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Posts posted by dexterm

  1. We can see [from their passport stamps] if a foreigner has stayed in Thailand too long [on tourist visas].

    But once again they did not say how long is "too long"... sad.png

    Exactly my problem. Been here since mid April and would like to enter from Laos on a second double entry tourist visa until my flight out in mid November, not sure if that is "too long".

    Check activation date (must be utilised by) for 2nd entry..yours may have already expired. I don't want to alarm you but I faced that problem with double entry visa issued in Oz. They will issue multiple entry but 2nd entry must be utilised within 3 months of visa issue.

  2. The Zionist movement (which started well before 1948) is inclusive of both religious and secular Jews. Israel is the manifestation of the Zionist movement ... a homeland for the Jewish PEOPLE. 


    Judaism is a religion not a race. Jews share every shade of DNA from fair haired blue eyed Russian Jews to jet black Ethiopian falashas.


    In the 21st century you can’t steal someone else’s land based on the belief in a popular book of fiction and hearing voices from imaginary supernatural friends telling you the land belongs to you.


    In 1850 there were 14,000 Jews (4%) mainly in Jerusalem living peacefully alongside 334,000 Palestinians.

    In 2014 there are 6 million Jews and 1.6 million Palestinians living in Israel..and 5 million Palestinian refugees outside Israel


    Go figure who are the land robbers!





  3. Sorry, Morch I thought I was replying to Grant not you.. the mixup is exactly why I don't like the multiple quotes on the site (in a long thread I find them confusing) and prefer to address individual points. Still finding my way around the site.


    Fed up and pissed off ...just a vernacular thing, sorry. Where I come from "pissed off" means angry... and "fed up" means bored. I don't think they murdered the teenagers just because they were bored.


    I hope there is a ceasefire..as Churchill said "Jaw, jaw is better than war, war".


    Got to rush. Back tomorrow sometime.




  4. Grant,


    >>The two killers are Hamas people, and this was covered in numerous media reports. The third guy arrested later as an accomplice is also Hamas man.


    ..you still don’t get the point do you? 3 untried suspects with political affiliations but no instructions or orders from above somehow force Israel’s hands to bomb more than 200 Gazans to death.

    ..and you still don’t apply your  same warped logic to the 3 Israeli thugs who burnt the Palestinian boy. Which according to you could make the entire Likud party responsible for their crime.


    >> The same goes for your assertions regarding the motivations of the killers. Just two guys who got fed up

    ..I didn’t say that. I said pissed off with Israeli abuse.

    ..who knows what their motivations actually were. But the clairvoyant Netanyahu and you seem to be able to read their minds.


    >> mostly to do with economic crisis and losing ground to hardline organizations.

    ..well they’ve certainly got themselves a bigger economic crisis now haven’t they. Hamas have repeatedly offered an indefinite truce with Israel, and they had been trying to control rogue groups until Israel manufactured this present conflict.


    >> The windfall for Netanyahu is far from guaranteed.... Public support is tricky

    Better read this then  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israelgaza-conflict-eu-pushes-for-ceasefire-but-israelis-back-benjamin-netanyahu-and-want-bombardment-to-continue-9605927.html

    ....Netanyahu riding a new wave of popularity amongst Israelis baying for more blood.





    The killers are definitely Hamas people, details pertaining to this were all over media. I do not think it was claimed

    that they were operating on direct orders from Hamas Central in Gaza, though.


    ...but that is exactly the claim that Netanyahu made


    Wrong. It is NOT the claim that Netanyahu made. You posted:

    "Well then you are not looking hard enough.. try The Jerusalem Post and Haaretz. Netanyahu said in a statement:..."Hamas is responsible, and Hamas will pay. May the memories of the three boys be blessed."

    It was members of Hamas. There is no doubt about it, but, Netanyahu never said that they were "operating on direct orders from Hamas Central in Gaza". YOU made that up.


    So according to your warped logic if the 3 Israeli thugs who today admitted burning alive Mohammed Khdeir belonged to the Israeli Likud party, then the Likud party itself is entirely responsible and any of the 885,000 Israelis who voted for them in the last election is therefore a legitimate target?


    I think that’s called collective punishment. I wonder if the IDF will demolish the homes of the 3 Israeli murderers who recently confessed. Is theirs not terrorism too?


    >> It was members of Hamas. There is no doubt about it


    ..seems like Netanyahu is clairvoyant too..only one person has been arrested for the murders Husam Dofsh who phoned an Israeli news station to protest his innocence.


    So lets get this right, you now justify Israel’s collective punishment killing of over 200 Palestinians, many of them innocent women and children and disabled, not because any Hamas leadership ordered the kidnappings, but on the strength of Netanyahu’s suspicions about possible perpetrators.

  6. Directly related the OP opinion piece. Who are they to preach to Israel?




    To be clear, personally I find this guy's rhetoric to be over the top ... but we've heard so much MUCH MORE over the top attacks on Israel here ... thought a little balance was in order. 


    and for the other side of the story that the Israelis aren't telling you... [interesting item ]




    This is not just about the foul murder of three Israelis in the occupied West Bank or the foul murder of a Palestinian in occupied East Jerusalem. Nor about the arrest of many Hamas militants and politicians in the West Bank.  Nor about rockets. As usual, it’s about land.




