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Posts posted by forrwhat

  1. You are all just overly sensitive.  Get over it 5 min of smoke won't kill you any more than the exhaust, or sewer fumes.   Get over yourself you're not that important to push your foreign sensibilities on other countries.

  2. I travel alot to and from Bkk and last time I returned from Phnom Penh through Don Muang. A immigration officer hand wrote in my passport " Apply visa or extension for stay in Thailand" he made me sign it and he signed it. I have had eight multi entry visas in the last 9 years but it never an over stay and I take frequent trips back to my native land. I thought it strange. upon receiving my last multiple entry tourist visa from the consulate in LA. I was told I might not get another.

    I don't get this country. I don't work here. I am semi retired at 47 and other than a emails and emergencies I don't work here. I own a condo and I spend loads of money when I am here. I don't want to live here full time so the Elite card doesn't appeal to me. I would however like to spend about six or seven months a year in LOS. It looks like they don't want affluent tourists unless they can off load their money then get rid of them.

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  3. Most of us expats here are not IMMIGRANTS.

    I think REAL immigrants would be foolish to take the approach I do (and I know others do as well, to different levels).

    Also of course there are practical differences. If you're working here and you need to be more local to make that happen, well, there really isn't any choice, if you want to work here.

    Many foreigners here are SINCERELY interested in Thai culture. That's different. I'm saying if you realize over time that you're really not, then if you don't have to for practical reasons, why bother FAKING it?

    Some would say to be polite and respectful to the hosts here, as they see themselves as guests of the hosts. I hear that but it doesn't move me.

    While I don't really care what you do personally. The problem I have is when expats come and refuse to assimilate and spend all their time complaining about how thing should change. If you want to be in a place like your home country then go back home. If you want to live abroad then quit complaining about how thing should adapt to you and not the other way around.

  4. You do realize that Thai gold doesn't have the same purity as the gold that is standard for international exchange? In order to maximize it's value it is only practical to trade it and sell it in Thailand. So the risk of customs and excise taxes on both taking the gold from and then returning it to Thailand in order to facilitate the trading it too risky. If you really want to get Thai gold then open a safety deposit box and store it there.

  5. For the OP their is also a PREP option. I understand you have not contracted HIV thusfar but you can take measures to protect your self as well.

    What is the prep?
    Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is a way for people who do not have HIV but who are at substantial risk of getting it to prevent HIV infection by taking a pill every day. The pill (brand name Truvada) contains two medicines (tenofovir and emtricitabine) that are used in combination with other medicines to treat HIV.
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  6. 2 tier pricing isn't just a Thai problem. It happens in any city with a large tourism industry. Dishonest people are everywhere. I am not sure it's even illegal here in Thailand I have seen it in Phuket and Hua hin.

    In my previous post I was pointing out that you need to be aware of pricing before you order. If the menu doesn't have prices you need to ask the waiter and be prepared to leave if you don't like the asking price. Caveat Emptor!

  7. I went there by accident about 4 months ago as a taxi mistook Kanchananburi for Chantaburi (long story). Very easy border crossing experience. I think their were some nice looking holiday spots across the border as well. Two things that are not great; the Cambodian visa is a full page plus a stamp, the border crossing was 1500thb.

    Burma is a single stamp (important to me) and 900thb.

    My 2 cents

  8. I was walking on Sukhumvit after having breakfast with a friend a while ago. A police man riding on the back of a bike came up behind me and demanded I stop. He told me he saw me throw away a cigarette. I don't smoke, so I told him this. He told me to turn out my pockets. I laughed and said no. He told me again to empty my pockets. I told him NO. I was carrying a backgammon set in one hand and a iced coffee from starbucks in the other. I said arrest me! I turned and walked away. I knew if I had emptied my pockets he would extract money from me somehow. plus I had just gone to the atm and had over 30K in my pocket.

  9. Busking does not mean your a bum. You are playing music in public sometimes with the hopes of tips according to the quality of your playing.

    Bruce Springsteen was caught busking in a NYC subway about 10 years ago. He didn't do it for money but maybe to try new material.

    You walk on almost any main public through fare in any major city ( Themes in London, Kalakaua Ave in Hawaii, Los Ramblas in Barcelona,) you will see everything from an indigent playing a box to a string quartet. As long as they are not in your face begging let them be and keep walking.

    Is seems posters on TV love to hate other westerners or anything similar to their place of origin.

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  10. Sin Sot is an example of how marriage in reality is more of a business arrangement than it is about love. This sin sot tradition is a form of psychological intimidation designed to misdirect long enough to get control and get a sin sot payment.

    Unless you have children or want the romantic feeling of being able to say “my wife”, marriage (the business arrangement) has been legislated out of being a real positive; legally it is a form of control that weakens the individual.

    Westerners actually sign a financial suicide agreement I mean a “marriage license” essentially paving the way for a government to decide how much money it will cost to end the “marriage”. In Thailand the “business arrangement” starts with a form of intimidation by custom and tradition called “sin sot”.

    So you pay the Sin sod here. Then you take your new bride back to falang land. If you end in divorce there you are double donged so to speak.

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