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Posts posted by TheSiemReaper

  1. 9 hours ago, dave2 said:


    have you tried the fillet mignon there  ?


    its superb :)



    dukes 875 baht fillet mignon steak 2 sept 16 20160902_175837.jpg



    It looks overcooked, too thin and the chips look terrible. Even as a confirmed carnivore it's possible for meat to be murder and that's what this is.

  2. There's only one camera store of any size in Siem Reap - it's near Rosy's Guesthouse on the junction of the Airport Road and the road that parallel to the river but one street back (can't remember what it's called); you'll know it from the big Fuji sign outside. It's good value and service there is great. 

  3. It is vital when considering this matter to ensure that you add a touch of racist abuse towards all Hill tribe people before convicting these two little girls via internet telepathy. All they are guaranteed to be guilty of is posing for a photograph with a tourist who was happy to exploit them for her holiday tales "look at the adorable people we met in their special costumes". Anything else is pure conjecture and has been from the moment this story began to run. Accusing people of theft based on a photo where they aren't stealing anything is straight up wrong. Everybody involved in this apart from the 2 kids should be ashamed of themselves. 

  4. Great question and one that I can only really say "no" too. This town is essentially full of retirees and young "expats" (doing the English teaching and/or digital nomad) thing. There seems to be a vanishingly small number of those in their 40s and most of them seem to have kids and families aren't much for going out any more. 


    If you find somewhere let me know please but I don't think you will. 

  5. There's at least one store selling belt buckles near the front entrance of Anusarn market (the same side as McDonald's is on) come out of Anusarn and don't turn left to McDonald's turn right and stay at the back of the sidewalk (not the front) - it's about 5 doors down. Your friend should be aware that the buckles I've seen here are all cheap lightweight metal that's likely to shatter pretty quickly if it gets dropped.

  6. I love the outraged rubbish from a certain section of this community. Young people having fun? "Lock them up, they are destroying the world." 


    Chiang Mai's nightlife scene is incredibly tame for both Thailand and the rest of the world. I'm pretty certain there are no perverts selling children at the night spots frequented by farang here too. The FBI goes overboard and the grumpy old men of Chiang Mai join in. Congratulations. 

  7. Just an update on this for anyone who is interested - the visa form has changed and isn't online. You can get a copy of the form free from inside the embassy but if you submit the one at the link above - you'll have to do what I did and fill in a new form. Annoyingly it's a minor change (a slightly different admin box) but they are very much sticklers for the copy they want. 

    • Like 2
  8. Pentatonic Rock Bar; three different bands every night of the week. Thai European; not so much the headline acts (though they're OK) but the older guy who opens there is absolutely superb. There are many more. You might want to try looking for them rather than espousing on the lack of talent here - even many of the Thai-focused bars (such as GrandPa's) have bilingual acts with serious talent. More and more they're creating music too not just covering stuff. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Motown239 said:

    Hard Rock Cafe is coming to Chiangmai. This is interesting news. New job opportunities for filipino musicians. It would be amazing if the Thai government would revise the policies on foreign musicians.

    Having a diverse international music presence in Chiang Mai would greatly improve clientele and tourism. Music is being smothered, unless your into limited variety of Thai venues.

    Hopefully, the Chiang Mai cafe will be more spacious than Bangkok's Hard Rock Cafe.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    I've never heard so much nonsense in my life. Chiang Mai has tons of talented musicians and an amazing number of live music venues. It doesn't need bob-a-job foreigners to make that work. 

  10. Everywhere is different. Comparing two places rarely achieves very much other than a bag load of whining and bitterness.


    Why do I like Chiang Mai? It's a small-ish place but big enough that there's as much variety in your life as you want there to be. The public transport is generally staffed by friendly people who aren't too hellbent on robbing you blind. It's good value for money; not the cheapest place on earth but not the most expensive by a long shot.


    There's a ton of expat friendly facilities and in particular a bunch of 2nd hand bookshops that are really top notch. The locals are decent, kind and welcoming (despite the constant slurs aimed at them on this forum and in other similar forums). It has all the facilities I need - decent supermarkets, cinemas, museums, entertainment options, etc. heck it even has a death metal festival. 


    What don't I like? There's a minimal expat scene except for digital nomads and retirees. Nothing against those groups but I don't fit into them very well either. The closing at midnight thing is occasionally annoying but not the end of the world. Nobody has yet sold me a winning lottery ticket. 

  11. 5 hours ago, Rancid said:

    A little reading would illuminate why these modalities are registered by most governments despite local AMA objections, namely they work. Any would be a better alternative to chemical based drugs. Incidentally was recently reported in scientific journals that up to 70% of scientific tests, including medical, cannot be replicated. Now why would that be?


    As to Parry, English chiropractors use a different technique to US for adjustments, the outcome however is the same. I saw Parry and found him very competent, sorted out my problem and my sons. Pity seems there are some booking problems.


    A little reading by anyone who can read a scientific paper would note that these techniques are proven to be less effective than the placebo effect. That is they don't work as well as me handing you a sugar cube and telling you it will have a medicinal effect - will work. Given that sugar is cheap and I can be rented for the price of a beer - the only reason that states allow these treatments is that they are subject to lobbying for "health" nonsense as much as they are for cigarettes, alcohol, etc.


    The "alternative medicine" (in that it is an alternative only in that it doesn't work) field is a multi-billion dollar operation with next to zero costs compared to big pharma (which you know has to do research, tests, trials, etc.) and thus can spend a fair amount of money on lobbying.


    Only suckers claim their efficacy in the face of all the evidence. The most amusing of which is the acupuncturists who actually published a paper which proved acupuncture was inefficient but because they didn't understand the maths - they thought it supported the case. (See The Guardian passim for details).



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