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Posts posted by leeneeds

  1. BIRD FLU in all its mutations are but one of many potential killers in Asia,

    The one that has not got a lot of coverage yet is the Malaria mutation which is resistant to the drugs available now, Piperquine and Artemisinin , combination, So PLEASE for your own sake and families . cover up outside especially in the north east, go inside a little earlier, spray over any lying water or remove,

    " my self i have removed my water living plants as much as i love them and planted dirt growing plants in the pots , now they are established and don't look to bad",

    to reduce the potential of them mozzies having a feast on my, or anyone's blood, a very serious situation i would like you all to be aware of,

    Every new year something else that will take you out of the land of the living.

  2. supply and demand , it is pretty straight forward , , next it will be all the gold buyers wanting the PM to lift the gold price as it has fallen since they bought gold,

    Why are the Saudi government looking for alternatives now as the oil demand is falling with the US and Canada fracking all over their respective countries, and more and more push on alternative energy electriciity being one, When no one wants the stuff then the value is not there, demanding the government pay subsidies for the rubber rate is demanding monies off the people of Thailand, we might as well demand mobile phone subsidies as my old Nokia is not wanted any more and no one wants to buy it,

    Unrealistic to expect bail outs from lack of research or an understanding of supply and demand market.

    WAKE UP !

  3. Having a transition place for nearly released prisoners is a also a hard test for the prisoners themselves and some will abscond no doubt , as they do else where in the world, but for the majority it will work well , i do not know what the law requires here if prisoners do abscond , re do the remittance plus plus?

    What is important here is the re integration into society, skills and education, that may have been lacking prior to being sentenced,need to be addressed some may be able to gain work and return each day to the facility.

    My mind is trust has been earned and respect given both ways and they should be able to live in a BARB WIRE FREE area.

  4. I eat at this restaurant all the time in various locations as the food is fresh, and all you can eat in 1 hour , with drinks and ice cream and fruit salads is a good deal for around 280 baht each person, If you can not afford that amount at that time then go with out, the fishing line and hook comes to mind when i first read the story,

    I wonder how many will regret or be able to get off the hook?

  5. Obsolete way of fighting an enemy with tanks ,they are still way too heavy and expensive to move and have a restricted elevation, would be far more dominate in a fight with cheap kamikaze drones that fly directly up the gun current and explode, how many drones could you buy for the cost of 10 tanks 240 million, i see them advertised for 22000 baht, lets see thats = a lot ,

  6. Cut throat business, that requires thinking outside the norm, Trying to be a constant world player is a recipe for disaster too many have tried and vanished, Thai already have solid routes, That are well patronised, keeping those customers satisfied first, is so important,

    Innovative offers of bare to the bones flights every now and then to different locations, no baggage , no meals , cargo carrier, depending on docking costs at different airports would determine the costs of a ticket, I know so many people how don't give a rats arse about food and trimmings , just want a cheap flight , selection and timing of these flights with some ( HOME WORK) would generate bums on seats, , reverse flights could be done in low seasons, a standard flight going to some counrty and bare to the bones coming back to Thailand , I am positive that the plane would be filled,

  7. A bit more thought on using solar power too power the LED lights and highlight the need for more efficient use of non fossil fuels power sources ,

    Technology is here to use the sun and i hope the government will push the abundance of sunlight use in the coming year,

    The lights will look fantastic would have been so much better to have been powered by solar, and minimise the cost to the government.

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