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Posts posted by TheSiemReaper

  1. Hong Kong places two stamps in your passport. One an arrival stamp. The second explaining you may not seek work during the 180 days you are in the country. Hong Kong also requires a full blank page before entering the country. (I have an older passport full of Hong Kong stamps to show you if you like). You will find this is the case pretty much everywhere and you will then be stranded in no man's land having left Thailand but denied entry to almost all other countries. Be very careful here - most of the advice above is abysmal and doesn't consider immigration rules. (BTW if you're not a UK citizen you are required to have 2 blank pages which must be on two opposite pages of your passport to enter the UK - lots of people get deported at their own expense each year for ****ing that up too).

  2. You absolutely cannot renew your passport in Phnom Penh; trust me - I renewed my passport in Cambodia. You send the passport (via DHL) to the UK for renewal. It is not even delivered to the embassy when (if) it comes back. It took more than 3 months for them to turn mine round - and I was lucky, I had a fresh 1 year Cambodia visa in there, many others ended up overstaying by months waiting for it.

    Cambodia will not let you in without a full blank page in your passport; irrespective of stamp size.

  3. Yet, my Thai (particularly when it comes to insults) is pretty good and despite this "they're all slagging us off all the time" nonsense I hear about.... I don't actually hear it in real life. I occasionally overhear someone comment on my weight (for I am indeed a fat bar steward) but never on my race.

    According to the 'avoid Zoe in Yellow' thread, not only was a Thai insulting foreign tourists in English but cutting them with broken glass.

    Then in the thread I started about 'Chinese Tourists', I was definitely called a 'f&^%$£g ar£$"%*e' by a Thai tour guide as he almost walked under my car not looking in the road.

    Two incidents in CM in the last month, so it can't be that uncommon.

    I've been coming here for years, never seen this type of behaviour from Thais before this year, things are changing for the worse at an alarming rate.

    Anti-white feelings seem to be encouraged by the general, and the government, and it's having an effect on the Thai citizens.

    According to the "Zoe in Yellow Thread" eyewitnesses say no such incident took place. It's one of the things you'd remember I reckon - a guy going bezerk and attacking people in public; even here in Thailand... that stuff makes the news - the fact that it didn't suggests it's fantasy.


    Because everything that happens makes the news. How long have you been here? Do you have any idea how much stuff happens that never makes the news, especially late night bar shenanigans, fights, accidents, and so on.

    Before calling me a liar because 1 guy at an Irish pub didn't see anything during the 2 hours (9 - 11) he was there, march your lazy *** down to the police station and ask them about it. I'm sure the late night 7-11 staff could tell you about it too. There was an entire street of people who witnessed this, including several injured foreigners.

    I'll be here waiting for your apology when you finally get around to asking the police about it.

    I asked about this "incident" in that 7-11... they asked if the person reporting this had had too much to drink on the night in question. They have no recollection of the event at all. Though they did say that there are minor scuffles between drunk folks all the time after Zoe kicks out.

  4. why am i here? i did six months in 2013, 2014 and 2015. I have just finished up three months here this year, im not invested in thailand either financially or emotionally, i come and go and maybe i wont come again. I find people that are stuck here generally hold on deeply to the idea that Thailand is paradise and can see no fault with the place.

    Same for me, couple of months a year is enough now, let's add to the list of anti-foreigner events.

    The Pattaya American 'eating in public' photographed and identified, the girl blurred out.

    The dreadlock guy arrested shirtless in CM, yet dozens of Thai kids and adults were jumping in the moat shirtless less than 100m away.

    Huay Tung Tao, price for foreigner entrance raised to 50bht, Thais still 20bht.

    Free entrance to National parks for Thai families this week, but not any foreigners in those families.

    The anti-foreigner events reported and experienced everywhere are endless.

    No idea about the "Pattaya American"

    The dreadlocked guy was not the only person arrested for being shirtless a number of Thai males were arrested (and fined 5 times as much as the dreadlocked guy too) - no racism.

    Foreigner pricing for national sites is set by law. There is no "anti-foreignerism" about it at all. It's an expectation that visitors to sites, who are not Thai, can pay for the care of those sites. It's incredibly sensible and not in the slightest "racist" - it applies equally to all foreign nationals.

    The "anti-foreigner" events reported in most cases appear to be fantasy or indeed plain BS.

