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Posts posted by mikosan

  1. 15 hours ago, webfact said:



    Holly Deane-Johns, an Australian woman who spent seven gruelling years in a Thai prison for heroin trafficking, has opened up about the appalling conditions she endured in the notorious Lardyao Women’s Correctional Institution, often dubbed the "Bangkok Hilton."


    In 2000, Holly, then aged 29, was caught trying to mail a parcel of heroin to her family in Perth. She faced the death penalty but was instead sentenced to 31 years in the overcrowded and squalid prison.


    Speaking on the True Crime Australia podcast with Gary Jubelin, Holly recounted the horror she faced upon arrival. “More than 100 Thai women were sitting on blankets. I asked if anyone spoke English, and one woman raised her hand.



    She found me a spot to sleep, but there was literally no visible floor space,” she said. The woman instructed others to lie down, revealing a sliver of the floor about nine inches wide. “That was my bed for the next seven years.”


    Prisoners had to bring their own essentials. “Some couldn’t afford blankets. I bought a couple and folded them to sleep on,” Holly shared.

    image.jpegPicture courtesy of Holly Deane-Johns via Daily Star UK

    She detailed the primitive conditions, “In my section, there were 2,000 women and only 10 toilets in the yard. Fights over sleeping spots and washing facilities were common. As soon as the cell doors opened, it was a stampede to the trough of cold water. You had to strip naked before the doors opened, or others would pull at your clothes to slow you down.”


    Her first shower was nearly violent. “A trustee looked like she’d hit me with a metal bar for being slow, but I made it clear I’d fight back. We later became friends, and she let me store my blankets safely.”


    Holly faced relentless stress and frequent fights. “My first fight was with a friend, and I don’t even know what it was about. It was that crazy.”


    Even using the toilets was traumatic. “There was no privacy. I didn’t use the toilet for a month because I was so embarrassed. Eventually, I realised I had to adapt. I decided to live like a Thai.”


    After a long campaign, Holly was transferred to an Australian prison in 2007, where she served another five years before her release in 2012. Since then, she has authored a book titled “Holly’s Hell,” detailing her harrowing experience in the Bangkok Hilton, shedding light on the brutal reality behind its walls.


    Picture courtesy of Holly Deane-Johns via Daily Star UK



    -- 2024-05-16


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    No sympathy whatsoever.  Shame you didn't have to serve the whole 31 years in there.  And the fact that you now intend to profit from your criminal activities is a disgrace.

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  2. 8 hours ago, kwaussie said:

    Although probably drunk still don't know how anyone can un hinge necklace from around neck without victim noticing  

    I don't know how they do it either, but I can assure you they are able to do so.  It's not personal experience, I don't wear a chain, or any jewelry for that matter, however I have friends who have been the victims of similar events and I was present once when it happened, under similar circumstances to this incident, my mate didn't even realise immediately and I certainly didn't see it happen.  They are very good at it.  Practice makes perfect and they certainly do that. 

  3. 19 hours ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    I'm 70, have a full top set and a 90% of bottom set, had them changed every 10 years or so, top set is easy to get used too if they are made and fitted well, bottom set can be a bit iffy if you dont have any teeth left to help locate them. For me it takes about a fortnight to get used to a new set. but I've had them for 50 years.

    My dentist has given me the same option as the OP.  However, if I go for the cheaper dentures option, they will remove my remaining upper teeth and my concern is what do they anchor the upper denture to.  My dentist said something about a magnetised plate. Does anyone have experience of this?

  4. 6 hours ago, KIngsofisaan said:

    I feel fortunate I was able to marry.


    But I am never going to kid myself about the truth.


    The age differences are accepted in Thailand, however, NOT normal.


    Sooner or later the man gets to a point where he is just plain to damn old to do anything except wait to die.


    In this stage, a good man spends all his time financially planning for his eventual demise, so that his young wife will be rich and be able to find the life she really wanted in the first place.


    Some women are greatful for their new house, land, car, gold, money, status.


    They earned it for taking care of the old man for the years they were together.


    Hopefully they will be left enough to find the life they really wanted, after the geezer kicks the bucket.







