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  1. Capitol police/secret service should resign en masse in protest.
  2. That's a really good point Lacessit. I have a background in risk management. If all these climate change denialists are so convinced that climate change is a "Chinese hoax" they ought to start a property and casualty insurance company. They'll rake in billions charging excessive rates for extreme weather events which will never come to pass.
  3. Has it occurred to anyone else on this forum that climate change denialism is not incompatible with National Socialist ideology? The idea being that, yes, climate change will result in global famines and wars over dwindling resources and habitable land, but that white people with their material resources and intellectual capabilities will be in the best position to adapt to these changes and exploit the changed environment. That thinking is straight out of National Socialist ideology, i.e., that all of life is a struggle to survive, and only the best will survive. There are probably some people reading this saying to themselves 'sounds pretty good to me,' but the only problem is that there will be plenty of genetically inferior white people who will be culled in the process, killed off in the famines or killed off defending the homeland against the zombie apocalypse of invading climate refugees, or embarking on wars of territorial conquest. Like the average Josef Frankenheimers of 1930's Germany who realized only when it was too late that they would bear the brunt of Hitler's delusional thinking, Trump's working class and poorly educated MAGA supporters will be the ones who end up paying a dear price, and they will also be reviled for generations to come for having enabled his climate change denialism.
  4. Blame it on anything other than climate change, all you high IQ scientific genius MAGA-ites.
  5. Pit bulls are a breed of dog which have a higher propensity for attacking people in comparison to other breeds, sometimes resulting in grievous injury or death. You can argue that if the animal is properly trained from birth that the chances of this happening are minimal, but the fact is that few of us are perfect pet owners, and even if every effort is made to properly train the dog, the risk never goes away 100%. In my opinion, when you consider the typical "utilitarian" approach many Thais take towards dog ownership, and couple this with the general lack of awareness of how dangerous pit bulls can be if not cared for or trained properly, I am 100% in favor of banning this breed in Thailand.
  6. What can I say? The dog owner's family seems to have a pretty firm knowledge of the dog's parentage.
  7. My thought initially as well, but take another look at the head.
  8. I'm sure the surviving members of the family and everyone in their neighborhood will appreciate your volunteering to take over the care of the dog, Malcolm. Dog's name is "ไอดำ" (ai dam), aka "Blackie" The only reason I'm clarifying this pronunciation is because if you are studying Thai using a transliteration system that transliterates "ดำ" as "dum" this will forever frustrate your progress in the language. I recommend switching over ASAP to the following two resources which both use the same highly accurate phonetic alphabet for pronunciation: Thai for Beginners [Paperback] by Becker, Benjawan Poomsan https://thailand.kinokuniya.com/bw/9781887521000?srsltid=AfmBOopCkzQhQtsXP2eur9YEcWAvLV-CxinN5WCyoITYIopnUoOelXVr https://www.amazon.com/Thai-English-Students-Dictionary-Mary-Haas/dp/0804705674
  9. My question for the OP is are you sure the poisoning was intentional? A lot of toxic chemicals are used in farming communities which pets sometimes encounter accidentally. Between motor vehicles, accidental poisoning, ticks, snakes, dog fights, etc., pet ownership can often end in tears here. Sorry for your loss. I just adopted a dog. Without a fenced yard, all I have been able to do is keep a close eye on him, and bring it indoors at night.
  10. You're assuming that people have control over their mental faculties at all times which they don't. There are lots of ways to subdue a knife wielding suspect other than with a firearm.
  11. The Thai police are to be commended for only using lethal force as a last resort. American police are often insanely trigger happy, with the lethal force often directed at racial minorities and those with mental disabilities. Those with a "shoot first, ask questions later" law and order mentality might want to consider the possibility that lethal force could one day be used against you or a loved one.
  12. Wielded a knife? Deport. Life time ban.
  13. The notion that Thai pedestrians regularly wander into oncoming traffic like headless chickens is something I have almost never witnessed. If anything Thais are more cautious pedestrians than those in the West. The only exception I've experienced in 20+ years here is an elderly woman on a back road not far from my house who abruptly decided to cross the street on her way back home not far from my house. Either she was deaf or the wind was so strong she couldn't hear my approaching pickup. Problem is a lot of elderly people can only move so fast, and if they misjudge that the road is clear and start crossing the road, and suddenly a speeding vehicle approaches, they simply can't get out of the way the same way a younger person might be able to. All foreigners need to drive with utmost caution here; nowhere should the admonition "you are a guest here" be more stringently adhered to than when one is behind the wheel.
  14. That he was riding in tandem with another bike is significant. He may have been distracted by attempts to communicate with the other driver, and his view of the pedestrian may have been blocked momentarily by the other bike. He may have been an inexperienced driver lulled into a sense of over confidence by a more experienced driver on the other motorcycle. The fact that he dropped to his knees in a distraught wai posture suggests to me that he was not a rank newbie tourist.

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