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Posts posted by CapFarmer

  1. On 2/10/2017 at 5:47 PM, Get Real said:

    Yep! Just add a little bit more fire in the already hot and boiling pot. Actually insane!

    That´s my opinion, and if possible maybe I can be overlooked by all the people in this forum that are positive to drugs. Just heard the stories before. There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries.

    The reason marijuana is illegal in the USA is because the distillery lobby paid big "donations" to  eliminate competition.  Any physician will attest that they have seen example after example of alcohol abuse  and addiction ruining individuals' and family lives.  Marijuana is just not addictive in the same way and cannot compare to the narcotic qualities that alcohol can have on some people.

  2. Just my personal experience. I put a sum of cash in a case so that it could be opened at the wedding ceremony and we made a show of giving it to her mother, but we had agreed before hand that her mother would return the money to my wife and we would purchase land for our future. At the ceremony, the MC looked inside the case and announced that there was 3 million baht and he had personally counted it, which of course was not true. There was a lot of cash, but not near 3 million baht.

    Other's suggestions of using the money to pay of a loan or use for other agreed upon purchase also seem like good ideas. I would avoid paying any significant sums to any of her relatives out right, unless you are agreeing that the dowry will be the end of support to any of her family regardless of future circumstances.

    I wish you all the best in your future. God's Blessing to you both.

  3. probably reported as he was over charging what the market would bare. you buy for 70 baht and charge a customer170 baht. now that is being just downright greedy. sell 3 caps and you have 300 baht profit . what kind of life style does he expect to live operating at that kind of profit margin.

    ''a honest day pay for a honest days work'' concept/meaning must have been lost in translation for this wannabe wealthy piece of scum. Besides illigel he is gouging every customer he does business with.

    10 lashes of cane for fleecing customers and 20 lashes for illegal drugs. next offense penality phase is tripled on drugs and the fleecing will depend on profit margin. point out his customers and they get the illigal drug lashes and 5 for stipudity for encourging him.

    That is considerably less than the mark up on shoes, jeans, HDD, etc... made in Thailand and sold in the USA. And the shoe distributor doesn't bear near the risk...

  4. "who are both known by Police and are expected to be arrested in the next few days."

    Yes, here we come, we are pursuing you now. Do not run away today or tomorrow or the next day before we arrive to arrest you at 09:00 am on 16 Jul 2015. We are planning surveillance and after that we will sneak up on you and arrest you. We know you are in there, so do not attempt to flee... Wow...

  5. It wasn't meant to be a comparison to David Miller in size and age to a 64 year old man. It was meant to show that even though you may look innocent, and are small in size, it does not mean you cannot commit murder.

    Hardly a fair comparison, this man was 64 and murdered by pirates on his own yacht.

    David Miller was 24, allegedly murdered by hospitality workers on a resort island.

    Noticed that the 3 accused were all Burmese, and like the 2 accused, and in looks and size. They admitted to the crime after an eye witness, and DNA tests on there bloody clothes.Two of the accused, aged 19 and 18, got 25 Year in Prison, as they pleading guilty and had their sentence cut into half. he third accused was also found guilty of murder. But he was only 17 years old. A Real Boy! He will be held in custody until he is 24 years old. They were also all fishermen, which hardly puts them in the Body Building Weight Class.

    So if there was a comparison at all then it is with these 3 Convicted Burmese Murders, and the accused, to show that their looks, size, age, and the country they come from, has nothing to do with whether or not they can commit murder.

    It's more to do with whether the B2 had the prime motivation and desire to take on and take out a far larger guy to commit rape and then brutally murder his female companion. What for? An i-phone and sunglasses? Lust is not such a motivation, as it has been pointed out by more qualified people than me. Hopefully, the defence can counter the prosecution's assertions by providing alibis plus character witnesses, plus possibly a qualified psychologist?

    Pirates (the name qualifies them as vicious thugs), on the other hand, have the prime motivation to rob, and to take out anyone who gets in their way. It's a different mind set, IMO.

    Anyway, granted the perps could have been of different sizes and still carried out the crimes.

    Not to mention that the "pirates" were arrested with the blood of the victims on their clothes, as would be expected when someone committed a bloody murder. There was never any blood or other evidence at the rooms where the Burmese boys were sleeping. It is not conceivable that there would be no physical evidence at their sleeping room after they had committed such a crime. Anyone who thinks that a swim in the ocean could have removed all of the evidence has never tried to clean bloody clothing before.

  6. All this talk of retesting DNA is it in fact retesting or just testing for the first time, early on there was some discussion on the speed of the original testing and as for the DNA testing of mumnuts or whatever his name is well how long did that take to prove is innocence.

    The trial is a joke but will we be laughing at the end?

    Retest or not doesn't really matter as the DNA they are testing has either come from a contaminated crime scene where relatives of original suspects were allowed to tamper, OR the DNA was provided by an unnamed official who keeps "guilty" Burmese worker DNA samples in a pickle jar in his ice box.

  7. It would not surprise me that in Thailand police can submit DNA evidence without actually having the DNA

    watch this space

    without actually having the physical evidence this should not be admissible - it simply becomes hearsay

    No need to go without the actual DNA, just have the two Burma Boys resubmit their DNA samples and re-use them again. It is already decided that they are guilty after all.