    I have no investment in Thailand. I am fortunate enough to go where I want and when I want to do so. I've been here 6 months. I only speak Thai because my ex-girlfriend was Thai (and we lived together for a long time in Cambodia). So, let's stop the "you're stuck here it has to be paradise on earth" stuff too. You're a pair of drama queens. This is a common pattern in English-speaking expatriate communities the world over. If you're not 100% happy and treated like the imperial colonists you expect to be treated like; the locals must be racist. Everything becomes an "anti-foreigner" plot and that plot remains entirely in your own heads and of your own making.

  5. Yet, my Thai (particularly when it comes to insults) is pretty good and despite this "they're all slagging us off all the time" nonsense I hear about.... I don't actually hear it in real life. I occasionally overhear someone comment on my weight (for I am indeed a fat bar steward) but never on my race.

    According to the 'avoid Zoe in Yellow' thread, not only was a Thai insulting foreign tourists in English but cutting them with broken glass.

    Then in the thread I started about 'Chinese Tourists', I was definitely called a 'f&^%$£g ar£$"%*e' by a Thai tour guide as he almost walked under my car not looking in the road.

    Two incidents in CM in the last month, so it can't be that uncommon.

    I've been coming here for years, never seen this type of behaviour from Thais before this year, things are changing for the worse at an alarming rate.

    Anti-white feelings seem to be encouraged by the general, and the government, and it's having an effect on the Thai citizens.

    According to the "Zoe in Yellow Thread" eyewitnesses say no such incident took place. It's one of the things you'd remember I reckon - a guy going bezerk and attacking people in public; even here in Thailand... that stuff makes the news - the fact that it didn't suggests it's fantasy.

    You nearly run someone over and they're rude to you? I can't see that happening anywhere in the world... oh wait, yes I can. Absolutely everywhere, in fact. Hardly a good case for "all Thais are racist" more like... "no-one likes to be run over".

    Stop taking anecdotal incidents - one of which is most likely to be pure fiction and the other triggered by a stressful situation - and extrapolating this to "all Thais hate white people". I've been in Asia for 15 years. For 15 years people have said; "The locals are racist, dishonest, hateful, spiteful, and it's getting worse." Yet my own experiences and those of others who lead similar lives lead me to conclude that the only place this is true is inside the heads of those not fit to handle life anywhere.

    The only "racism" I've encountered in Thailand was when an old lady (who is friends with my girlfriend's mother) asked me if it was true that we're all hung like rhinos. I could have turned this into a psychologically scarring incident but instead accepted the comment with the good humour in which it was intended. She later brought me a selection of over sized root vegetables to compare my appendage to. I laughed then as well. It wasn't "race hate" but a bonding exercise.

    Get over yourself. I listen to the farang of Thailand and the barang of Cambodia and Westerners everywhere prop up bars bleating about how their countries have been "over run" by Muslims, blacks, Jews, and anyone else they can hate. Then they find similar hatred for themselves here. It's really no surprise. You don't change from being a prejudiced wonk just because you changed the country you are in. Thais are no more and no less human than anyone else. Yes, there are racists (because there are racists everywhere) but most Thais are not racists nor are they seeking out farang to abuse; just like everywhere else in the world.

  6. Anyone see the Thai guy cutting the foreigners with the broken beer bottle last night in front of 7-11, down the street from Zoe? Only took the police 45 minutes to get there.

    Never seen a guy so filled with hate and rage. His English was excellent as he screamed for all the white people to go back to their country, this is Thailand, I will kill all of you white mother <deleted!>, and so on. Total rage. He even muay Thai kicked a tourist woman and knocked her into broken glass on the ground, cutting her up, adding her to the list of cut tourists. I doubt the police found him, as he was long gone by the time the police arrived.

    It was quite the scene.

    what time? i drove down the road about midnight but did not see any commotion.

    'Never seen a guy so filled with hate and rage. His English was excellent as he screamed for all the white people to go back to their country, this is Thailand, I will kill all of you white mother <deleted!>, and so on.'

    there is a seething undercurrent of racism, jealousy and bitterness towards foreigners all hidden behind a fake smile that a lot of people either refuse to see or acknowledge

    There really isn't. Sure some Thais resent the white folks in their country; just like lots of the White people here spit racist hate about black people, Polish people, Mexican people, etc. in their own countries. Racist stupidity isn't unique to any race. Most of the Thais I meet are just trying to get along with the world and have no "undercurrent of racism, jealousy or indeed bitterness towards foreigners". People tend to reap what they sow. If you go through life expecting hate - you'll project that hate and receive it which, in turn, will confirm your prejudices and keep the cycle ticking. Go through life expecting respect, decency, honesty, etc. and you'll find that instead.

