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Posts posted by SGX

  1. Also please keep in mind that streaming video requires a fairly "steady, consistent" flow of data vs a herky, jerky, stop & go data flow.

    Doing a speedtest may show you are receiving your advertised speed (ie., 15Mb) domestically/in-Thailand but when doing a speedtest to an international site, say in the UK, you may only get 2 to 5Mb of speed (which is enough for streaming video) "and that 2Mb (just for example) average speed is herky, jerky, stop & go" during that approx 15-30 second speed test. Speedtest.net shows a such a display when doing its speed test although Speedtest.net can be easily fooled when speedtesting to international websites and can give glorious (false) speed results. You might see the speed go significantly above 2Mb for a few seconds and then go way below 2Mb for a few seconds...and maybe even see zero speed for a split second....basically just an up, down, up, down, saw-tooth type speed and not a fairly steady, flat, consistent data flow. It don't need to be nor will it be a really flat, very steady data flow but it definitely can not be the herky, jerky, stop & go data flow type. Streaming video hates this type of connection and it can result in lots of pausing, loss connection to the streaming video, etc. So, you need to look at just more than "average speed" provided by a speed test since an average is just that an average which could include lots of peaks and valleys in speed/data flow.

    Totally agree. A lot of the lines are also piggy backed from the exchange. as way of retrieving costs by other providers. (static / non static) More to thai internet than just the speed test.

    If you are constantly pulling data from overseas there is another plan you need to take above the local internet. ( need to check the details with provider)

    If you in apartment block, the game is changed again. 1 cable to your main system then depending upon how many units in the block, you have will equal the amount of outgoing connectors attached. therefore school holidays evenings your internet will run slow due to over capacity.

    Yes you have your plan and allocated useage, that doesnt mean you will receive this.

    Some areas also apply old tech at the junction boxs.

    check your IP address each day for a couple days if the IP changes then your line is not dedicated.

  2. May have missed this but where did it explain he was a young stud ? It sounds more like he is a pot bellied lower class male, maybe from somewhere like Rotherham, married or has a girlfriend who has gone to seed, pig ugly and he is completely envious of those others with a stunner, regardless of age or reasons, and are lucky enough to have an attractive lady to befriend.

    In fact apart from mushy peas which perhaps is his staple diet, the other most obnoxious thing is the bile that he sprouts. Live and let live. People should not make moral judgments on others based on their own prejudices or lack of attainment in their lives.

    A more conveniently self-

    serving argument I've yet to

    hear. Fabricate whatever

    profile of me you like but

    you should be focusing on t

    he topic, not on the poster.

    Are you the OP as well?

    As I mentioned, the OP did not say either that he was a young stud nor that he should be allowed access to us more senior gentlemen; I will now also state an inference that he has a desire to limit us gentlemen who have stored up a little, biologically speaking, for 'the winter ahead' from enjoying the more petite and delicate of fruits. He's probably a vegetarian as well.


    HEY! whoa! why paint such a broad stroke against vegetarians??? i'm a vegan of 25 years and i'm on YOUR side! 555 biggrin.png

    Dont bring the vegans in brother. We vegans are very fit socially responsible people... I get girls 18 to 24 trying to pick me up all the time..

  3. Massive doses of carrot juice each day have been proven to assist. Need to be consistant and by the 4th month effects will show.

    Cancer generally survives when the body is in acidosis state. You need to make sure your PH levels are balanced by the food and water you consume.

    Its a consistant battle to keep the body ph in tune.

  4. Thais are not unaware that their country has an unfortunate reputation. One only need to look at the Hangover series of films to see "Thailand" is an international metaphor for debauched behavior. I think the authorities should randomly raid and prosecute for vague morals charges, these randy foreigners. From scummy bars in Patts to lobby lounges in 5 star Silom hotels. Name and shame and out put pictures in the media. Hopefully they will catch a few high profile western Ceo's or politicians.

    This should stop many from flying halfway around the world to buy sex. They can take a prostitute in their own country, no? Plenty of slappers on West Street Scunthorpe for example. No need to come to Thailand to debase and violate local women.

    I have not read the rest of the posts yet, so if there have been similar replies, I apologise.

    So a man that uses a prostitute in his own country is simply paying for the services of a slapper

    If he uses a Thai prostitute, he is debasing and violating her?

