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Posts posted by homealone

  1. It is difficult to point out.

    In many brochures of tourist organisations the 'Lanna'-culture is mentioned as specific for Chiang Rai. There is no brochure or poster without a 'galae' topped house on it (the accentuation of the outer crossbeams of a roof).

    In parades and at the occasion of cultural happenings in for instance the Rai Mae Fah Luang 'Lanna' style clothes are worn.

    So 'Lanna'-culture consists of patterns in woven textiles and the eternal 'galae' ?

    But also Scottish kilts have different patterns, also Akha and Yao broderies have, and crossbeams everywhere in the world have been crossing each other for centuries. And in almost as much as places they were shaped in a specific form or decorated in a specific way.

    In architecture you won't find see the 'Lanna'-style reflected, unless you would call a concrete matchbox with a 'galae' on top typical 'Lanna'. It is typical Chiang Rai, yes, but it is just as much 'Lanna' as a 'kao pat' with an olive and parmesan cheese on top could be called 'Italian'.

    For us, foreigners, Chiang Rai is first of all Thai.

    Maybe by comparing the life-style in towns in different parts of Thailand with Chiang Rai we might find out what is specific for Chiang Rai.

    But can we call that 'Lanna'?

    The 'Lanna' Kingdoms stretched from Vietnam, Southern China, Laos, Burma to Nan, Payao and Chiang Mai.

    Do we have to study the 'Lanna'-culture by visiting these areas and look for things we recognize from Chiang Rai? Distill a common nominator which would define 'Lanna'?

    Is the multiple use of the term 'Lanna' a symptom of an underlying sentiment?

    And which?

    Who  :o  ?


    I am unclear what our esteemmed moderator wants for feedback on this topic. Lanna Kingdom, from which Lanna culture, architecture, etc. has its origin, was a huge Kingdom that ruled Northern Thailand, Southern parts of China, Burma and Laos but not Vietnam. Lanna means - land of a million rice fields - and its influence in Thailand can be found throughout the provinces of Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai as well as Burma.

    The only "underlying sentiment" I can think of is for tourism. Lanna this or that might sell alot of bus tickets and fill innumerable pages of guide books but what other sentiment other than making money from tourists would there be???

    The only "common denominator" would be King Meng Rai, the counqueror and founder of the original Lanna Kingdom.

    Nice talking to you again Limbo.

    :D homealone at last :D

  2. Word has it that local Forum members are seeking new and interesting topics to discuss. Since I have been referred to as “venerable” (revered, dignified, honourable ???!!!) under another topic I realize that the situation has become perfectly muddled.

    Anyone interested in pursuing a more cerebral thread might contribute the next line to the following verse. In due time we could end up with a poem, limerick, ode or ballad for Our Moderator to present at a future gathering of the Chiang Rai Expat Performing Arts Club also known as the OBC (Old Boys Club). Rhyme would be appreciated.

    homealone :o not

    There once was a girl from Mae Sai . . .

  3. For all of you who are considering visiting the north or even (shudder) living here....take this thread as a warning...this thread may seem like a joke to many but to those involved it is a struggle taken on in all earnestness....beware...this could be you.

    Excellent point. Those considering a move here should realize the bizarre impact that rainy season has on even the most robust characters among us. Some are unable to refrain from the use of camouflaged cussing while others find it far more interesting to contribute to that other topic that they have been admonished to ignore.

    Rumour has it that our beloved Limbo, who has just begun to learn his ABC’s, has a remedy for this seasonal affliction. Now that his own condition has been cured I look forward to the benefit of his wise counsel.

    :o still not homealone :D

  4. it did deteriorate quite rapidly.... still, you should see Bedlem!!  :o

    We will deteriorate no more. I am pleased to announce that Limbo's condition has much improved. He has ignored the advice of the experts as the Palm girls have discovered the joys of mountain climbing whilst Limbo yodels in the canyon.

    And my evil twin has been captured and detained.

    :D no longer homealone

  5. ** De brug over de Nam Mae Kok.

    i added to this posting 2 pictures. The first pic shows the old bridge (1975, only for pedestrians) en the second one shows the present bridge (suitable fot heavy

    It sounds all Dutch to me?! :o homealone

  6. I am sure Mr homealone knows another member here. After all they share the same I(Interesting) P(Personality) just used moments apart in some cases.

    I wonder why that is. Maybe its boring sitting in the darkened and smelly room  :D .... Back to you Mr homealone.