    By all means prepare for the worst but expect the best from people - it's amazing what a difference that makes in life.

    most would be happy if farang money kept coming in but farang didn't, you only need to sit and listen and you will hear the derogatory comments thais make about foreigners when they are unaware you can understand, if you think the smiles and feigned politeness is genuine then good luck and enjoy! smile.png

    I'm certain this is true at the "drink all you can for $1" bars. Yet, my Thai (particularly when it comes to insults) is pretty good and despite this "they're all slagging us off all the time" nonsense I hear about.... I don't actually hear it in real life. I occasionally overhear someone comment on my weight (for I am indeed a fat bar steward) but never on my race. If you find that people are being racist to you everywhere - why are you here?

    Most smiles are genuine. Most people here are incredibly polite. If the company you keep makes you believe otherwise; it's probably time to change that company.

  7. Anyone see the Thai guy cutting the foreigners with the broken beer bottle last night in front of 7-11, down the street from Zoe? Only took the police 45 minutes to get there.

    Never seen a guy so filled with hate and rage. His English was excellent as he screamed for all the white people to go back to their country, this is Thailand, I will kill all of you white mother <deleted!>, and so on. Total rage. He even muay Thai kicked a tourist woman and knocked her into broken glass on the ground, cutting her up, adding her to the list of cut tourists. I doubt the police found him, as he was long gone by the time the police arrived.

    It was quite the scene.

    what time? i drove down the road about midnight but did not see any commotion.

    'Never seen a guy so filled with hate and rage. His English was excellent as he screamed for all the white people to go back to their country, this is Thailand, I will kill all of you white mother <deleted!>, and so on.'

    there is a seething undercurrent of racism, jealousy and bitterness towards foreigners all hidden behind a fake smile that a lot of people either refuse to see or acknowledge

    There really isn't. Sure some Thais resent the white folks in their country; just like lots of the White people here spit racist hate about black people, Polish people, Mexican people, etc. in their own countries. Racist stupidity isn't unique to any race. Most of the Thais I meet are just trying to get along with the world and have no "undercurrent of racism, jealousy or indeed bitterness towards foreigners". People tend to reap what they sow. If you go through life expecting hate - you'll project that hate and receive it which, in turn, will confirm your prejudices and keep the cycle ticking. Go through life expecting respect, decency, honesty, etc. and you'll find that instead.

    By all means prepare for the worst but expect the best from people - it's amazing what a difference that makes in life.

  8. This thread just proves to me that Thai Visa is mainly about old people complaining. Look at the length of his hair, I bet he hasn't had a wash in weeks etc.

    I've had long hair all my life; there's no excuse for not washing it. I don't care how young/old you are - we had no respect for filthy dreads back when I was in my 20s; you can't say the position has changed. No-one needs to conform to society's ideal look - but hygiene? That's a public health matter. Have a wash or sod off.

  9. Thais and other ASSEAN nationals get a visa exempt entry for 14 days. No visa needed unless stay will exceed 14 days.

    There is no charge for the visa exempt entry, but many land borders will try to extract a bribe. Whether they do so and amount will vary with the border. If she stands firm can probably get in without paying it but the delay this will entail might not be worth it.

    Correction - Cambodia will give most ASEAN nationals a 30 day visa free stamp. Thais only get 14 days, but Laotians, Vietnamese and Malaysians, amongst others, get 30 days. Even though few members would be interested in this, I know there are a small number who have non-Thai ASEAN citizen girlfriends and wives, so this is worth pointing out that they are able to stay a full month, whereas Thais get a shorter stay.

    Cambodia like most Asian nations operates a tit-for-tat policy on visa-free entry. Whatever a Khmer national gets in an ASEAN member country is what is provided in return. Khmer only get 14 days in Thailand and thus the favour is returned.

  10. I think Nancy's right too. It's more than creepy; it's border-line stalker for older men to be hanging out on campus hoping to scoop up barely legal women. We can only hope Korean girls in this city are issued with tasers in the near future.

    What new lows will be explored on Thai Visa this week? "How to get the girl of your dreams at your local kindergarten using only a box of puppies and a packet of sweets?"