    How true is that and I absolutely agree and am doing the same myself.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    No, no, no, no. Totally fake news. The real problem is, they will not go after these guys. Not the top bankers, not the high ranking guys, not the provincial authorities, and certainly not the army, or the police. They are all corrupt beyond imagination. And the level of corruption simply escalates, the further up the food chain you go. They police and army are not expected to be honest, and they are not expected to engage in law enforcement, traffic or public safety, on any level. It is an irrevocably broken and dysfunctional system. Any hyperbole to the contrary, is just a smoke screen, intended to deceive the most naive amongst us.

    The Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand (ACT) is one of the most feeble and ineffective of all the tools Prayuth has used to deceive the people into believing that he is fighting corruption. Who was the last high level authority, in the police, immigration, the army, or the active administration they arrested, charged, tried convicted, and sent to prison? Nobody. Zero. Nunca. Nada. Why? Because Prayuth has had a mandate from the beginning to do the very opposite. To protect the elite, the super wealthy who are guilty, those that are connected, and those who are in power. Just think Dark Tao. Just think Red Bull. The list goes on, and on, and on. Only the most naive amongst us believe he or ACT secretary-general Mana Nimitmongkol are sincere about this. 

    It barely matters. These guys are above the law. Any and all laws. The only time they are arrested is when it becomes big news, or it is reported internationally, and Thailand gets a ton of egg on it's face. And even then, it normally does not result in a conviction. Very, very few current (not former) police, immigration, customs, cabinet officials, army officials, or administration officials are arrested here, tried, convicted and imprisoned. My guess is it is one of the lowest rates in the world. The corruption here is never ending.

    And to think that tiny P. came into office with the agenda of cleaning the place up. LOL. About as amusing, and about as sincere as Trump draining the swamp. Nothing ever got cleaned up. If anything, things are filthier under the army, then they were before. 

    When you have an administration that is built solely upon a foundation of cronyism, favoritism, and corruption, you end up with alot of morally bankrupt people, with ridiculous amounts of money. It gives them an Ivory Tower consciousness, and seems to foster a level of pathology that manifests itself as a dislike of the common man, a lack of respect for anyone who is not very wealthy, and a system of patronage, that only the toxic urchins within the army, the administration, the police, immigration, customs, and the elite of society benefit from. Sorry to inform you, Prayuth. But when you run a nation built upon a foundation that only protects the elite, the super wealthy, those that are well connected, those in power, and a spectacularly corrupt army, and then you reach out to nations that observe the rules of law and order for help, you get ignored, scorned, and ridiculed. Nobody is listening to you these days, much less Interpol. You are NOT a serious man. 98% of Thailand knows this, and most of the world does too. Over 7 years of your nonsense and insincerity has proven that time and time again.
    For the masses, woe are them. And woe is Thailand.

    Hear, hear.  I concur, absolutely.

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  6. 14 hours ago, Mark mark said:

    Edited and Re Posted - Well I do think that the good Old MJ should be legal also !!! But well, Like, Alcohol, should not be underestimated mated in it's chronic debilitating effect, if it IS abused also !!! and apparently the new Hybrid strains are much better, and more powerful that we ever used to be able to get when we were young !!! … (and had 5 K jammed dup our Chimney on occasions !!! ???) ... 


    I have worked on Building sites where three quarters of the crew were pretty much totally stoned after Lunch !!! Like I was the Young, ... boss so did not eat with them, but I did know what was going on, I just turned a blind eye .... like when the Front End Loader driver was fully stoned, as he jiggled the Bucket, above the laborers heads, as he dropped the screenings in to the trench, ... to lay the sewer line on !!! ... Like talk about trust ??? ... or was it just plane stupidity ??? ...


    ... If I was the Forman again now I would never stand for it, but well back then I was young ...


    Still, eventually .... (Steptoe) ... In a rush to get off and down the Pub !!! …. I eventually slid the Van, with the whole crew in it, sideways down an embankment and got it jammed in between the Rock breaker and the batter !!! ... and then to add insult to Injury !!! … as the Rock breaker operator had hearing protectors on … and could not see us at the back, and he slew the machine around for the next rock, … and the heavy counter weight, back section of it crushed in the whole of the Left side of the van in and tipped it over on to two wheels !!! .... Lucky they were all stoned right !!! ... As I got out and ran Down the batter … Arms waving … ... Shouting “Stop Stop !!! You’re <Deleted> ing my car up” !!!!


