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Posts posted by konying

  1. I do not believe corruption is going away anywhere , any time soon.

    What is going away is a blatant corruption, something clearly obvious such as illegal buildings.

    Government employees are still paid the same and will continue to receive donations for less obvious things.

    Police will continue their shake downs but on less obvious levels .

    Perfect example is the latest experience just the other night.

    Someone I know was pulled over for breath test at 3am, which he miserably failed.

    Practice in the past was always to get arrested and impossible to get out of it.

    He was suggested a 5000 baht donation, negotiated down to 3000 baht and he was let go .

    Why? Because current police income has been threatened so more opportunity for individuals to make money in other ways.

    Even in nanny states, corruption still exists just on different levels .

    For example in Sydney to get approved for condo development within a reasonable time frame, developers often "donate" 1-2 apartments to local council. It's called "charity"
  2. That is interesting figures.

    My business is still short staffed and getting /finding new staff at the moment is harder than same time last year.

    All I see these days in shop fronts , dental clinics , gyms, hotels, restaurants is signs " looking for staff"

    May be the 500 000 registered are looking for jobs which they do not qualify for or may be some are too lazy to work or stay in the same job for longer than a month

  3. Ok i got the impression that you think i am a troll, or someone quite strange, ok that's fine...

    But the reason i would want a relationship with someone with the same illness is not for unprotected sex more of the keeping healthy and other stuff having that extra bond after finding that right one, i am not just going to get with anybody! she has to be special, she will be lucky because if she wants the same as me she will have it ;]

    Sorry if i sound trollish but i know there's no going back now, i got HIV but i don't see the signs of it so that's why i must come across a little careless it's not going away i know i have kicked myself all ready many times and yes it's my fault, When i first found out i search the net like crazy everything and any to do with HIV, i have done my homework,

    I never payed extra to not use a comdom and i all ways wore one when asked i was just a young slightly foolish sexy man that got drunk with a different bird every night coming out of the nightclubs at 6 or 7 am not really thinking about HIV,

    I do have an account here connected to my facebook and twitter with many followers and a business online, none of my family know about my illness that's why I am using a trow away account some unknown users Wifi and a double VPN.

    Anyway ill find her somehow!!!! not everyone that comes out with crazy comments is a troll

    Thanks for some of the positive comments



    This only reinforces my opinion. You are a troll. Stupid explanations from someone now desperately struggling to convince us of his sincerity.

    "I never payed extra to not use a comdom ..."

    "... i was just a young slightly foolish sexy man ..."

    I can add a few more if you want. You are being flippant, not sincere. Treating everything like a joke. This thread needs to be closed.

    Everyone has a different way of dealing with situations, for some humor is the way.

    Yes he could be a troll , but if he is not, are you happy with yourself for putting OP down in his situation?

    If you bothered by the topic or OP, simply skip it

  4. Oh wise crustacean, how will he identify said girl in a bar?

    Your suggestion is extremely irresponsible

    Easily done, mr. Tack-0-matic....

    Go to the same bar he went to when he first got it and get the same girl who gave it to him.

    a good couple, eh?

    and, you're are welcome (in advance)

    Then you should have said "go back to the same bar and pick up the same girl who gave it to you" and not the answer that you originally gave of "Go to any gogo bar and pick one".

    If you had thought before making your original post, you would not have to be back pedaling now.

    The lack of thought with your posts seems to be a recurring theme.

    I do not think OP knows which girl at what time has given it to him so the whole idea of going back is not only silly but rather uninformed and in some way even retarded.

  5. Ok i got the impression that you think i am a troll, or someone quite strange, ok that's fine...

    But the reason i would want a relationship with someone with the same illness is not for unprotected sex more of the keeping healthy and other stuff having that extra bond after finding that right one, i am not just going to get with anybody! she has to be special, she will be lucky because if she wants the same as me she will have it ;]

    Sorry if i sound trollish but i know there's no going back now, i got HIV but i don't see the signs of it so that's why i must come across a little careless it's not going away i know i have kicked myself all ready many times and yes it's my fault, When i first found out i search the net like crazy everything and any to do with HIV, i have done my homework,

    I never payed extra to not use a comdom and i all ways wore one when asked i was just a young slightly foolish sexy man that got drunk with a different bird every night coming out of the nightclubs at 6 or 7 am not really thinking about HIV,

    I do have an account here connected to my facebook and twitter with many followers and a business online, none of my family know about my illness that's why I am using a trow away account some unknown users Wifi and a double VPN.

    Anyway ill find her somehow!!!! not everyone that comes out with crazy comments is a troll

    Thanks for some of the positive comments



    Thailand does not have support groups for HIV people, none that I am aware of.

    I would still say open a Facebook group. Do not have to be under your real name and do not need to have a photo .

    You can set conditions for joining to produce medical certificate prior to approval to the group to avoid impostors

    Have it as a closed , private group, not only it will help your course but also perhaps offer some moral support for other people in the same boat .

    OP, from what you write you managed to deal with this in a positive way, sort if speak , keep in mind there are hundreds of others who really struggle.

    You should really consider offering support to others .

    And I say again, ignore the righteous preaches, Thailand is not short of them

  6. Then my suggestion is to talk to a realtor or contact a publication like Pattaya Trader, I bet they could help you.

    Talk to a realtor to get charged a surcharge? Or what does Pattaya trader has to do with photographers?

  7. I do not really want to use Thai photographer again, because he was a pain to work with

    Because ONE Thai photographer that you used four years ago was (according to you) a pain to work with (a feeling he may have shared regarding you), that means you've written off everyone who does photography and is Thai?

    Wow. And you're a foreigner in Thailand dealing in (i.e. making money) selling Thai real estate. I don't know which is worse, your bigotry or the fact you apparently can't fathom the whole concept of prejudice where you generalize one supposed bad experience in order to dismiss everyone of Thai nationality holding a camera.

    I did not ask for an opinion for my choices,

    I asked if anyone knew one.

    Do you?

  8. What kind of pictures you need ? And do you need a real studio ?

    Real estate, photo's of rooms.

    Why would you need a professional to do this? Websites and re magazines do not require high resolution photos and the most basic of dslr cameras with a wide angle lens can easily produce what you need. Also, you are in control of the situation and can direct, "get that junk off the kitchen counter", etc.

    Why would you need a professional to do this?

    Because this is what i wantwai.gif

  9. Hello everyone.

    DO not know if this is correct forum, if not please move to where ever it fits

    I am trying to find or does anyone know a photographer or stuido in Pattaya that charges reasonable rates and are not bad at their job?

    When i say reasonable price, some 4 years ago i paid 2000 baht for 20 pics(job was done by Thai)

    Today , had a foreigner quote me 8000 baht for the same 20 pics.

    Do not know about going rates for photography, but 8000 baht for 2 hours work sounds a bit too much.

    I do not really want to use Thai photographer again, because he was a pain to work with and pics while good, not the best.

    So anyone with knowledge or experience, please advise or direct in the right direction

    Thank you

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