    Wow, I am afraid that I simply do not see any logic in that argument

    I wish i used a prostitute rather than being married, would have been a hell of a lot cheaper and more fun, so Giddyup to the young girls woo hoo

  5. Another nutjob with a low post count posts his ravings.

    The Thais don't care what foreigners want or do ......... they just want the money.

    And they will get it by extortion or taking you to court, when you have sex with their under-age daughter.

    Hedge yourself do the mother at the same time ...

  6. they're wrecking havoc aren't they. i had police walk into my house last week. they sat with my wife and asked all sorts of questions. they even spoke to our neighbours. when asked why, they said they checking on all farang households to ensure that we aren't troublemakers and didn't have any domestic violence issues. my wife laughed at them. they weren't impressed but we didn't give a damn. many other farang houses were also visited that week for the same matter.

    They wouldn't have got past my gate.

    I would have shown them my domestic violence.

    You are obviously not a smart guy, if they wanted to get past your gate they would, what did you mean. "would show them your domestic violence "

    You should know the do's and don't see if you been here for some time. Your comments tend to suggest you just arrived with a Falang cocky attitude.

    Have respect for the thai ways and be greatful you can enjoy life as an able person.

    The only thing violence proves is lack of education and ignorance.

    On another note Your Violence comments are the reasons behind the investigations, so thankyou..

  7. It seems to me that OP has confused extension based on retirement, with extension based upon marriage. As NancyL has stated no house visits based upon extension for retirement.

    If in fact the checks were based upon extension for retirement, due to reported cases of domestic abuse by foreigners, what's the problem, would you not want them to be identified and deported; ideally first doing prison time. As for threatening Immi officers with violence - LOL

    Op is not confused at all and I wonder why you would say that? I have applied for an extension based on retirement.

    I am also dealing with Kap Choeng office and am awaiting a home visitation from them. They have given me an under consideration stamp in my passport.

    They also demanded my Thai bank books and copies of those bank books despite me supplying them with a statutory declaration confirming my income from my embassy.

    They rang me to say they were coming out last Thursday. They then changed this to Friday and did not arrive. Girl friend rang them at 4pm to enquire what was going on.

    Male officer said case has been transferred to another team and they would be out one day next week.

    I was due to go away on a short break with friends. Now I cannot go as I am waiting for the home visit. Girl friend works so now has to wait until they arrive.

    Totally inconvenient. At the very least they could give an indication of the day and time they will be arriving.

    As OP said boss of village and another villager need to be present during the visitation. They also have to produce copies of their tabien bahns and id cards.

    As I have mentioned before in another post the treatment we received at Kap Cheong office was very poor indeed.

    Whether I get my extension or not we are now looking at other destinations in which to live.

    Very clear to me, Perhaps write down their ID numbers for future reference.

    The mis timing is a ploy to catch you out.

    If you understand the law that they operating under then you have nothing to worry about. you can catch them out.

  8. This is why they are like they are, apparently,

    Okay, I'll give it up now biggrin.png

    I wouldnt go to the public toilets either they stink, hahah

    They are an exciting race , something new happens all the time. I usually go to mcdonalds bathrooms when in public always clean. Mcdonalds on every corner.

    I find it great place , yes you have socially ignorant people but they usually from the poor or live at the very poor end of the spectrum.

    The very poor are considered "non humans" or trash . These people attract most of the negative attention.

    at the end of the day, i feel safer walking anytime of day/night in china then i do in my home town sydney. go figure.

    its also wrong to take things out of text and consider it the norm. If you did, you wouldnt travel anywhere.

    One of the busiest border crossings is the Hong Kong - Shenzhen cross. If you think the chinese dont spend then do this crossing at least one time . You will soon change your opinions.

  9. After looking at the photograph, especially considering what's written on the right girl's T-shirt, I'll never ever write a Chinese bashing post again.

    She doesn't look like she'd spit in my pool.....

    " I want more." Oh, yes.

    Does anybody know her facebook username? I think I fell in love with China. wub.png

    I rarely see Chinese in departures with bags of duty free, whatever gifts they buy must be in their check in luggage.

    I rarely see them eating or spending in departures either, and I and fly in and out every 8 weeks.

    Last time I flew into swampy immigration was empty at 0930 no queues and not choka with Chinese either.

    I will be flying back in on Sunday, same timings and if so can will take pictures. Maybe DM is seeing a bigger Chinese contingent?

    At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you have a billion visitors, unless they're spending is in proportion to their numbers, it means nothing.