    (Lost that job right there and then, needless to say !!! ... Dropped what was left of the van back at the yard, and went home. )


    Not to mention when drill 2 dropped 2 rods down the hole, and lost them ! ? … and then the Drills Forman drove the rubber tire over a cliffs … after jumping off of course .. ... and Truck 35 going down the load out backwards ... and I saw the young drivers eyes after, .... looking like two red <deleted> Holes in the snow !!! ... They possibly breathalyzes him, and he would have passed naturally (All of them would have !!!)  ... They did not have the Lick the stick back then !!! ...


    Yes have you ever been driving down the freeway at 90 and the driver starts to get twitchy, and pulled a little pipe out of the glove box, and pulls two cones as he continues on at 90 with one hand !!! ... Like Marijuana CAN ruin men’s Lives !!! AND HUMANS EXISTENCE !!! ... Just the same as Alcohol !!!  … If it becomes the only thing in their Poor wasted Lives !!! ...


    … So yes Legalize it !!! But make sure that all the cops have the lick the stick test kits first !!! … Like in Australia, that Does !!! seem to be having Some, effect ? … in keeping the roads a Bit,, Safer at least !!


    Ps … Back in the Kingdom now !!! 20 People on a 300 seat aircraft from Singapore !!!!! … and apparently they  are flying all over the world empty, as the Airlines want to keep their slots in all the major airports … What a Tragedy !!! Like this has just GOT TO END !!!


    … I am the only one that I know who was a former long stayer here who has made it back … that I know ??? … so well that ever they say on how Crazy I am … I CAN get things done right !!! … Like a full degree in Social behavior skills, 6 months of counseling, … and a full computer science degree needed to even have a hope of getting back here the way things are just now !!!


    … And well after hearing about the poor guy that uses a lot of exclamation Marks !!!  when describing getting attacked after drinking for 2 days straight, … as he used a lot of them in his go fund me apparently so you say Roster ??? … So, Maybe time for me to stop !!!


    Mark mark !!! Home again !!!! HOME !!! … And feeling great again !!! for the first time in nearly 2 years !!! <Deleted> what a <deleted> of a virus this whole thing has been !!!  ... and well, bad management, corruption, and dictatorial opportunities abounding now !!! …


    The stupidity just has to stop !!!  ... We have to open normal things up (Keep Night clubs close !!! Like why not !!! they are just a disaster waiting to happen just now any way) … but open ALL people work places, and the schools. And everywhere !!! ... Let people return to their Families before they lose it totally !!! ..... Vaccinate every one !!! ... Vaccinate every one !!! !!!  (We ALL just want to be able to live Normally again !!!) .... Send the Anti Vackseers to the south Pole, for their own safety ….... and well start really REALLY seriously looking after the Ole people or anyone else with preexisting conditions !!! …



    And I do not think that they will be able to control Omicron, like I think that No one anywhere else, can just now either ??? It just comes on so fast, and then goes in 2 days I think … so young and healthy people do not even realize that they have got it !!! … But well if you are Old, or have Pre-existing problems !!! Well you better have been vaccinated is all that I can say, and possibly within 5 Months ??? …. As, as mild as it is ??? It Probably will just Hammer anyone who is old, or with Pre Existing weaknesses !!!... and Fast !!! … Get Vaccinated !!!  Like just about everyone I know around here near Ayutthaya is !!!


    … (And they should have let “NoVax” Play !!! (Or “Go Home” Jokavich, as they started calling him in Australia) … Just fined him a lot ! and given it to homeless services, … and then filmed them washing all of the Eggs off his car, every Mourning, and evening after the matches !!! Har Har !!! Right !!! … Like how could we throw Eggs at him !!! … When he is back in good Old Serbia !!! ??? … Right !!! ??? (And another win for Scomo and the selfish Vote buyers and Loony’s !!!) …

    You’ve obviously had a few spliffs. 555

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