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Posts posted by nikthekiwi

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Marriage is for losers, over 50 percent divorce anyway. Marriage is only if you need a green card or want stay in Thailand.... If you love you don't need a piece of paper. You all have been brainwashed by church and religion.

    Pathetic comment.

    • Like 1
  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    kill it, i killed 5 during the course of a year in my garden last year with a shovel. I wouldn't normally advocate killing but my garden has high walls and they would find it difficult to find their way out and i have a small inquisitive son,rather the snake dies than my son.

    Live and let live.

    When snakes can come into your garden, despite the walls, then they will find their way out. Killing is no option, especially if you do not exactly know, what kind of snake you are killing.

    Its not your five year old son that's at risk is it?

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    For shure she will. Why did you ask her in the first place. Alittle selfish if you ask me. Are there any thai around?

    Who the hell are you to say that someone else is being selfish? What do you know about the personal circumstances of either of them? She might have been a victim of human trafficking and would love to leave the place where she has been abused...you don't know either way so suspend your judgments until you do.

  4. Hmm, what sort of sex tourist complains that there are hookers in a hooker area?

    I can't read anywhere they where sex tourist there was complaining. Do you think only sexpats visiting pattaya

    Maybe this time , there will be a cleanup and the image of pattaya will change in the long terms. So maybe is time to go somewhere else, if sexpats only visit Thailand for sex

    That simply won't happen. Some streetwalkers might get arrested and some deported but the clubs will keep operating...Thailand doesn't have social welfare so thats it...sex work or begging...

    • Like 1
  5. This is not a very clever move as the country (all of it) has never been more peaceful than it is now. Reopening old wounds is never a good idea as you are undoing the healing process. Looks like retrospective repealing of a legal process to me.

    Quite right. It is a very stupid move and one which could potentially cause the violence to start again.

  6. Oh why oh why now? Why on top of all the other problems being faced do we have to kick this off again?

    Yes - I also thought the problems of north and south ireland had been buried. But they still chase and catch 90 years old nazis. And in Chile the dictator Pinochet got done for his crimes after about 50 years.

    The problems of Ireland are still there though to a significantly less degree than they were...

    This is a significantly negative move on the part of the British government...and is likely to backfire on them....the Good Friday Agreement was entered into in good faith and should have remained as intended. Any Irish Republican prosecuted under this change will have grounds to sue the British government...

    They don't have to occupy the six north eastern counties of Ireland...where there happens to be a Catholic majority now...cough...

  7. These immigration rules are totally retarded by the way. We live in a world where everything is connected like your pc, laptop,... And they expect to see us to come as a tourist with a Mickey mouse t shirt and a Canon camera around your neck.(stereotype of a tourist), but this world has changed a lot since 1977, still immigration rules are based on old rules fixed by old guys who don't understand anything.

    I m a digital nomade and I make mega bucks on the Internet (sometimes when I m lucky) . There is no visa for digital nomade except the tourist visa.

    Did immigration knows what internet is? When they continue to stamp entrance cards! So instead to modernise the system, they prefer to change their mind all the time. "no back to back visa run , but tomorrow It s ok..., but in 3 days we want people get visa...Bla bla"

    See what I mean? , these people at immigration are totally clueless because they still live in an old system.

    What is it that you do online to make so much money?

  8. not doing homework has made many modern northern eu countries very good taget for socialist cirkels.

    the dumber we are - the better socialists can control us.

    thats why modern schools are not places where you learn - but a container .

    that mentality goes all way back to the tale of creation, where Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat

    from the tree of knowledge.

    SE folks ! the devine knew it - dumb folks are easier to control.

    Your comments are deeply and unintentionally ironic.

    • Like 1
  9. No company name given, no way to check the veracity of this claim. More useless rumor mongering.

    " ...that has worked for police forces across Britain ..."

    Somehow that phrase raises more concerns than assurances. Are all these police forces (??) unable to cope with fairly basic forensics? Do they typically call in at a Copyworld shop or drop stuff off at a Kodak kiosk for analysis?

