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Posts posted by YuliyaSerg

  1. Why should there be any change? ED visa is a very positive thing for the Thai economy, students pay the fee for the courses, accommodation, 1900 Baht every three month at the immigration, spend their money for food, entertainment, etc. Why on Earth would Thailand even consider cancelling ED visa?

    I think so also, but the most surprising post for me on one forum was that very soon will be not possible to get ED-visa in school, only if you will study in university...

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  2. Hello everybody!

    At the beginning of August I planned to make ED visa first time for learning Thai language for 1 year. Last few weeks was appeared a lot of messages, assumptions and possible rumors on different forums, web-sites about the restrictions and possibly even in the near future cancellation of ED-visa. Some people write that now it is impossible to prolongate this type of visa during 1 year,only one time for 3 months, and then finish, some write that soon it will be impossible to get ED visa if you want to study in school, only in university, that most schools will be deprived of license. Is this true? I want real information, not gossips, because this information really important for me. Maybe somebody has real facts or links from immigration office?

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  3. Hello! What about ED-visas? Does anyone has real information, not unfounded rumours? Some people says there is no more prolongation for 1 year, only for 3 months, some says that soon no more possibility to get ED visa in school only in university. What about people who wants to get this type of viza first time?

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