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Posts posted by suzannegoh

  1. On 1/21/2021 at 4:37 PM, Luuk Krueng said:

    Funny to see that people still mistaken bandwith with internet speed. Even if I had a 1000 Mbit/s download lane if I want to see content on a website which is hosted in Germany, my connection still has to be routed through endless cables and it will sum up to a ping of approximately 260ms.

    260ms would be the latency, not the speed.

  2. 3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    I am astounded by those misguided supporters of Trump who feel that budget to pay the nation's soldiers and cover expenses can be treated like a political football and held hostage for purpose of bargain. It has never been used as a political tool in the last 59 years and never a controversial issue to support men and women in uniform. Reps and Dems always find common ground on this. Meanwhile this recalcitrant prefer playing golf than attend to this important bill is inexcusable and nauseating.  

    No matter how patriotic of a thing it is, $740B for the military should be a controversial issue.

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Actually, the non-sequitur was raising the whole martial law issue. 

    And I googled "CNN calls for a nationwide lockdown". Nothing came up. I'm sure you wouldn't just make things up twice in the same thread.  Care to share a link with us?


    CNN often weaved it into their narratives to explain why Europe was seemingly going better at containing the virus.  Here's an example of an appeal to authority that they made alng those lines:


    • Sad 1
  4. 46 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    But he didn't cancel elections did he?

    And stop deflecting. Here is the claim of yours that I challenged:

     "Trump likewise would have been accused of being a dictator ih hs had done even a tenth of the things that CNN says that he should have done to control Covid."

    I asked you to back that up. So far, you haven't.

    Cancelled elections is a non sequtor.  Neither Lincoln nor Trump did that.

    The example that I have of an action called for by CNN which would have caused Trump to be called a dictator was implementing a nationwide lockdown.


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  5. 26 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Yes, I remember well in school how we were taught how Lincoln defied the results of the 1864 Presidential elections despite McClellan's victory. That was in my Alternative Reality Civics class.

    Can you list those things that CNN called for Trump to do that would have resulted in him being called a dictator? Links please.

    Look it up.   It had nothing to do with the election, but Lincoln suspended habeas corpus in 1963.  Also, if you're not just pretending to be ignorant of history,look up "Copperheads" and read some of the things that the newspapers in New York were saying about Lincoln at the time.  It wasn't until after his death that Lincoln developed the image of a saint.

    The most obvious example of what would have caused Trump to be called a dictator would be if he had ordered a nationwide quarantine. That would have been called martial law and unless he did it concurrently with the Congress declaring war on someone it would have been an unconstitutional order. 

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  6. 7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Can't. They're there for life. A very dangerous decision. 

    What's dangerous is trampling on the constitution whenever people get scared.  This is the 2nd time in 20 years (with the first one being in the aftermath of 911)where conventional wisdom was that the constitution was is too restrictive to be practical to follow under such dire circumstances.


    The president could declare a state of emergency as Lincoln did, when he suspended habeous corpus and a lot of other things, and the newspapers in the north accused him (Lincoln) of being a dictator. Trump likewise would have been accused of being a dictator ih hs had done even a tenth of the things that CNN says that he should have done to control Covid.

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  7. 40 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    A pretext? That's a strange way of putting it. Science-based advice, social distancing and limiting group sizes are standard procedures in controlling pandemics.

    Perhaps it has not occurred to you large congregations of worshippers mean larger collection plates. After all, it would not do to be selling off church property to sustain the income of the junior clerics, would it?



    Take it up with SCOTUS, it was their decision not mine.

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  8. 37 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

    as far as I know some states have legislation making it possible to legally bind the electors to vote so and so


    US Supreme C has determined that electors that stray away from their voting "recipee" may be charged and sentenced by the state,

    at least as far as federal law is concerned

    if I remember correctly this determination was issued in the wake of the Trump-Clinton election (some electors did stray)



    how many states does not have adequate legislation addressing the steps from ballot to electoral college?

    ie states where they just follow old habits, which has worked fine for ages

    could, in theory, the electoral college turn the result upside down?




    Not likely unless states started substituting new sets of electors en masse.  The electors are generally party loyalists who would never dream of flipping their vote.  So to change the outcome in the electoral college those electors they would need to be fired and replaced.

  9. 4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Not at all, the Supreme Court overturned science-based restrictions on meeting numbers because AFAIK one of the amendments ( might be the First ) protects the right to gather. I don't think the Founding Fathers or whoever had a pandemic in mind when they framed said amendment.

    No idea what the Supreme Court would do if the election was referred to them.

    The newly added Barrett, installed flouting convention as usual, is a devout Roman Catholic, so it was highly predictable how she would vote. A triumph of religious dogma over common sense.

    Americans and Trump supporters in particular are actually fortunate the pandemic is not more deadly than it is. They would be dying like flies if it was.

    The current pandemic scoreline is Australia 907 deaths, 1399 active cases. USA 269,555 deaths, 5,132,249 active cases. The ship sailed long ago in terms of Darwinism, it's what nations get when they listen to politicians instead of scientists.

    If Trump had any conscience at all, he'd be leaving the White House today. He's a roadblock in terms of getting America back on its feet.