    Sorry, I am only familiar with my own member. . . and its getting dark . . the aroma is rising.

    :o not a Mr. homealone

  7. I agree with Limbo. I think his name begins with and ends with the same letter. Often seen in Bo,s Place drinking my name.

    I am absolutely sure we are talking about the same person.

    We once had a 'your name' together and I actually like him.

    Tjing-tjing :o


    And I like you too, Limbo. Sadly, we have never had a"your name" together. Perhaps someday. Although your APSD prognosis is not hopeful I wish you all the best with what Chiang Rai has to offer.

    :D homealone

  8. This has to be the funniest thread on the CM forum for sometime. It's a pity that the majority of TV Members don't visit the forum as it does not relate to them.

    How can we let them know what they are missing??

    Post the big butt bacon eater on all the forums. It is oddly appealing.

    :o homealone

  9. Do you think that imported rhubarb could become a big thing in Thailand?  I don't think it will grow well here being a root crop....do you think the rain would hurt the rhubarb?

    Rhubarb does well in tight dark places but prolonged exposure to moisture renders it limp and flaccid.

    :o homealone

  10. A newbie insinuating that a TV mod is into auto erotics takes courage :o

    Did he? This will not pass unpunished!

    Let me think about his profile...

    His excellent skills in writing English language point in the direction of an English teacher, probably at university level. Rajabhat or Mae Fah Luang? I go for Mae Fah Luang.

    His excellent ability to associate points in the direction of a personality who never would refuse a glass of beer.

    His in fine wording camouflaged aggression points in the direction of a person who would wear military style camouflage pants in his free time.

    His self choosen nickname points in the direction of a person who doesn't have a steady relationship with all consequences of that, which in their turn brought him on his absolutely distastefull thought.

    Would the first letter of his naam be an A or a B? I go for the B! Right? :D

    Limbo :D

    APSD also causes the victim to experience exotic fantasies, paranoia and an inability to get past the first two letters of the english alphabet.

    Wrong on all accounts Mr. Moderator. A true newbie abiding by all the rules of the TV game.

    Nicknames are often misleading and rarely indicate one's actual situation. It's the random mysteries that add spice our lives.

    :D homealone

  11. Under another topic, containing a variety of meaningless threads, Limbo mentioned the need for psychiatric intervention. I thought I might save Limbo the time and expense of consulting with one of the many highly trained shrink therapists who haunt the local bars in Chiang Rai.

    After consulting with several world-renowned psychotherapists and the former leader of the free world, I am able to provide Limbo with an accurate diagnosis:

    Arrested PsychoSexual Development or APSD. This condition is manifested by an uncommon dependency on Mary Palm and her five sisters for pleasure and self-gratification. Most adult males suffer brief episodes of APSD during puberty or at times of stress or solitude. In Limbo’s case, as is apparent from a review of his postings, it is not episodic but an addiction he is unable to control.

    Unfortunately, the experts say that there is no cure for this condition except to occasionally utilize Mary’s Other Palm and her five virgin cousins.

    Maybe there are other local experts who can provide Limbo with a more hopeful remedy.

  12. Will someone please discuss something other than the phantom test thread that those with no self control are unable to ignore. Obviously, they don't know when they have crossed the line bewteen pleasure and pain. Or do they??? And are enjoying it! :


  13. I think you're going to have to be a little bit more revealing than that HA.

    Do you like the transformation? What's changed there?

    Seems to be same same to me.

    No hidden agenda - genuinely curious.

    I've been visiting Bangkok 3 or 4 times a year for the past ten years and always have a meal at Bobby's Arms. The food seems the same to me but there is rarely another person in the dining room. I assume the changes - adding pool tables, etc - were made out of financial necessity. I believe there was a change in ownership about 5 or 6 years ago. I am not familiar with Bangkok's expat scene but thought some locals could provide some insight.

    :o homealone

  14. <_<

    I wonder why people chose to hide behind funny nicknames. What's the point? People here seldom know each other's full names anyway.

    It seems to me it is less an issue of anonymity than one of freedom of choice and privacy. All users are free to choose their own online user name – real or created - as long as it does not cause offense to others’ sensibilities. Although using one’s own name might inadvertently cause offense to those who are familiar with that person. They are also free to make their personal information available, or not.

    A created user name and a request to keep one’s personal information private protects the user from unwanted mail from those who might act inappropriately as well as solicitations from some who are peddling a product – such as a book by a self-proclaimed author and expert on Chiang Rai.

    How do you spell pseudonym?

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