sight of me, only a matter if time i think.

    can you carry an X-ray

  3. Anything that reduces wait time on these pesky screening contraptions is great, consistency of what you have to do would be nice, some have belts off others don't, some shoes off others don't, some computers stay in the bag, others have to remove, 

    some watches off some leave on,

    I have stopped wearing a belt, wear sandals and remove watch and every piece of jewellery before getting to the X-ray grotto, once through and everything back in place, going to the boarding gate another queue for another search, some how the first search 

    did not find anything untoward means  nothing,

    so a further search of the same bag is needed without removal of jewellery or computer removal,

    this search is the one that annoys me as it is a waste of time, cursory looking

    at best, so why bother.

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  4. 8 hours ago, rott said:

    The bitterness is because the Thai Red Cross refuse to accept blood from over sixties unless they are existing donors.


    After seeing an appeal for A-neg on here, I travelled to Bangkok, stayed overnight in a hotel and presented myself at the Red Cross. I was curtly refused and rudely shown the door.


    So think in future before you criticise.

    What twaddle

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