    There are very capable people within the British Police. Just ask the any organisation that has opposed them whether that is true or not.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    There would be no militants with a "bancrupt ideology" around if the USA not pressed their own bancrupt ideology to other countries. The US policy planted the cancer!

    cheesy.gif Indeed. Therefore those people of IS are not accountable for their actions eh? Should have shot that load in the loo buddy.

    Of course the ISIS people are accountable for their actions...I would point out to you though that the Mujahadeen were suppported by the CIA during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan...now the boot is on the other foot.

    Face up to the consequences of your own country's foreign policy.

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  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    When i read on these boards about all the problems guys have with Thai women ,i just cannot understand why so many have a problem ,in 24 years i had 2 Thai girlfiends here and in the UK both were really nice and no problem at all ,we just broke up on good terms ,my wife is a little ,(not little she is quite tall) treasure ,hard working ,loving and has been a great mum ,both in the UK and here in Thailand . the only thing i can think is that either the guy is not the best partner or they came here on a two week holiday and fell in love with the first bar girl with no manners or education that they rogered. apart from that ,i know shit happens even to the best of us ,but those guys rarely write their experiences down .

    And talking about the first girl they rogered ,i have an aquaintance coming back soon who has"fallen in love" he thinks she is back at the farm waiting for him ,in fact she is still in the bar ,and going to meet him at the airport and take him home ,question ,should i tell him? the wife says ,as he isnt a good friend let him make his own mistakes ,he wont thank you. alt=rolleyes.gif>

    Oh ,to the op ,move on lifes to short.

    The best favour you can do is keep an eye on him and his finances...

  12. Nothing wrong with backpackers.... in fact Thais have a name for backpackers that shows how much they respect them too.... ฝรั่งขี้นก (Farang khi nok) which translates into bird-sh*t farang..... ohmy.png

    Hahahahahaha...thanks for that...made my day laugh.png

  13. They've all read the Beach and sit around with a bottle of water all day long. They bargain with street food vendors.

    But what I *^*%%*%*% hate the most is they are always bumping you with their stupid backpacks.

    What I hate is their cultural ignorance of Thailand, the propensity for some of the female backpackers to get all judgemental about western men hanging out with Thai women, giving disapproving stares etc and their propensity to think that they can smoke cigarettes whereever they like despite it being illegal inside any building in Thailand and then they get all bitchy when you challenge them on it because the Thai proprietor of the business is too polite to do it...ignorant arrogant fuckin morons.

  14. Last time we heard about cleaning the immigration status of illegal workers, it was about the Cambodian nationals => they went back home but Thais realized they badly needed them => Cambodians came back.

    Same story here? No => Thais DON'T NEED English teachers from abroad because millions Thais speak a perfect English and can teach to the children.


    You are joking about the "speak perfect English" bit aren't you?

  15. I don't know about Phuket but I saw some in Pattaya when I was there in January...I also saw a poor soul being played in the old "you've damaged the jet ski and now you have to pay...quite a bit" scam...


    These people really should be stopped as it damages Thailand's reputation as a tourism destination.

    • Like 1
  16. Imagine,, there may be a day coming where illegal opening hours are stamped out. When people don't have to view drunk idiots walking arm in arm with some a poor unfortunate local girl. Where the trafficking and exploitation of young country girls is finally squashed and prostitution for open entertainment becomes a thing of the past.

    I wonder though… What will happen to all those Westerners who drape themselves in beautiful girls that are ordinarily way out of their league? How will they learn to face the reality that these beautiful women won't give them a second glance, the same as the beauties back home. What will they do when they have to impress a woman with more then just their 100 USD? (or less) What will happen when the realization finally hits them that those stunning women who used to shower them with affection (whilst vomitting inside) are actually not in the least bit interested in you anymore.

    I guess that will be the day that Thailand cleans up its act.

    Bring it on, the sooner the better..

    It will never happen. The tourist dollars would decrease significantly...

    Who are you to judge anyway?

    Its none of your business.

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