    It's like having a garage and have lots of interest but no sales.

    maybe you should get out more...

    Between 16-20 flights in and out of the country per annum isn't enough to make such observations then?

    Try Don Mueang , air asia flights always full,

  10. Need to check you type of account transfer limits etc . HSBC have traps with the different bank accounts. Limits apply everywhere if you breach a limit they will hit you hard,

    Best to transfer funds in the country you want to use in not in o/s country.

    HSBC rate is changed daily so check confirm before you enter it.

    "again send in HKD let thai bank transfer for you"

    I had my secretary transfer funds from Aud to HKD from australia to HSBC in HK . she accidently didnt read the "send currency so it was converted to hkd in australia and sent , The fees where huge .

  11. After looking at the photograph, especially considering what's written on the right girl's T-shirt, I'll never ever write a Chinese bashing post again.

    She doesn't look like she'd spit in my pool.....

    " I want more." Oh, yes.

    Does anybody know her facebook username? I think I fell in love with China. wub.png

    Do you ever notice you always find a real looker travelling with an average looking girl. You do not have to do that Mirror mirror on the wall thingee.

    no facebook in china meat head..

  12. After looking at the photograph, especially considering what's written on the right girl's T-shirt, I'll never ever write a Chinese bashing post again.

    She doesn't look like she'd spit in my pool.....

    " I want more." Oh, yes.

    Does anybody know her facebook username? I think I fell in love with China. wub.png

    I rarely see Chinese in departures with bags of duty free, whatever gifts they buy must be in their check in luggage.

    I rarely see them eating or spending in departures either, and I and fly in and out every 8 weeks.

    Last time I flew into swampy immigration was empty at 0930 no queues and not choka with Chinese either.

    I will be flying back in on Sunday, same timings and if so can will take pictures. Maybe DM is seeing a bigger Chinese contingent?

    At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you have a billion visitors, unless they're spending is in proportion to their numbers, it means nothing.

    It's like having a garage and have lots of interest but no sales.

    maybe you should get out more...

  13. Are you telling me you don't enjoy loud, rude people who push in and don't wait in line - and who believe everyone wants to hear their conversations screamed at top volume?

    How un-mluticlutural of you.

    Personally, I much prefer the Chinese over the lager louts and the obese 70 year-olds wearing Singha singlets.

    I dont know. chinese are pretty vulgar people. They have no concept of awarness around them. They just dont give a F#$@

    every race has its pros and cons ..

  14. I'd say with the recent crash in the Yuan, there might be a few less shortly.

    2% devaluation ?

    yeah sure, this will interrupt the Tsunami of mainland Chinese, starting tomorrow ;-)

    Good thing though, the BAHT stumbles now too and that will help me during my next appointment with an ATM

    That was just for one day. Today more and forecasts of more to come. Could be interesting.

    The devaluations cetainly could continue (no one really has clue what the Chinese will do, but they will certainly do what suits them), but if they do then I would expect the THB to follow suit. Unlike what happened when the RUB crashed by 50% last year (and that was a real crash).

    Devalue of Yuan will only help increase the their business. Make em richer. Russia hasnt really a manufacturing business compared to china. Take out oil and pretty girls whats left.. ice

  15. do we have the same rights like them - let's say - can we drive now a thai-plated-car via laos to china? and back again to thailand?

    i read most the posting in the past about the rules before in china - but not found an updated information about this issue!

    The simple answer is no.

    China isn't a signatory to the Vienna convention on road traffic.

    If you wanted to take your Thai registered car into China you'd need to obtain registration for it in China (how you do this outside of China I have no idea) and you'd also need to obtain a Chinese drivers license as the IDP's aren't accepted, although I have read that they don't always enforce that.

    If you've ever been to Hong Kong before you may seen the dual plated cars because even Hong Kong residents are required to obtain seperate mainland registration and a license to enter the mainland.

    You can drive to china, You need to get guarantor for your vehicle , Call them when you arrive at border they will speak to customs. also need Visa etc. If you dont have guarantor, you can pre-negotiate with chinese travel agent they can do this for a fee, give yourself at least 3 months preparation etc. They can advise you on drivers license too.

    From my experience driving in china, I was never checked.

    Hong kong dual number plated cars mostly limosines day tripping tourists to shenzhen for the day from the marriott , shangri la hotels etc.

  16. I know it can be done as I've read about people who have done it. One was relatively famous and the government did a special deal for him. From what I've read, it's very difficult and may require a ride along "guide".

