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Tao Diver

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Posts posted by Tao Diver


    Your an idiot, you've just basically shown your dog its OK to savage other animals by letting them kill it.


    You've taught your dog nothing and shown no discipline , also I assume you are not a vet? was you able to diagnose the condition of the cat? I doubt it. Anyway if you had any sense you would have taken the cat to the vets and immediately shown the dogs it was wrong to do that so they wont do it again, now your dogs think its ok to savage other animals and possibly humans. It`s people like you that make dogs into savages.


    Get rid of your dogs and give them to a responsible owner, when you learn how to look after and teach your animals right from wrong you could look at getting a pet.




    Pot meet kettle.


    Learn to read, the cat came onto the dog owners property.

    How do you teach dogs not to attack a cat that comes onto your own property.


    Really the level of dumb is shooting up rapidly on TVF.crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif




    I have had dogs all my life and various breeds. I have never had a dog that would rip to pieces another animal whatever it was. They were taught from an early age that this wasn't acceptable behaviour. If you need to ask how to teach a dog to not attack a cat you can't have had much to do with dogs

  2. I would offer the guy a token amount so he can walk away as if he has won. If not you are going t be woken one night with your dogs howling in agony and you having to watch them die through poisoning. Had it happen a couple of times now and it is not nice to watch. It all depends on how much you think of your dogs really.

    I had a pitbull that was kept in a gated garden yet he never bothered any of the various strays that wondered into the garden during the day and night. I would say that dogs that rip any animals they get near need to be taught how to behave. 

  3. OP you can sell the bike to a friend no problem and they can tax and insure it with having just the green book. As long as they are not too bothered about having the book in their name then there are no major issues. I have had a couple of bikes where the Farang has gone home with no intention of returning and had the bikes for years without any hassle. Sold both of them when I left Samui, again to a mate who knew me and the score with the bikes

  4. Honda Forza. Forget anything Chinese as it may seem like a good buy when compared to a Japanese ride but from experience it will cost you far more than you save in the long run. If that isn't to your style think about the CBR 250. Stick with Japanese though thumbsup.gif

  5. Thanks guys. I tried to tell him to bail out now but he needs to stay till end of August before he leaves. His plan is to fly up to BKK from Samui to lessen the risk of getting stopped on the way up to swampy and then pay the overstay at swampy on route to the UK.

    Cheers again guys

  6. All this new talk of blacklisting people on long overstay has brought out people I thought were all OK visa wise. A British friend has just told me he is on overstay over a year. He had some cash flow problems which are nearly sorted. He has been offered a good position with a work permit. Holiday pay and health insurance etc. He has a full passport so needs to go back to the UK to get a new one, as if he stays here to get it it will take too long and he will pass the deadline of 12/09 2014, and return to start work December. He is looking to fly out the 2nd or 3rd of Sep. I have told him to get out now but he is tied to those dates for whatever reason. What are his chances of getting out then with just paying the 20,000 fine and getting to come back Dec ? Cheers

    He isn't a member but he does read TV.thumbsup.gif

    A friend here who has been here on Tao long time and with a work permit that requires him to leave every 3 months was told at Ranong that he will no longer be allowed to visa run and must change to reporting to Samui immigration every 3 months ? blink.png A bit lost as to why he needed to visa run with a valid work permit ?

    Cheers again

  7. I spoke to a few guys last week who had just tried out the new Hollis rebreather and they were raving about it. It is the first sort of plug and play recreational rebreather. You evidently just plug the cartridge into the unit and if you get a green light you are good to go. Not overly expensive either at around the $4500 a pop. A link here


    They reckon it is going to revolutionise diving and I can see it doing so if it does all it claims

  8. When I lived on Samui I used to go to the prison there once a month or so and take a few roast chickens, some fruit, some Thai food that was swapped to the Katoeys for laundry, some books and old DVD's for the Farang inside. I didn't know any of them personally but I was told that the food etc was well received. It didn't cost a lot and it is good to be nice. As said I wouldn't like to be inside and here you don't even have to be guilty to end up inside just upset the wrong person. 

    Where drugs are concerned they are sick and not bad. They need to be treated as such. Sadly jails around the world are filled with people who for me shouldn't be inside but that is just my opinion.

    The guy is only trying to help an old GF who is now his friend and needs to be thanked for doing so wink.png

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  9. Back in the UK I volunteered to become a mentor to single mother kids who were going astray or struggling at school. After jumping through hoop after hoop my CRB check came back saying I had been arrested several times and done a stretch in prison. Needless to say it was all wrong and rather than spend more time and wasted effort trying to get it fixed I just didn't bother. 

  10. Why don't you send your junkie convict a package instead. Then she can't buy drugs.


    As well as being totally unhelpful you also show a total lack of how things work in the real world. Do you think prisoners are walking around the prison with cash to buy drugs ? blink.png

    Get real. The money this man wants to send to her to help a person in trouble will be put into her account which will enable her to spend it at the prison shop to buy toiletries and food items etc. 

    Well done OP for caring enough to help. Anyone who has been to visit someone in a Thai prison knows that a little money can make life so much better. Good luck  thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  11. You feel so cheated out of a measly 6 quid you feel the need to post in various Thai Visa forum sections. 30 Quid for a very long taxi ride is nothing to what the same length of ride would cost you back in the UK mate. Take the bus next time. whistling.gif

    • Like 2
  12. HI. Where would be the quickest / easiest place to get a new British passport. The guy is in Thailand now with a full passport and if he applies for it here will be into overstay. He just needs to bail out of Thailand and return with his new passport to arrange for the paperwork for his work permit. Any ideas ? He was told Cambodia is a cheap option to wait around in and the passport application is easy ? Cheers any way for any tips thumbsup.gif

  13. What about the guy with the full passport ? I also know someone that needs to get a new passport but where is the best place for him to go and sit it out till he gets one ? No overstay but if he applies here he will have by the time it arrives looking at the posts on TV. Someone said Cambodia was cheap and getting a new British passport fairly easy ? Anyone back this up ?


  14. I did find (a few days ago) a SAM launcher simulator - not a BUK but similar. It's entirely easy for an inexperienced person to lock on to a target and launch ordinance. However, the same inexperienced operator will also in no doubt not be able identify any targets - presumably under pressure from superiors....


    The FDR and CVR data will be interesting, once it's retrieved .........



    If it was shot down as alleged by a SAM missile then the FDR and CVR will tell the investigators very little. They will both simply stop suddenly. If it was shot down by the rebels using a BUK system then the rebels should still have possession of it. Where is it ? If the rebels don't have it then it would suggest that it was shipped in with a crew from Russia and is now back there. 

    America whilst it is spitting rhetoric and rattling their sabres needs to remember that they also shot down a passenger jet by accident not so long ago. 

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