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Posts posted by SGX

  1. In short:

    I live with 3 girls, 2 are lesbian lovers and the third just sharing.

    I am in a committed relationship with the 2 lesbians. They use me as a personal dildo anytime.

    One of my girls is a highly paid model so she likes to bring all her model friends home play with.

    How many models do i see , somewhere between 150 and 200. and absolutely stunning girls. i lost count now.

    My thing is , I look after my two girls i give them love and support and generally assist with what they need.

    In return they bring me what i desire its a great arrangement and couldnt be happier.

    Im sure some of the girls have boyfriends but when they with me they can laugh and be free.

    My girls know i had a very bad divorce in sydney,

    I love the saying , "Why have 1 when you can have the whole herd"


    BTW i was in sydney one time flying out to the States in the checkin queue in front of me was this young hot american bird and some hot aussie guy all over each other . I thought wow they so in love . couldnt stop kissing and whatever in the checkin . she boards the plane , he said good bye, as we landed in LAX i was walking behind the same girl and she walked straight into the arms of american guy. all over each other again, I will never forget it ..

  2. YES YES, state owned coal plants turn on the heating for all the homes. Happens every year same time. nothing new.

    A lot of the cars are very expensive holding very low emissions , These are the best in business, Nice little deviation from the real truth. what are the emmission reading on lamborghinis these days??

    Fact 1: cheap worthless crap is generally made in southern provinces hence bad air in hong kong guangzhou , shenzhen etc zhejiang, zhangjiang

    Fact 2: North is firing up of coal plants which generally unregulated and lack sophistication of modern times. provinces Mongolia, beijing , shenyang harbin zhengzhou , air blows south from Arctic winds coming down from Russia ..

    Fact 3: Air is worse in southern provinces then the northern neighbours due to plastic components in the air. Technically it worse to live in Hong Kong .

    We all die anyway

  3. I believe he will do well if he is allowed to make the changes needed. He will improve australia

    The rest of the cronies should be axed .

    Can he raise the price of dirt sold to China? If not, he will not be able to improve anything as will be broke.

    Mt is not one to bend over like the rest of the yardsticks in ministry. He is a mover and shaker,if he does what i think he will do , Australia could be a good place to live again.

    Im not pro Oz in anyway but i know MT and i know how he operates.

    Sorry, but even MT will have some serious problems.

    Aussie dirt isn't worth much now.

    The dairy industry is broken

    Car factories are closing along with all the ancillary manufacturing

    There are too many people in Oz for the number of jobs available

    The anti boat people scheme looks like it's in trouble

    They have now decided to bomb one side in Syria when all sides are bad- a bad expensive decision.

    MT better be more than just a nice rich guy if he isn't to be another PM sacked before his time is up.

    Oz realestate market booming, ( always has very strong pockets )

    Iron ore players are still making money.

    NZ dairy are stronger players as NZ government is true leader, as opposed to oz No strong leadership since Howard

    Car industry failing yes agree another govt mess up. Labour unions pushing higher salary so forcing manufacturing industry out,

    Employment has been acknowledge and the aim is to make oz the leader in asia for Technology. already addressed

    Boat people only entering illegally has been stopped , again previously no true leadership there since Howard

    I completly agree with Syria , OZ should stay out of it , unfortunately this is where the US agreement (circa 1960's) is forcing Australia to do this. Oz should be siding with CHina

    Mt is hard ass, he is under guidance of Howard so expect Howard style ministry moving forward.

  4. how do you know shes not her friend?? Woman lie too ? Maybe she did get pregnant to some guy, of course she would say she doesnt know her on social media.

    Curiously. why would a complete stranger accuse another of being pregnant if she not know her??


    My now ex told me one time her best friend got pregnant to another guy when her husband was away in the states. ( He was a Bond Dealer for a large US Firm, The nicest guy too)

    Good luck in believing everything your told...

  5. Never really understood the term "ExPat"...what is it...Ex patriot?...I don't see myself as Ex anything...just a living being breathing the air around me.

    hahaah I must be bored , here you go..

    The term expat derives from the Latin prefix ex (out of) and the noun patria (home country, native country, or fatherland).

    In today’s globalized world, as the reasons for going abroad become more diverse, it’s no longer easy to find a concrete definition for this term.

    That said, the word “expat” is generally used to refer to people who temporarily or permanently live in a different country

    There are also so-called serial expats, who move from one country to another on a series of international assignments.

    And not all expats are employees; some people move abroad to work as freelancers or open up a business in a foreign country.

  6. I believe he will do well if he is allowed to make the changes needed. He will improve australia

    The rest of the cronies should be axed .

    Can he raise the price of dirt sold to China? If not, he will not be able to improve anything as will be broke.

    Mt is not one to bend over like the rest of the yardsticks in ministry. He is a mover and shaker,if he does what i think he will do , Australia could be a good place to live again.

    Im not pro Oz in anyway but i know MT and i know how he operates.

  7. I wonder what would have happened were Mr Obama was on the train witnessing the attack, would he try to appease

    the attacker by praising his courage and religion saying I'm your friend, just sit there and do nothing like he did

    with ISIS, or, draw a line in the send saying if you kill people I will do something about it and than dose nothing....

    Well I think if he found out the attackers all came from country A he wouldn't then attack country B instead.

    he would bend over..

  8. ok here it is, If you really want your illiterate gf to read and write .

    My first question is will she stay with you after she learns this from you?

    If you believe this to be true then do the following

    register here with learning School called Kumon to study English see attached link http://th.kumonglobal.com/page.jsp?id=1039&version=eth

    This course is absolutely perfect and starts from Kindergarden all the way to 2nd year uni or perhaps year 12 for some.

    its based on repetition daily . you only progress to next level after exams , Opt to do the work at home and just visit the centre for exams (your choice)

    I put my kids through this they completed year 12 when they in year 7 .

    after 2 years your ex will probably speak perfect english(maybe) but definately in 1 month she will pick it up.

    Its a lot of work, so will she stay with you after she learns.

    Good luck

  9. The answer is yes.

    You need to setup your computer correctly to begin otherwise you will have a lot of trouble .Ensure every part is compatable

    You get what you pay for. so get the proper stuff to begin its cheaper in the long run

    I run multiple screens and can view many google search pages at the same time if i want too.

  10. Freight company best.

    Liquids if they do this will take awhile to arrive. Costs maybe different to solid goods.

    Air asia offer good freight. if they cannot do they will refer you on to someone that can.

    Most passenger planes offer freighting service as a subsidy .

    do you mean this site?


    Yes, I have used them plenty of times. Happy to recommend them. Just make sure you obey the country law with certain products leaving. Everything is scanned .

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