  11. Just curious, how much would an international school like Lanna cost annually?

    This is their fee schedule- http://www.lannaist.ac.th/admissions-fees/fee-schedule/

    Outlandish for something thats free in most Western Countries .I guess most though are the children of Company employees ,whose Company pays in an expat package .

    Public schools are free same as Thai gov schools; private schools like Lanna are much more expensive in the West.

    Note: In England a "private" school is in fact a public school (e.g. it is funded with public money). A "public" school is a state school (e.g. it is funded by the government). A private school in the UK would be some form of institution for those with physical/mental health issues.

    Those fees are a giveaway. I attended a public school in the UK (though I was on a full scholarship and not paying fees) and their current fees are £80,000/year or roughly $120,000 or more than 4 million Baht. Uniform, sports, etc. costs were close to an extra £10,000 a year on top of the fees when I was a kid; I'd guess they were a lot more now.

  12. Yes ,and i hope that they can survive it .They put up the price of a large Chang to B110 from B100 recently ,which is over the line for me .If your business is very slow you should be reducing not increasing your prices .

    Yeah, think of all the things that you could do with that 10 Baht instead. For example, I bought a pack of Chinese sweets in 7-11 for that today. Much better than a cold beer.... oh hang on a second; no it's not.

    It's the principle!

    A clear line in the sand. No further.

    Cross it and doom will be upon us and ours!


    Tonight we Dine in Hell! Unless the beer costs more than 100 baht... in which case we'll hang out by the 7-11 in Purgatory...

  13. B.T.W ..Number one bar is a hassel free zone .

    From what I have seen the last couple of months, Number One bar is a customer free zone too.

    Yes ,and i hope that they can survive it .They put up the price of a large Chang to B110 from B100 recently ,which is over the line for me .If your business is very slow you should be reducing not increasing your prices .

    Yeah, think of all the things that you could do with that 10 Baht instead. For example, I bought a pack of Chinese sweets in 7-11 for that today. Much better than a cold beer.... oh hang on a second; no it's not.

  14. As evidenced by the reuse of teabags to try and get a second mug (not cup, mug) out of them...

    Some of us don't like waste.

    As a retired person, I have plenty of time, and like to eat a better quality of food.

    When I say better quality, I mean less additives and preservatives.

    Something hard to avoid with fast food in Thailand.

    For me today,

    Breakfast, bacon and pineapple pizza, lunch roast chicken in bread rolls, dinner (nearly ready) roast chicken, roast potatoes and gravy.

    How were your meals?

    Pizza for breakfast? Yuck.

    My meals have been excellent. I had coffee (espresso to be precise) and grapefruit juice for breakfast, pork jiaoze for lunch and have yet to embark on dinner but suspect that it won't involve roast potatoes and gravy because... it's 41 degrees in the shade at the moment.

  15. As evidenced by the reuse of teabags to try and get a second mug (not cup, mug) out of them...

    Some of us don't like waste.

    As a retired person, I have plenty of time, and like to eat a better quality of food.

    When I say better quality, I mean less additives and preservatives.

    Something hard to avoid with fast food in Thailand.

    It would be pretty hard to define a second mug of tea forced from a tea bag designed to produce a single cup as "better quality of food". Retired or not.

  16. Because the total cost of bread is only the cost of the flour in it..

    Bread is essentially flour and water.

    Personally, I can't see much more to the cost than the flour.

    Does it cook itself while laying on the side of the kitchen? Last time I checked labor, electricity (or gas), oven, utensils, etc. all cost money. But maybe not. Maybe they're free here in the Land of Smiles and I've been cheated by all the shops and the electricity board?

  17. Yeah, anybody who buys their food at Makro isn't going to convince me of anything regarding how much a breakfast costs. Nasty imported cheap Chinese junk does not a decent meal make.

    Because the total cost of bread is only the cost of the flour in it..

    If you keep chickens eggs are free.. If you have some pigs the sausage and bacon is cheap..

    Some people really do seem to lose the budget plot here.. That 10b really becomes important in their lives.

    As evidenced by the reuse of teabags to try and get a second mug (not cup, mug) out of them...

  18. Lol. When you are run over by a car or a motorcycle - how you perceive yourself is irrelevant. Same for getting cancer. If you make your health insurance decisions based on "perception of health" you are just fooling yourself and by extension the people of Thailand who will be getting some of the bill for your poor decisions.