    Or you could simply compare against the results of the 5 hospitals that big daddy used to conduct testing for his boy, where ever they got those samples...

    Bottom line, there has been no need to maintain any chain of custody for any evidence so far, why start now?

  8. I am a long time XP user and don't want to upgrade to anything else. If I have to, my next stop will probably be Linux. Anyways, 3rd party antivirus and malware protection is still being updated for XP and most of the PCs running in the world run XP so I think we are good to go for a while. As has been cautioned already, do not click on anything you do not know where it leads or unsure about where it came from.

  9. Funny, I am looking for replacement for mine now. After 13 years and three kids, my wife finally had enough I guess. Anyway:

    1. Everyone has their own tastes in physical attributes, but I know what I like and that is important for me.

    2. Not Jealous or crazy

    3. Able to manage money maturely

    4. Must submit as my love slave

    Everything else and she can decide how we play it.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I hope somebody will take good care of the old lady. Seems to happen in more civilized countries pretty often.

    "more civilized countries"


    Not sure I'd call countries where elderly people are routinely dumped in warehouses for the old or otherwise abandoned to fend for themselves by their loving children "civilized."

    In terms of non-governmental community support for marginalized people, I would consider Thailand more civilized than some of the "wealthier" countries. In those countries this sort of thing wouldn't even qualify as news.

    It was certainly an unfortunate and gruesome thing to have happened, but apparently the son who had medical problems of his own had been caring for his elderly mother at home.

    I assume the US would qualify for your definition of "more civilized" and yet ...

    Nearly 9 million Americans 50 and older face the risk of hunger, according to new research commissioned by AARP Foundation.


    In "civilized" countries, governments want to take responsibility to care for family members away from families in order to increase control over individuals (strategic objective) and increase job security and grow government agency jobs (tactical objectives). The result is that the elderly and the physically handicapped suffer alone in anonymous and dehumanizing conditions at medical institutions, elderly hospices and elderly care facilities. Governments promote the idea that we should be able to choose "not to be a burden on our family members" in order to grow government.

    One of the most profound and comforting documents that I have ever come across is an ancient Buddhist text titled "On Dying". I found an audible recording of it, which had an introduction by the Dali Lama. I wasn't expecting to be so moved by the text. I am Christian, but I most strongly recommend this text to anyone.

  11. Isn't it because of all the mixing of Thai/Chinese that happened a century or more ago? Mixed-ethnicity (...choosing the word carefully...) is always beautiful. Should be more of it.

    I agree with Sen. Jay Billington Bulworth, quoted from the movie "Bulworth", as he was advancing the opinion that people of the same ethnicity should not be allowed to have sex:

    "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open-ended program of procreative racial deconstruction. Everybody just gotta keep f***in' everybody 'til they're all the same color."

  12. Glad I live in Isan. There are no rules outside of Tesco or 7. If I want alcohol, I just go buy it. Never had to worry about what time it was or what day it is.

    In a truly free country, That is the way it is supposed to be.

    Sorry old chap but my local bar in Isaan was visited by the police yesterday and the no booze from 2 'til 5 was stressed to the bar owner and customers, effective starting today. Bit of a bummer as that tends to be one of the busiest times for farang customers.

    No bars here where I am, but a few shops with tables and chairs in front that sell beer. No time restrictions here either. I don't really drink anymore, but years ago I would have my wife's younger brother run to the shop and pick me up 3 beers. Didn't matter what time of day, and he was about 11 or 12 years old.

  13. Although Marijuana is deemed illegal in those countries including Thailand ....I really wonder when the governments and the relevant authorities in those countries will legalize marijuana and move on to policing far more important matters.

    I do not advocate the use of recreational drugs at all........but this ongoing social affair known as the war on drugs, with all its associated ramifications and specifically the law enforcement concerning marijuana, is a near perfect example of human folly....if ever there was....while history will prove that was the case.


    The war on drugs is huge waste of money, or a huge money maker depending on which side of the law you are on. I suppose if funds most police activity in the USA, but it has ruined so many 1000s of young citizens and it is so unfairly executed that is makes me sick.

  14. Hoping for the best, but the article didn't mention a year for starting, only that the project would begin Sep or Oct and last ~ 2-3 years. So, assuming a normal late start of a year or so and delays of at least 3-4 years in completion... Seems like they have a lot of serious investors from around Asia and Europr this time, so maybe it will happen, but they have a history of announcing railway projects with huge fan fare, spending tons on studies and then nothing happens....

  15. "Hero Tourism", "textile tourism" cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

    I know it sounds odd but my ex back in England was into textiles and when travelling she would visit textile factories and even a textile museum in Guatemala. I, meantime, would indulge in my hobby of sampling beers of the world! But she was a teacher at the London College of Fashion, therefore had a specific interest. Not exactly for the mainstream.

    And hero tourism? I am no historian but what does Ho Chi Minh have to do with Thailand? And I am afraid I have never heard of the other two and am not sufficiently interested to look them up on Wikipedia.

    Ho lived in Thailand in exile hiding from the Japanese. The home he lived in is a museum in Nakhon Phanom. Interesting area.

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