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Posts posted by Ws93

  1. What still surprises me is being stopped on the street and being asked what race am I or listening to a debate that kicks in after I walk into a 7/11 about me being half Thai or not.

    Also I suspect my cousin stole my sun glasses and he also started wearing my shoes.

    Having a 15 year old friend of my cousin hold my hand to cross the road. Not a particularly big or busy road either.

    • Like 1
  2. My cousin I know he is genuinely racist towards Indians and blacks. He was purposefully swearing any time a possible (read Sourh Asian) "Muslim" or black person walked/rode by. I know his mates are also racist towards blacks and South Asians. His mates started saying they dislike farang despite the Luk Kreung (me) sitting right next to them.

    They've seen farang but not been exposed to them fully.

    I'm thick skinned towards racism anyway. Thai jokes towards me, sister and mother, mixed race racism and pretty much seen as a foreigner no matter where I go.

  3. I can't answer 3 but my mother was a good mum and genuinely loves my dad. She worked as a hair dresser when she met my dad and now works as a manager in Marriott.

    She wasn't a bar girl etc but she did marry young. My cousins all work as accounts and are interested in farang men, not their money. Their friends as well are all lovely.

    Their kindness runs in the family and looks after me well, going as far to stop me from spending as well and use their money. Not all Thai women are the same. I know from experience.

  4. Hello, I wish to change my surname to my mothers Thai surname for various including personal reasons. On my Thai birth certificate its got my English surname and I wish to change it to my mothers Thai surname, so Thai surname in Thailand, English in England.

    What is the process of changing my surname? Where do I need to go, who do I go to and do I need my mothers permission?

  5. Having a western surname should not make any difference. My wife has had by surname since the day we got married and has had no problems purchasing land and etc. She even got elected as village head and served in the position for 5 years.

    I think you may not be correct in your thinking about having to enter England with a visa. There are ways to get around having different names on your passports when departing Thailand. You only have to show your UK passport on check in for your flight out of the country.

    Okay thank you. I was told my the Thai officials at the embassy that entering Thailand with a Thai surname and leaving Thailand with a British surname would cause problems at the airport due to mixed surnames and of course identity concerns about me.

  6. Don't have one yet, will do in December. Hence why I ask this question. I'm concerned about bias towards half Thais with western surnames.

    A Thai surname means I have to enter England with a visa due to different name passports. Even though I have dual nationality. To enter Wngland, my home country, I need to get a visa which would cause problems.

  7. Hey, I found a good cheap flight to Thailand via Areoflot but it stops at Sheremetyevo. Now I've heard stories about this airport and Russia itself.

    I'm worried about losing my baggage, potential weather causing delays, extra charges (bribes) etc. I'm going on a single ticket to Suvarnabhumi. I don't mind about no inflight entertainment.

    I'm getting a certificate from Thai embassy London so I enter Thailand as a Thai citizen, I'm worried this might cause problems for me.

  8. It isn't that simple, my sister has had a huge fallout with our Thai parent a few years ago, still damaged now. Does it always have to be a Thai parent to recognize the child as Thai? Surely that if I have Thai citizenship then that must mean my sister is Thai as well? Same Thai parent etc.

    Even on the Thai birth certificate registration, it says to write down your family size etc, who the mother and father is. My sister has the same surname as me, so it must be possible to look at my documents I have given them to prove my sister is half Thai as well?

    I'm just trying to think ahead for my sister.

  9. Hello,

    I know for a half-Thai, we need the Thai parent's consent or as proof of evidence that we are half-thai to get the Thai birth certificate, I just like to know that if something did happen to my Thai parent aka death for example, is it possible for me to help give my sister Thai nationality if she wishes so in the future?

    I just like to give her the option in the future if she wishes to change her mind. I just think that it would be a shame if she was locked out of the option completely if something did happen to our Thai parent.

    Thank you.

  10. 23 year old leuk kreung kid I know studied in the UK, got a degree in, International Business & Management, she has just secured a post grad job in the Uk for 26k per year.

    Why would you want to study at Thamma?

    Put simple, one of my parents had a gambling problem, financial issues plagued both my parents and now my mother wants to go back home to Thailand

    Wow, thanks for your honesty, certainly puts things into perspective, makes my problems appear trivial.

    Best of luck to you.

    I have two Thai friends who work in a large hotel in Bkk, they tell me all their work is conducted in English, even the computer system the hotel uses is all in English.

    Why bother lying? I've always appreciated honesty so I return it myself.

    The gambling issue is the main problem which severely increases its damage and strengthens its grip on my family because of the economy. Unfortunately the damage is done, my parent will lose their house in 6 years estimated but can lose it at any time.

    So my mum is going to go back to Thailand. I like to keep specifics quiet on who gambled, who has what problem etc as Its embarrassing and I'm ashamed of it. Also had some family hardships recently which caused major conflicts which have not fully healed. So Thailand would be a fresh new leaf for me. I need a new atmosphere and environment honestly, I've had enough of my family negativity, its been broken for a long time.