    For an accident you have an accident insurance. They come with high coverage such as 10mTHB and often for free with a bank account or credit card (e.g. UOB vCare with accident insurance of 10x the balance or max. 10mTHB).

    If you get cancer, well shit happens. Health insurance will give you the max. coverage of 1mTHB or less and then you are on your own. I don't need an insurance for that too feed hungry agents and build glass palaces in Bangkok (AIA at Ratchada is a nice recent example).

    <deleted> My insurer providers up to 60 Million THB for cancer; it's specifically included in the terms.

  19. Both Photoshop and Lightroom and Illustrator are available as part of the Adobe Thailand Creative Cloud program. For those first two it's about 3,600 Baht for an annual subscription. It gets rapidly more expensive depending on what else you want.... all Adobe programs can be bought direct from Adobe here.

    Corel products are also available direct for download. No idea about AutoCad that's normally dongle supported against piracy so you might have to import that.

    I've bought a ton of legit software out this way over the years (my local IT stores have always been happy to order stuff in) but... none of it is much cheaper than in the US and in most cases it is viscerally more expensive.

  20. I wish these research people would have interviewed my Thai friend.

    He has been in the restaurant business in Chiang Mai, for almost 20 years. He owns the restaurant.

    He told me in 20 years, no Chinese man or woman has ever left a tip. Not even 1 baht.

    Thats a fact then ? Whats the big deal about tipping anyway ? Just because its the norm in the west, doesn't mean the world has to follow or should be judged on a small minority western tradition. Maybe the restaurant has just crap service. I don't always tip in Thailand because the service often doesn't deserve it. By the same token did you know the chinese, Thai, East Asians are horrified how westerners leave their parents to grow alone in their old age or in old peoples homes ? ...but I guess as long as you tip, you are morally superior. God bless you.

    Except the Chinese aren't horrified by letting old people grow old alone. That's why the Chinese government enacted a law compelling people to care for their parents in their old age. Turns out once they're working hard and have prospects of their own; Chinese people are just like Westerners.

    It's also worth noting that while tipping is not the norm in China; there are many Chinese who do tip. Source: Me who spent 3 years living in China.

  21. People buy health insurance because they live in fear. Others do not buy health insurance because they are not part of the herd and are self-reliant. Forget any financial analysis or risk management, this is all psychology.

    'risk management' is only relevant if your worried about managing the risk..

    If you financially analyse it.. Insurance is a business and makes money from its customers.. By definition even if you are only average, its a bad buy long term if you can afford the issues yourself. Simple math.

    If you dont perceive yourself as average, its very much a bad buy.

    Lol. When you are run over by a car or a motorcycle - how you perceive yourself is irrelevant. Same for getting cancer. If you make your health insurance decisions based on "perception of health" you are just fooling yourself and by extension the people of Thailand who will be getting some of the bill for your poor decisions.

  22. Spot on. I have never seen so much ridiculous justification for an unjustifiable position as in this thread. From; "I'll jump off a balcony" (sure you will), to "rich people don't insure" (you're having a laugh). Insurance is a shared risk proposition. Some of us will claim, some of us won't but the potential upside will nearly always outweigh the potential downside. The idea that as long as you have 3 million Baht, you're OK is absolutely ridiculous. And the vast majority of posters don't have 3 million Baht in liquid assets either. Waiting four years to sell your house while you have cancer will quickly teach you the difference between liquid assets and those that aren't.

    If you live in a developing nation like Thailand - you should have health insurance. It should be a condition of any long-term visa for the country (including and perhaps, especially, retirement). No insurance? Then go home.

    OK. I will go home if you personally guarantee to look after my Thai wife and son for the rest of your and their lives.

    Why should I have to abandon my Thai family just because you think it is a good idea?

    Nice, so you had a child and can't take the responsibility for insuring you are healthy enough to raise it? Incredible parenting; I can see why you'd want to shift that job to someone else but I'll pass all the same thanks.

    Who said that I am not healthy enough to raise my son? I didn't so it must have been you, who actually have no idea who I am, what my finances are or anything else about me.

    What should I have said to my wife?

    Sorry dear but I may not be healthy enough to raise your only child in 10 or 15 years time, so go and get an abortion.

    Insuring myself has nothing to do with raising a child.

    Sure it doesn't. Whatever you say. Whatever it takes to make you feel OK about that eh?

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