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Everything posted by jack71

  1. Dont cry on your pillow tonight. thanks to god Im not american. What a broken messed up country.
  2. I think they last for 10 years
  3. We have a few rabbits and one is not so friendly. I went to pat him and he bit me on my hand and there was blood. I washed with soapy water right away. I asked the local vet and he asked if they are in enclosed area or not? Any contact with other small animals or rats. Maybe rats in the back yard. I had a full course of rabies jabs in 2004 and a jab in nov 2012. Then I had 2 rabies jabs in dec 2012 and another one feb 2014........ Thus 8 years ago since the last one I googled this subject and 10 years ago someone died or rabies (from a rabbit bite) in bkk having purchased a rabbit from the main market in central bkk. Im about to fly out of thailand for a holiday this weekend and thus its a pain in the rear end Any suggestions? I think its low risk. My rabbits are in good health and I had the last jab 8 years ago. I think they last 10 yrs?
  4. Jesus wept. after reading your post I just want to throw myself off the 17th floor. I imagine you're a dream to live with right now haha
  5. thanks for the info. So if I buy the package now and then arrive abroad and turn on my phone does it automatically connect to that package or do I have to activate it somehow? Also, do I put the phone in airplane mode or not? If I turn on airplane mode and connect to the hotel wifi does it mean that Im not using the above package that I bought off dtac?
  6. I have all my banking apps on my thai phone and need access to Line etc when I fly to Europe. I checked out dtac app on my phone and they offer dtac international roaming packages. Should I be buying one of these? Or should I be just connecting to wifi where ever I stay etc. What exactly does the Airplane mode mean? Do I turn that on to avoid local dtac charges? Please educate me on this subject thanks
  7. You sound like your american. He is from oz. I think not an issue
  8. so whats the difference between 3MP and 5? All cameras are just looking at small distances inside our business.
  9. I was same as you at your age. By 45 I had one and its the best thing in life. Its hard work. The main issue is finding the right girl. Thats the hardest part. Good luck
  10. Duh. Obviously he is flying into a country that requires a PCR test eg Philippines. Next time please just answer the question. No waffle is useful.
  11. We have an existing CCTV system with 2 megapixel cameras (I think). A few of them are not working correctly. The guy is quoting us 2250 baht for each new 5 megapixel cameras. Is this an adequate megapixel coverage for an average CCTV system or am I being taken to the cleaners? First he says he has to come and check the DVR support for the new cameras... whatever that means. Please help me if. you have knowledge on this subject thanks
  12. I think your comment is a load of old bullocks. I adopted a soi dog 7 years ago. Best thing Ive ever done. Great personality and companion. Loyal to the core. The govt should help relocate and re-home these animals.
  13. Dont know why you are so confused... 1. Must take a self-made will to be sealed to perform in front of the sheriff at any branch of a district office.2. There must be 2 witness aged 20 years or more and must be the same witnesses who signed the will at the district too.3. The sheriff will inquire and sign the sealed envelope.4. Wills are kept at the district.5. There is 20 baht. fee.6. It takes 30-40 minutes, depending on the queue at that time.
  14. ''No appointment of the controller of an immovable property or any real right appertaing thereto is complete unless it has been registered by the competent official - sections 1687 and 1688 of civil comercial code of thailand.
  15. you seem very knowledgeable on this subject.
  16. but they need to be registered if one is assigning a 'controller of the property' giving that person the authority to make all decisions for ones child up to the age of 20
  17. thats why one can appoint 'controller of the property'. This person can make all decisions for the child until they reach 20 yrs old
  18. Can a westerner register a Will at the local govt office. I have a yellow book. Or can only the wife register her Will? I read it could be necessary if one's Will has a 'controller of property' which is used in cases where one has a child. If both parents die then that person can manage the childs life up to the age of 20. But I read the Will must be registered. thanks
  19. Nice reply thanks. I wanted to know if you can give step by step instructions how to wax ones car and advise the best brand. I don't know how to do it thanks
  20. I was thinking of doing ceramic coat. Price quoted 25k to 30k for 2 yrs. Can take back up to 8 times in 2 years. Is it worth doing? Does it mean that it stays on the car for the life of the car or can it be taken off? Any negatives for doing it? thanks
  21. I wanted to give my 2 cents worth on this topic. I recently had an MRI on my foot. I thought about the cheap option described above. But decided that using inferior machines and getting no radiology report is unwise. Instead I went to a private hospital who quoted up to 27,000 baht. Had it done on a 3T machine. A radiologist with 20 years experience and who studied at Ivy league university in the states did the analysis. If one is having an MRI done it surely means you want the best for your body. You get what you pay for IMHO. Cost me 19,000 after 1 hour in that machine. (no contrast fluid)
  22. Oh, not you again Maybe English isn't your first language. I didn't suggest that I stopped my child's education. It was during covid lockdown that I did homeschooling along with her online studies from school because attending classes was cancelled. Please stick to the topic before typing your next message on any future thread. Thanks for abiding.
  23. I want to prepare my 7 year old for English P1 and P2 exams. Any chance to get copies of past exam papers for P1 or P2. During the covid lockdown (at the start of the chinese virus) I taught my child 1 year of homeschooling. But stopped that a year ago. If you can help me please let me know. Are there any websites I can download curriculum or exams? thanks
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