    The "problem" is that there is no pandemic exception to this clause in the constitution:
    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

    Court decisions since independent have interpreted that broadly, such that the restriction applies not only to congress but to any government agency or elected official.

  10. 1 hour ago, brucec64 said:

    I disagree. All of the vaccines that anti-vaxxers currently won't take have been around for many, many years and have been fully vetted for safety. All that will happen is that anti-vaxxers will troll the conspiracy websites, as they do now, and will find enough nonsense there to suit their confirmation bias.



    Looking back at this five years from now, antivaxxers will be saying that the death rate from Covid19 was going down anyway and that Covid would have gone away naturally even without a vaccine. For extra points, they'll claim that as with polio, the measles, and smallpox, improvements in sanitiry conditions were what really brought the disease under control and that the vaccine had nothing to do with it.

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  11. 1 hour ago, VBF said:

    Not necessarily. How long was it before the effects of Thalidomide showed up and the cause became clear?

    Not that that changes my view - just saying it may be longer than the 2 years you suggest.

    Delayed onset of side effects wasn't the problem with Thalidomide, except in the sense that you had to wait for the child to be born to see them.  The damage was actually done within 3 to 6 weeks after conception.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 6 hours ago, ctxa said:

    Well, I didn’t use the Thai version of the iPhone 12. Not even out for sale yet until Friday. 

    I imported that iPhone 12 from China (mainly because of physical dual SIM). While the bands are almost identical to those of the Thai version. It lacks band n71, not sure if that could affect speeds!


    Lacking the n71 (600MHz) band shouldn’t’ matter is Thailand.  That’s spectrum that was previously used for UHF television and is being repurposed for 5G by T-Mobile in the US in order to get better range.  AFAIK it’s not presently used in Thailand; their lowest frequency 5G is slated to operate at 700MHz. But according to Apple's spec sheet, the iPhone 12s sold in China lack the mmWave bands too.  That could affect your speeds if you happen to be in on of the few places where mmWave 5G is operational.

    • Like 1
  13. 17 minutes ago, RichCor said:

     From the AIS faq


    3.How is the frequency band used by AIS different from those by its competitors?
    AIS 5G is in the 700MHz, 2600 MHz, and 26 GHz bandwidths—the greatest when compared with those of other operators. The bandwidths meet global standards, making them compatible with most devices currently available.
    7.How do various bandwidths differ?
    Specifications of Different Frequency Bands in 5G Spectrum Auction
      700 MHz 1800 MHz 2600 MHz 26 GHz
    Frequency band low low average high
    Signal level strong, with high penetrating power strong, with high penetrating power relatively strong, with some penetrating power not strong, with low penetrating power
    Radio bandwidth low low average high
    Speed not high not high moderately high very high
    Coverage area perfect for 5G network with suburban and rural coverage perfect for 5G network with suburban and rural coverage very perfect for 5G network with urban, suburban and rural coverage due to its high signal strength and high traffic volume supportability perfect for 5G network in specific urban areas
    Base station perfect with macro cells perfect with macro cells perfect with macro cells, micro cells, small cells and pico cells perfect with micro cells, small cells and pico cells
    Usage perfect for IoT and low latency services perfect for IoT and low latency services perfect for high speed internet, low latency and IoT services
    *Most devices and use cases to be developed are expected to support this band.
    perfect for high speed internet and ultra-high broadband speed services due to its greatest bandwidth in comparison with those of other bands


    One catch is that the version of the iPhone 12 that is sold in Thailand does not have a mmWave antenna.

    The iphones sold here support only these bands:

    n1 (2100 MHz)

    n2 (1900 MHz)

    n3 (1800 MHz)

    n5 (850 MHz)

    n7 (2600 MHz)

    n8 (900 MHz)

    n12 (700 MHz)

    n20 (800 DD)

    n25 (1900 MHz)

    n28 (700 APT)

    n38 (TD 2600)

    n40 (TD 2300)

    n41 (TD 2500)

    n66 (AWS-3)

    n71 (600 MHz)

    n77 (TD 3700)

    n78 (TD 3500)

    n79 (TD 4700)

  14. On 11/24/2020 at 11:30 AM, OttoPollmann said:

    sorry about my stupid question.
    The best of these vaccines will have a effectiveness of 95%. On the other hand, the mortality of sars-cov-2 is 2.3%.
    Would that mean, even with a vaccination the mortality will not decrease?
    Furthermore,  most of those fatality patients had underlaying conditions of any kind of sickness or age. Will be this vaccine effective with this precondition or are these the 5% causality.

    Anyways, for sure I will not take any vaccine from a 3th world country. If I get forced, and that will be the case because I work worldwide, the vaccine must come from Germany.

    No, it would mean that vaccinated people would be 95% less likely to contract the disease if they were exposed to it.  It does not mean that the other 5% would die.

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  15. On 11/15/2020 at 6:04 AM, daveAustin said:

    Really not worth commenting on. Thailand has done well on keeping tests to a minimum perhaps and not publishing figures. Of what else? Closing borders and wearing hasmat suits at airports? What else? UK has 500k-million volunteers helping the NHS etc, and many other countries likely do the same. This who guy - one minute masks are good, then bad - is all over the place and cannot be trusted.


    If Thailand can control the pandemic just by lying about the statistics then everyone should lie about the statistics.

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