    Its not easy watching one of your parents, as much as I hate to say this, slowly kill themselves through drinking, smoking, over-working and other negative bad habits.

    I'm 21, I don't need this negativity, I want a better life than this. I want to afford education without sinking into the ocean of debt, I want a more positive environment and atmosphere etc. I understand I sound selfish but my mother offered me a chance, so I took it.

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  11. 23 year old leuk kreung kid I know studied in the UK, got a degree in, International Business & Management, she has just secured a post grad job in the Uk for 26k per year.

    Why would you want to study at Thamma?

    Put simple, one of my parents had a gambling problem, financial issues plagued both my parents and now my mother wants to go back home to Thailand

  12. So I'm going to Thailand in December. I'll be studying in Thammasat so a job in Bangkok would be my best bet.

    I'm a Thai citizen yet can't speak Thai well, so I am aware it's going to be difficult getting a job.

    But what about foreigner bars? Would they recruit me?

    I can not always rely on my family there so I like to e dependant and self-suffienct. I'm working with Marriott right now before I go Thailand so perhaps I can get a reference to work at Marriott in Bangkok.

    I'm 21 so I like to think I am still young and available, I have bar experience and with customers, so perhaps Marriott is my best bet.

    Any advice on job hunting? Thank you.

  13. ^ the difference is that you put yourself in that situation daiyao, to go through all that hassle. Not me. Poor chap.

    You only have yourself to blame. So don't bitch. Don't like it? Stop living in Thailand then, no problems for you.

    I don't choose to be in this situation, I'm moving with my mum to Thailand in December as I'm living with her.

    ooh snarky little bugger...

    Actually I wasn't bitching, my situation is well sorted. I was actually trying to help you look on the bright side but I see you just need to mature a bit and get a broader perspective, Moving here may help... or not.

    It does not help that It was laced with sarcasm.

    If you are trying to help then thank you, I didn't see it. So I apologise.

  14. I think it's more a "lack of identity". I'm pretty divorced from my Thai ancestry and going back to discover it.

    It's the label as well I think. "Luk Kreung". I'm not farang but neither Thai, just a different category.

    Wr will never be a part of any side, just stuck in the middle. Not Thai but not the other foreigner ancestry.

    In the UK, I'm simply seen as Chinese. I look mixed I've been told but skin colour and my semi Asian eyes, I look Asian from afar.

    In Thailand, I'm still seen as a foreigner really, just a different type.

    I think to being different really. I walked into 7/11 once and I was the only customer there. All I could was Luk Kreung luk Kreung.

    In Phitsanulock, I can hear the students saying Luk Kreung. I was the only one "light skinned" in tht shop.

    My cousins in Thailand call me brother, i feel more welcomed and perhaps actually Thai when I'm with them, but I still feel slightly seperated.

    In England, my own nan who is very family oriented even said to my face "you're Thai, you're like your mum, you're more Thai deep down than English". Occasionally my auntie says this as well.

    As I've said, too Asian to be white, too white to be Asian. It's hard I describe really.

    The world is at your feet and you are already a step ahead of most with your better understanding of your origins than the petty nationalistic morons that consider themselves pure and better than you, for they are the ignorant ones.

    Those ignorant ones are the ones that have to homogenize themselves into their own race or nationality because they have no confidence of who they are.

    Now who do you think is the one with the personality disorder? Love yourself for who you are, maintain your integrity and conquer the world. I wish you a great life free to explore the world and free from the shackles of racism and nationalism.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    Thank you, hopefully I won't have to deal with racism. I had some comments thrown at me about my mm being a "bar girl" or son of a Thai "prostitute" who was purchased by a white man.

  15. The OP is feeling marginalised because that's what he is..he is part of a minority group, just like most farang here.

    I guess this is it. Mixed people are in their own separate category, still a minority. It's the label that gets me I guess, it always reminds you that you are different. Never one of "us" or "them".

    Do Luk kreungs fit into Thai society well?

  16. "lack of idenity" you state seems to be your problem.

    I can only ask ...WHY the problem?

    First off ....you must be young and having a hard time figuring where you fit in and what your life plan is going to be! ALL youths have this problem, part of growing up....finding your path and who you are? ....one of the first steps is to "like" who you are, as if you don't like who you are, why would others....be confident.

    Secondly....if you think about it everybody is a "mutt" .....a mix of different races.....even here in Thailand are there really any pure Thai's? What is a pure Thai? Seems to me there is a LOT of Chinese-Thai! Embrace who YOU are....we are ALL different, and mean, bitter, and jealous people are plenty (just look at Thai visa posts)

    Wish you the best in your journey of self discovery!smile.png

    Thank you. This is quite hopeful :)

    I wonder where I will fit in in Thailand. New country, new culture etc. at least I have my family there to help me settle down. Im excited but nervous.

  17. ^ the difference is that you put yourself in that situation daiyao, to go through all that hassle. Not me. Poor chap.

    You only have yourself to blame. So don't bitch. Don't like it? Stop living in Thailand then, no problems for you.

    I don't choose to be in this situation, I'm moving with my mum to Thailand in December as I'm living with her.

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