    The killers are definitely Hamas people, details pertaining to this were all over media. 

    I do not think it was claimed that they were operating on direct orders from Hamas Central in Gaza, though.


    ...but that is exactly the claim that Netanyahu made


    No it isn't. At least I see no reports of it. Other people said Hamas was directly behind the killing and there is no evidence that they have it wrong.




    Ulysses G., on 14 Jul 2014 - 23:49, said:
    dexterm, on 14 Jul 2014 - 23:28, said:
    Morch, on 14 Jul 2014 - 22:03, said:
    dexterm, on 14 Jul 2014 - 15:14, said:
    The killers are definitely Hamas people, details pertaining to this were all over media. 
    I do not think it was claimed that they were operating on direct orders from Hamas Central in Gaza, though.
    ...but that is exactly the claim that Netanyahu made
    No it isn't. At least I see no reports of it. Other people said Hamas was directly behind the killing and there is no evidence that they have it wrong.
    Well then you are not looking hard enough.. try The Jerusalem Post and Haaretz
    Netanyahu said in a statement:..."Hamas is responsible, and Hamas will pay. May the memories of the three boys be blessed." 
    >>there is no evidence that they have it wrong.
    So Israeli justice is accuse anyone you like of any crime you like without any evidence, bomb the hell out of them and then tell them they must prove their innocence.
    You’re using the old “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?” trick.
    Hamas rather than claim responsibility as they did when they kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, they immediately told Netanyahu his claims were ridiculous, and they were.
    This quick murder was the work of a couple of rogue vengeful Palestinians killers pissed off at the abuse they had received from the illegal Israeli squatters at Gush Etzion, where the teens studied
    They made no attempt to use their captives as bargaining chips to get Hamas members released from Israeli jails.
    The murder was in no way helpful to Hamas, but it has proved a windfall for Netanyahu...destroy Hamas’ new alliance with the PA and win votes by whipping up some bloodlust...it worked last time they invaded Gaza just before an Israeli election.



     The killers are definitely Hamas people, details pertaining to this were all over media. I do not think it was claimed

    that they were operating on direct orders from Hamas Central in Gaza, though.



    ...but that is exactly the claim that Netanyahu made, and the pretext under which he has just killed almost 200 Palestinians with more to come probably


    It's like 2 Irishmen with IRA sympathies kill 3 British students in Northern Ireland, and so the UK bombs Dublin in retaliation.... crazy! Collective punishment or planned escalation?

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  9. "You are a tourist for 30 days, not more."

    they mean business now, i hope it doesn't spread to the northern and eastern borders

    "You are a tourist for 30 days, not more."

    This sort of negates the fact that tourist visas are issued on a 60 day basis, with 1, 2 , or 3 entries.

    Clearly the consulates don't know what the border checkpoints are doing.

    and it's worse..catch 22..in many countries they will issue double entry 60 day visas but you only have 3 months to activate them both. In other words you can more or less only use them as back to back visas because you haven't got much time to visit anywhere else before the 3 months expires and you have to rush back to Thailand.

  10. This whole war has been manufactured to order by Israel. They don’t want peace, they just want a managed conflict while they continue to colonize Palestine illegally.


    For years Netanyahu said he couldn’t negotiate peace with the Palestinian Authority because they didn't represent Gaza.


    So a few months ago the PA made an agreement with Hamas to hold elections that was recognised by the USA and EU.


    Netanyahu was furious.


    Then along came the tragic abduction and murder of 3 Israeli teenagers. Shin Bet knew within less than 24 hours from an eventually published phone call from one of the kids with the sound of gun shots that they had been killed. But that didn’t stop the Israeli terrorist state from immediately pointing the finger at Hamas without a shred of evidence..and none has still been produced! Hamas kidnaps soldiers, claims responsibility, and negotiates for the release of 1000s of Palestinians held without charge in Israeli jails. This does not benefit Hamas at all...but it is very useful for Israel. This incident has the hallmarks of 2 angry and hate filled Palestinians, the same brand as the Israeli thugs who burnt alive Mohammed Abu Khdeir


    But Israel always gets away with the big lie. They even lied to the kids’ parents maintaining the pretext that they might still be alive.


    It was the perfect excuse to spend weeks smashing up Palestinian homes, rounding up 560 ..many of whom are still in jail without charge, killing 9 Palestinians, and mounting air strikes. And the rest is history as the score now reaches 172 dead Palestinians, 1000s injured, 17000 refugee refugees: Israel nil.


    The Palestinians can never win a military war against the nuclear armed Israel. They should all be issued with phone cams to record the daily humiliation at West Bank checkpoints, beatings and murder committed by the occupying IDF and Zionist squatters, and bombard the social media and YouTube with the images.


    ..and shame Israel into making a just peace.




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