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Posts posted by mikiea

  1. Sounds like he wanted to practice his Engrish and you obliged.

    The correct action would have been to ask, "Am I being detain or arrested, officer? If not, am I free to go?"

    As far as having been in Thailand for five years without learning any Thai passed hello and thank you -- yes, they are right it is an outrage.

    Would it be OK for a Mexican to move to your hometown in New York and not learn any English? Wait...don't answer that...

  2. In Chiang Mai recently, you were carted off to the police cells, whoever you were, Thai or farang, car or motorbike. You would then appear in court the next working day and be fined 20,000 baht. I didn't have the pleasure, but know people that did. Previously, people had the option of diverting to the ATM to contribute to the RTP's Tetley's tea fund, 10k or more, before a new chief went on a crackdown. Not sure of the MO now.

    Add to that, that you will be deported since you're convicted for a criminal offense.

    Do you know examples of people really being deported for this reason?

    A friend of mine was detained for this in Phuket for a day or two, and got off with a fine.

    Yes I do, in fact I know even about an example of being blacklisted for a few years. There are several examples in Pattaya.

    After all, by immigration law every foreigner convicted in court of a criminal offense will be deported.

    Is drunk driving a criminal offence or a civil offence?

  3. My father had a fatty liver and the doc told him to not drink at all and massive reduce weight.

    He got really slim, doc checked again and fatty liver was complete gone and he got the green light for drinking again burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

    He didn't take any medications. But keep slim.

  4. "He said many farmers had the determination to learn new things but needed someone to guide them to the right path. The project encouraged them to think outside the box and use science-based strategies to solve problems."

    ""For some reason, they kept using the same method that their ancestors did over and over again, even though it was not working," he said."




    Do they ever think before they make statements like this? I doubt it.

  5. Wait ..... is this serious??

    The two policemen are convicted based on the testimony of the girl "victim".

    The girl victim recants, and says her testimony was a lie.

    The courts BELIEVE(!!) that she lied and sentence her to 9 months in jail!

    But they tell the convicted policemen, "Sorry, you should have complained a few years ago" ???

    Thai justice at its best??? :)

  6. i saw the title & thought it would be funny! dude.....why are you doing this? not funny. truly half of us farangs are a little shy of a full deck. are they gunna name their babies after you? what was you reason for doing this, attention maybe? i read your posts, you are very funny. this is not. what happens when a farang finds out it was you they were trying to wet their willy with? hmmmmm..... didnt think of that did ya? :-)

  7. the uk does not want to point fingers like in the tv pics. their own record on rapes & crime in general is so-so at best. the uk lost so much credibility with the middle east people rapeing there young women in a multi year rape fest that the police knew about, but did nothing.yes the uk will keep mouth closed & pretend to not notice the dead couples family weeping. stiff upper lip, did i say that right?

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