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Posts posted by toybits

  1. On 9/6/2018 at 8:09 AM, sceadugenga said:

    I finally found the German deli on the way out of town on 1211 after hearing about it for a long time.

    Good bread baked on site and regular deliveries of remarkably authentic European sausages like bratwurst.

    It's towards the end of 4 lane opposite the two story pink building.


    Location please. Thanks.


  2. It was past 10 a.m. on a weekend and raining really hard. The covered parking area for motorbikes was not yet open. So where was I to park? I saw a space near the water treatment facility and parked there. After my business with the Bank - I find my motorbike chained. If I has a piece with me - the security guard might have had a piece of it as well. Not cool Central Chiang Rai. Not Cool.

  3. It would be GOOD if real democracy was returned to the people.

    It would be GOOD if foreign laborers were given fair compensation and privileges.

    It would be GOOD if Civilian Authority was restored.

    It would be GOOD if graft and corruption was eliminated or reduced substantially.

    It would be GOOD if the amount of  illegal drugs on the street were reduced substantially.

    It would be GOOD if the amount of vehicular accidents leading to death or injury was halved.

    It would be GOOD if....da da... da da... da da...

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  4. 4 hours ago, Swimman said:

    Enough!  Please come back after you have used this stuff on your property and allowed children and pets to play with it.  The stuff is lethally toxic and banned by some 32 countries but you are arguing for its continued use? - Perhaps you also support the use of DDT another banned highly toxic chemical.

    DDT was banned for an entirely different reason. One of its most popular uses was to control mosquitos and the spread of malaria. One problem was that DDT has a long half-life and was becoming a serious environmental pollutant - one that would have potentially wiped out entire populations of wildlife.  Birds that inadvertently consumed DDT produced very thin egg shells which broke easily - i.e. prematurely.


  5. Paraquat is banned in 33 countries, classified as a restricted agricultural chemical in many others. Once paraquat enters your body - it stays there forever - i.e. until that cell dies. While it is there, it will continue to poison you as your body does not have the capability of breaking down paraquat. Sadly, paraquat use will persist because it is the cheapest way of controlling weeds.  The other popular herbicide - Round Up (Glyphosate) is no better...

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