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Khun Paul

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Posts posted by Khun Paul

  1. 1 hour ago, Hayduke said:


    Fear not, citizens of Chiang Mai…the timely arrival of the nation’s pre-eminent motivational speaker and legendary song writer will lift your spirits, restore your strength, inspire superhuman efforts and ensure total victory over all challenges. Happiness is but a photo-op away.

    But before he does all that , he will add more pollution with his plane and the vast entourage of cars spewing out even more pollution 

    1 hour ago, Hayduke said:




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  2. Ifthey really want to deal with problems, let them enforce the CURRENT LAWS 100%

    Drink driving. Lose the car for one month

    Drunken behaviour..Lock up for 5 days

    having an accident on any form of motor vehicle while drunk..lose the vehicle for one month and PAY all expenses relating to injury of a third person.


    If vehicle seized then they pay 300 per day for storage. 


    Simple , but will never happen , the public know that and the police would lose financially. 

  3. It would appear reading between the lines the current Army Chief is suffering from delusions of grandeur , not an uncommon occurrence with Very Senior Officers, but normally most are very polite and look after their troops properly, what I have seen of the Thai Armed forces is almost slavish fawning over a senior officer, so that officer thinks he can say and do what he wants, the underlings will follow no matter what, it is that that is dangerous to democracy , when you have a legally armed force following a little tartar. 

  4. Considering he has been staying in Thailand for some considerable time, his story is almost laughable, although I expect he is not laughing now. 

    As a 70 year old , I and many others came up with the conclusion that if one is diagnosed with a ternminal illness, we would just pop morphine tablets and go pain free. 


    Not the best scenario but a painless one, I know of many who paid out millions and still died within 24 months, their wives skint. 


    Sorry it also would appear sadly that this person is not actually liked by many, his situation is self-induced, so he is on his own ! 

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  5. 6 hours ago, z42 said:

    Literally no attempt to slow down. If you felt the brakes failing you would know long before as they don't just instantly fail.

    I feel for the victims here, the pickup driver should banged up and have all his money and possessions taken to pay for the damage and medical costs. 100% driver error, the brake failure excuse is just pathetic

    Actually, the other day while driving at 20 kph, touched my brakes to avoid a motorcyclist, felt a small thump from under the bonnet area, and when I put my foot on the brakes again, immediately solid the master cylinder and pump had both stopped working, went home at a verey judicious 20 kph and this morning took it in to get repaired.


    So brakes can just fail , not normally agreed, but possible > 

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  6. The sad reality is that Thailand gets governed by people whose only claim is that they control thousands of people who will do what they are told when they are told. Forgetting that is these very people plus the rest of the population that provide the means for them to strut about .

    If the army IS reduced my any amount , the Chief will not suffer a salary loss ( he is not paid per capita ) just that the expensive and in my view completely unnecessary toys may not be brought , they have enough wasteful enterprises and if they enter politics the Army personnel should lose their Military salaries . A man or woman cannot have TWO bosses and WORK efficiently. But as this is Thailand WORK  is an oxymoron

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  7. This sadly is the attitude of Thai men, I know of many who struggle to raise the children and the legal father cares not, fails even to assist in the upbringing. What did you expect soldiers to be good citizens, NOPE they are like the rest of the male population, have fun and leave a trail of people behind who struggle. Uncaring and selfish reminds me of THAINESS  a me me me attitude. AND THEIR THAI, cannot blame this on foreigners. 

  8. Most of us are fully aware laws here are broken daily and with impunity, as the person riding the motorcycle has died how the accident occurred is purely from the van driver and the police. Although the fine was small, I suspect that trading standards will be looked at and they may well lose their licence. 

    Life here is cheap sadly and that is reflected by lack of compassion and accountability, one tourist from the UK will not upset the tourist apple cart, especially when they can spin it to make the world believe it was the tourists fault. 

    Now bus drivers, van drivers and even speed bhoat drivers are far more dangerous and they do little about them, do you really think for one moment they will do anything about the situation regarding this death. Sad it may be for the family but this is l;ife, the boiy should have known better, but possibly first time on his own, on a motorbike in a strange country, caution was thrown to the wind, and we have the result. RIP to the young man , sympathy to his family . 

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