    Plus, driving in China is insane. They are really bad drivers.


    According to Chinese statistics [2], China has about 100,000 traffic deaths a year, more than twice the number in United States even though the US has more than four times as many cars [3], [4]. According to the World Health Organisation [5] "In China, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for people between 15 and 45" and the annual Chinese traffic death toll is near 250,000 [6].

    To a newcomer, Chinese traffic appears to have no rules or, if there are rules, it appears they are neither followed nor enforced. In reality, of course, there are rules; they do generally manage to avoid hitting each other. However, Chinese rules are very different from what most travellers are used to. To Western eyes, appallingly bad driving is the norm, and insane or suicidal behaviour behind the wheel is fairly common.

    I'm beginning to think I've driven there already!

    Even the chinese get sick of the traffic too, Law of authority on the road is the Number plate. Government Official cars have right of way no matter what the street sign is.

    You get use to it after a while. Then becomes the norm.

  17. Stats? About 800 die every day in accidents there. Not to mention the thousands injured. Those are stats to pay attention to.

    My first day in Beijing I saw a cop directing traffic hit and killed. He laid in the road and nobody went to help him. A few days later, I saw an old guy on a bike hit and killed. I was only there for a week and was amazed at the number of accidents I saw. Plus, they drive like crazy. As a pedestrian, it's a free for all.

    I did that section from Laos to Kunming several years ago, but by bus. Not too much traffic on the roads, except near the bigger cities. Parts were quite scenic.

    mmm lived there for a year never seen anything like that.

  18. If she wants to divorce you she does not love you. So why would you want to fight it? Do you really want to stay with a woman that does not care about you?

    Does anyone really believe that the old guy with the thirty years younger wife cares for him? If she does it will only be for financial reasons, she won't love him.

    i use to think that at one stage, But at present, I have 2 babes best friends both 20 plus years younger than me, They very rich. A lot richer than me. Mind you they feel safe with me and content so whos complaining...

  19. Thanx SGX....yes, Tassie girls will do me just fine from now on in and red flag is OK at OZ Customs is also fine by me cos I am OK and got nothing to hide lol, anyway, take it easy, mp

    (and to some of the other posters, ys, I have been battling mental health issues and alcoholism. The drug couriers segment on the ABC just sent me off and I have been in touch with the journo today and suggested they add some relevant contact details to the story for people who might feel they are being set up).

    I think, if you go looking for trouble you will find it. I have lived all through asia, travelled the world extensively since 15. I have never experienced anything like you have.(come close) I been to some pretty seedy parts too. . Good luck

  20. http://www.bloombergview.com/quicktake/the-fall-of-gold

    Hedge Funds Are Holding First-Ever Gold Net-Short Position

    Hedge funds are holding the first ever bet on a decline in gold prices since the U.S. government started collecting the data in 2006.

    The funds and other speculators shifted to a net-short position of 11,345 contracts in New York futures and options in the week ended July 21, according to figures from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

    Gold futures on Friday fell to the lowest since 2010 on the Comex, and the short wagers show investors expect the rout to deepen. Bullion has fallen almost every day in July, leaving the metal poised for the biggest monthly decline since June 2013.

    “Undoubtedly, we’ve seen a sentiment shift in gold,” Dan Denbow, a portfolio manager at the $700 million USAA Precious Metals & Minerals Fund in San Antonio, said by phone. “Gold has a lack of enthusiasm.”

    Prices are collapsing amid mounting speculation that U.S. interest rates will climb this year, curbing the appeal of bullion because it doesn’t pay interest like competing assets. At the same time, China bought less of the metal than analysts were expecting, and the dollar keeps getting stronger.

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s Jeffrey Currie says the worst is yet to come for gold, and that prices could fall below $1,000 an ounce for the first time since 2009. “The risks are clearly skewed to the downside,” Currie, the bank’s New York-based head of commodities research, said in a phone interview Tuesday.

    Currie isn’t alone in predicting more declines. ABN Amro Bank NV’s Georgette Boele and Robin Bhar of Societe Generale AG say bullion will approach $1,000 by December.

    Gold has led a retreat among raw materials, as the Bloomberg Commodity Index this week fell to a 13-year low. Lower prices are spurring suffering for miners. Shares of Barrick Gold Corp., the world’s largest producer, fell this week by the most since April 2013 in Toronto.

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